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Strongman Sanctuary Men's Summer Comp 1st August Nr Dartford Kent

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StrongmanSanctuIconStrongman Sanctuary Men's Summer Comp 2nd August Nr Dartford Kent16-04-2015 @ 12:07 
Member 5733, 19 posts
Post Edited: 16.04.2015 @ 12:16 PM by StrongmanSanctu
Strongman Sanctuary Summer Men's Comp - 2nd August 2015

Mens Novice - Under 105kg

1. Truck Pull - 8 tonne over 20m
2. Log - 75kg reps for reps 60 seconds
3. Hercules Hold - TBC
4. Fingals Finger - TBC
5. Yoke - 220kg over 20m
6. Stones - 60kg, 80kg, 100kg, 110kg, and 120kg

Mens Inters - Under 105kg

1. Truck Pull - 8 tonne over 20m
2. Log - 95kg reps for reps 60 seconds
3. Hercules Hold - TBC
4. Fingals Finger - TBC
5. Yoke - 280kg over 20m
6. Stones - 80kg, 100kg, 110kg, 120kg and 130kg

Mens Novice - Over 105kg

1. Truck Pull - 8 tonne over 20m
2. Log - 85kg reps for reps 60 seconds
3. Hercules Hold - TBC
4. Fingals Finger - TBC
5. Yoke - 250kg over 20m
6. Stones - 60kg, 80kg, 100kg, 120kg and 130kg

Mens Inters Over 105kg

1. Truck Pull - 8 tonne over 20m
2. Log - 110kg reps for reps 60 seconds
3. Hercules Hold - TBC
4. Fingals Finger - TBC
5. Yoke - 300kg over 20m
6. Stones - 80kg, 100kg, 120kg, 130kg and 140kg

£25 entrance fee via PayPal as a gift to
Trophies for the top 3.
T-shirts for all competitors (please state full name and size of t-shirt when paying entrance fee)

The Strongman Sanctuary, Unit 12 West Yoke Farm, Michaels Lane, Ash, Kent, TN15 7EP
Facebook - The-Strongman-Sanctuary
Twitter - @strongmansanc
Jo 07596 332286
hillikerIcon...18-04-2015 @ 07:42 
Member 1025, 1032 posts
just have this as an all out novice comp rather than 4 seperate catergories. Less confusing, more competitors competing against each in 1 comp and you'll save yourself a fortune on trophies.
StrongmanSanctuIcon...18-04-2015 @ 10:26 
Member 5733, 19 posts
Hello! We have separated it up as we have people coming through now who are more going into the Inters category than Novice and its not really fair on the new Novices coming up to not place. Also, it's too easy for the seasoned Novice who needs more of a challenge.

We always have an amazing day when we put on our comps so paying out for the trophies is the least we can do, and we love doing it!
hillikerIcon...18-04-2015 @ 21:58 
Member 1025, 1032 posts
Fair points well made. I apologise
StrongmanSanctuIcon...19-04-2015 @ 08:23 
Member 5733, 19 posts
No need to apologise! They were good questions Happy
PaulHumphreyIcon...19-05-2015 @ 12:15 
Member 5709, 3 posts
Are there any spots left for the novice u105s?
LFBIcon...20-05-2015 @ 15:02 
Member 5652, 2 posts
I'm up for Novice under 105's. Any places left?
MonIcon...26-05-2015 @ 21:08 
Quite a funny Mon
Member 371, 186 posts
SQ 210, BP 172.5, DL 250
632.5 kgs @ 109kgs UnEq
Yeah me too. Trying to find a novice comp or two for this summer and this looks bang on.

LewisboardIcon...26-05-2015 @ 23:34 
Member 5721, 9 posts
SQ 325, BP 170, DL 307.5
802.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
The novice u105 look good for my first and you guys are local-ish reckon there will be spots left on Friday when I get paid ?
adambowlingIcon...04-06-2015 @ 08:08 
Member 4720, 15 posts
SQ 260, BP 160, DL 260
680.0 kgs @ 145kgs Eq
Any spaces for over 105 inters?
chrisgearingIcon...18-06-2015 @ 19:06 
Member 1802, 7 posts
SQ 385, BP 275, DL 400
1060.0 kgs @ 155kgs Eq
Can you put reggie smith down for over 105 intera mate
StrongmanSanctuIcon...11-07-2015 @ 13:42 
Member 5733, 19 posts
PaulHumphrey said:Are there any spots left for the novice u105s?

Sorry for the late reply, I'm not sure if you contacted us via FB (hopefully you did) but the unders novice is full, sorry.
StrongmanSanctuIcon...11-07-2015 @ 13:43 
Member 5733, 19 posts
LFB said:I'm up for Novice under 105's. Any places left?

Sorry for the late reply, I'm not sure if you contacted us via FB (hopefully you did) but the unders novice is full, sorry.
StrongmanSanctuIcon...11-07-2015 @ 13:43 
Member 5733, 19 posts
Lewisboard said:The novice u105 look good for my first and you guys are local-ish reckon there will be spots left on Friday when I get paid ?

Sorry for the late reply, I'm not sure if you contacted us via FB (hopefully you did) but the unders novice is full, sorry.
StrongmanSanctuIcon...11-07-2015 @ 13:44 
Member 5733, 19 posts
adambowling said:Any spaces for over 105 inters?

Sorry for the late reply, there are still spaces, check out the FB page to book!


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