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Sheiko - Bench only

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just_tIcon...11-11-2008 @ 14:22 
Member 164, 5028 posts
SQ 170, BP 135, DL 230
535.0 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
My great gains from pausing every rep. Give it 8 weeks
CarlIcon...11-11-2008 @ 14:35 
Loves rugby league ...
Member 13, 14460 posts
SQ 230, BP 180.5, DL 262.5
673.0 kgs @ 128kgs UnEq
i wasnt planning on taking it easy on squats and deads to be honest pal, i just fancied giving sheiko a go for my bench, squat and deads stay the same
IainKendrickIcon...11-11-2008 @ 14:39 
some nice relaxing jazz.
Member 77, 12599 posts
SQ 265, BP 165, DL 280
710.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
Carl said:
i wasnt planning on taking it easy on squats and deads to be honest pal, i just fancied giving sheiko a go for my bench, squat and deads stay the same

I knew that's what you planned, but some of these progams are bench specalist ones that are meant to be done with only a maintenance level of sq/dl training. Just puttin it out there!
PhilKlidarasIcon...11-11-2008 @ 15:16 
Cut him some slack, he is an american
Member 311, 1751 posts
the one i typed up is the bench specialist one...not a general PL programme for all 3 lifts!!!!!!!

for that go over to Elite, type in Sheiko in hte Q and A and it should come uo with a whole bunch of stuff, alternatively, i posted a link to tha stuff in Madcap's log a few pages back
CarlIcon...11-11-2008 @ 15:25 
Loves rugby league ...
Member 13, 14460 posts
SQ 230, BP 180.5, DL 262.5
673.0 kgs @ 128kgs UnEq
what im after is a sheiko esqe routine i can use on bench, whilst doing more conventional things on squat and deadlift
just_tIcon...11-11-2008 @ 15:29 
Member 164, 5028 posts
SQ 170, BP 135, DL 230
535.0 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
ill send u my spreadsheets when ur online! just do the best part and do whatever else u want on the rest
TannhauserIcon...11-11-2008 @ 15:44 
fighting woo with woo
Member 206, 1491 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 165, DL 260
652.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
aaron_lohan said:
Tannhauser said:

Carl, I used a 'beginner' Sheiko for four weeks and made some progress on bench. Then the second time around on Sheiko, I made no progress on bench at all Unhappy . I found the poundages a bit light on both cycles and was constantly adjusting them upwards.

In my opinion this is the biggest mistake- taking a program then changing it, the percentages are set that way for a reason, you change the program and its effectiveness will reduce. The weights may feel light for a reason.

I know what you're saying, but there was some thought behind the changes. The squat poundages were kept spot on the original program, but it was apparent on cycle one that the bench was really *too* light. There's got to be some flexibility in a program for individual differences. For me, my 1RM bench is low compared to my rep work and there was just no challenge in it. I adjusted a lot on cycle one and made good progress. I adjusted somewhat less on cycle 2 and made no progress.

I believe Sheiko himself and Eric Talment emphasise the need for an element of taiiloring. But again, I know what you're saying, there is a tendency to customise every routine beyond recognition.
PhilKlidarasIcon...11-11-2008 @ 17:11 
Cut him some slack, he is an american
Member 311, 1751 posts
you hit the nail on the head....he does mention the need to tailor the programmes as one sees fit, they aren't a one size fits all type of deal
RickIcon...11-11-2008 @ 20:20 
I am a bench-only guy
Member 3, 10040 posts
SQ 185, BP 175, DL 235
595.0 kgs @ 140kgs UnEq
Carl said:
Rick said:
What, is the bench routine you're using at the moment not working for you?

if i do the same routine twice it looses its effectiveness, do you not feel the same?

Hasn't done for me so far on this one (third run through last time, will start a fourth in mid-December)...
mozIcon...26-09-2010 @ 15:44 
Feasting on humble pie.
Member 51, 1692 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 185, DL 272.5
685.0 kgs @ 90.4kgs UnEq
There's a Sheiko 5 day bench routine knocking around anyone got it?
Ben_Tricky_BurgessIcon...26-09-2010 @ 19:17 
Member 86, 297 posts
Try posting this on the BMF Sports Sheiko forum. That's one I havnt got but I bet my mate battista has.

Wihout seeing it I would guess though that it's an MS or maybe MSIC program
SteveIcon...26-09-2010 @ 21:48 
nothing to hide, please follow my life on webcam
Member 255, 3732 posts
aaron_lohan said:
In my opinion this is the biggest mistake- taking a program then changing it, the percentages are set that way for a reason, you change the program and its effectiveness will reduce. The weights may feel light for a reason.

In my opinion the worst thing you can do is blindly follow a programme written by somebody else, for somebody else. You need to learn to taylor and adapt programmes to suit your own needs. I can't remember any time when we've actually followed a programme without significantly altering it along the way to make it more suitable.
mozIcon...27-09-2010 @ 07:17 
Feasting on humble pie.
Member 51, 1692 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 185, DL 272.5
685.0 kgs @ 90.4kgs UnEq
Ben_Tricky_Burgess said:Try posting this on the BMF Sports Sheiko forum. That's one I havnt got but I bet my mate battista has.

Wihout seeing it I would guess though that it's an MS or maybe MSIC program

Didn't know there was a Sheiko forum, sweet Happy
mozIcon...27-09-2010 @ 07:27 
Feasting on humble pie.
Member 51, 1692 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 185, DL 272.5
685.0 kgs @ 90.4kgs UnEq
Ben_Tricky_Burgess said:Try posting this on the BMF Sports Sheiko forum. That's one I havnt got but I bet my mate battista has.

Wihout seeing it I would guess though that it's an MS or maybe MSIC program

Didn't know there was a Sheiko forum, sweet Happy
Ben_Tricky_BurgessIcon...27-09-2010 @ 12:06 
Member 86, 297 posts
Steve said:
In my opinion the worst thing you can do is blindly follow a programme written by somebody else, for somebody else. You need to learn to taylor and adapt programmes to suit your own needs. I can't remember any time when we've actually followed a programme without significantly altering it along the way to make it more suitable.

It very much depends what you're altering IMO. Assistance excersise selection? No worries I agree completely. If a program calls for a ton of board press work but you're weak off the chest it makes sense to switch up. Changing %'ages or set/rep schemes can completely change the nature (and potential effectiveness) of the program though.

For example, Sheiko cycles are set up according to a simple but mathematically precise wave loading formula (i know thats not very 'cool' according to current training fashions). Blindly messing about with the volume or intensity (based on 'feel' or perceived needs or whatever) almost always leads to poorer results in my experience.

After all, the loading/vol/intensity was generally arrived at after significant experiementation on different protocols during the Soviet era, and not many people know better than one of the most (the most?) sucessful PL coaches of all time. Happy


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