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Road to Wales strongest man 2013 ...........competing in not winning of :D

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ystradboy79IconRoad to Wales strongest man 2013 ...........competing in not winning of :D09-10-2012 @ 22:57 
Chris 'The Magician' Melling
Member 1443, 978 posts
SQ 270, BP 180, DL 320
770.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
Right here we go_

My name is Chris Melling , been competing since 2010 and just moving into the opens ( just lol ) , been meaning to start a journal for ages but never get round to it , will do my best to keep updating it but have been known to get bored of such things so no promises Happy

Last nights Deadlift session ( 8/10/2013 )

Went to the gym with the sole intention of setting a new pb , I should mention that I suffered a herniated disc in feb of this year so this is actually a post injury pb , ive left my old numbers up next to my avatar as it was too depressing to change them.

10 mins of bodyweight warmups and stretches ( neglected stretching in the past which no doubt was a factor in the disc popping )

3x10 warmup sets with 60k

2x4 sets 100k

1x2 sets 140k

1x 180k

1x 220k

1x260 pb _ felt easy nice and smooth with no hitch.

1x280 FAIL! previous felt so easy I got ahead of myself , broke the floor nice and quick but then felt myself rounding as the bar got to my knees , in the past I would have just ground it out but thats how I got injured so bailed out.

1x270 FAIL! Didnt even break the floor lol , my mate got me phsyched up for this but when it came to it my heart wasnt in it , aware that I rounded out on previous weight and tbh I was happy with the new pb so backed off before it really started.

2x10 60k warm down

Did some fairly light assistance work , seated rows on a hammer strength type machine and pull downs on same type , 4 sets of around 10 reps on each ,just getting the blood pumping tbh.

Really happy with the session , at one point I never thought I would pull 6 plates again so everything is a bonus now , back felt really good and its still good today so no issues from the rounding , just got to remember to take it slowly cos I dont want to ever be in that state again!
Simon_TIcon...09-10-2012 @ 23:09 
Member 1058, 5361 posts
SQ 220, BP 140, DL 294
654.0 kgs @ 106kgs UnEq
Good to see you've started a journal mate, where do you train?
chrisjenkinsIcon...10-10-2012 @ 09:29 
enter the welsh dragon
Member 738, 2297 posts
SQ 372.5, BP 237.5, DL 355
965.0 kgs @ 90kgs Eq
Looks good Chris mate Wink
ystradboy79Icon...10-10-2012 @ 09:32 
Chris 'The Magician' Melling
Member 1443, 978 posts
SQ 270, BP 180, DL 320
770.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
Simon_T said:Good to see you've started a journal mate, where do you train?

Cheers Si mate , yeah gonna do my best to keep up with it , still training down bodytalk Neath , havent done events since july and no plans to start until after xmas , I need to get my gym strength up first and I found I was holding back in the week to save myself for sunday events, are you still training at home mate?
ystradboy79Icon...10-10-2012 @ 09:35 
Chris 'The Magician' Melling
Member 1443, 978 posts
SQ 270, BP 180, DL 320
770.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
chrisjenkins said:Looks good Chris mate Wink

Cheers Mr Jenkins Happy, bout time I started logging my lifts , when you competing next mate?
chrisjenkinsIcon...10-10-2012 @ 11:33 
enter the welsh dragon
Member 738, 2297 posts
SQ 372.5, BP 237.5, DL 355
965.0 kgs @ 90kgs Eq
Post Edited: 10.10.2012 @ 11:33 AM by chrisjenkins
I'll follow this one mate. New gym looks good across the road Wink

Not sure yet mate, still training everything (lol)!
ystradboy79Icon...10-10-2012 @ 16:12 
Chris 'The Magician' Melling
Member 1443, 978 posts
SQ 270, BP 180, DL 320
770.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
chrisjenkins said:I'll follow this one mate. New gym looks good across the road Wink

Not sure yet mate, still training everything (lol)!

New gym is awesome mate ,loads more space , still havent got a decent bar but until I get a decent DL its not an issue Happy

Dont know where you get the energy from mate , I can just about cope with the strongman nevermind throwing in powerlifting and judo! Dynamo Chris fairplay Happy
ystradboy79Icon...10-10-2012 @ 23:21 
Chris 'The Magician' Melling
Member 1443, 978 posts
SQ 270, BP 180, DL 320
770.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq

Overhead session

Total cock up tonight , my turn to cook tonight , basically a beef casserole that should have been ready at 5.30 wasnt served up till 6.45!! , by the time I had wolfed it down it was gone 7 and I was rammed , I always train the last hour that the gym is open 8 till 9 so like to have my food in me by 6.30 ,in hindsight I should have just done some pasta up and saved the casserole for after training but it smelled sooooo nice I couldnt help myself Tongue

Still felt bloated at 8.15 when I got to the gym but decided to train anyway Roll-Eyes

By the time I had warmed up and stretched it was nearly 8.30 so only half hour to train ffs

Strict press into push press - On each set I do a certain number of strict reps followed by PP before racking the bar

60k x 6 + 4

60k x 6 + 4

80k x 4 + 2

90k x 4 + 2

100k x 4 + 2 Fail! Got 3 strict and 1 PP , didnt feel explosive at all.

105k x 2 + 1 Fail! Missed first strict , got 2 pp but messy

100k x 4 + 2 Fail! Had a spasm at bottom of lat on first rep so backed off

Stretched out for 5 mins and lat felt fine but by this point my head was shot lol , only had about 5 mins left before gym closed so stripped the bar down to 60k and repped out to finish off

60k x 14 + 4 just repping out to get the blood pumping and actually feel like I had trained but tbh I should have just missed tonight and trained tomorrow instead , never mind live and learn , strength was down ( due to food in gut) ,didnt get half of what I wanted to get done and no time for assistance work either Unhappy

On the plus side the casserole was stunning so every cloud eh Grin
Simon_TIcon...11-10-2012 @ 08:17 
Member 1058, 5361 posts
SQ 220, BP 140, DL 294
654.0 kgs @ 106kgs UnEq
ystradboy79 said:
Cheers Si mate , yeah gonna do my best to keep up with it , still training down bodytalk Neath , havent done events since july and no plans to start until after xmas , I need to get my gym strength up first and I found I was holding back in the week to save myself for sunday events, are you still training at home mate?

Yes mate still do most of my work at home, maybe ill pop over for a session.
ystradboy79Icon...11-10-2012 @ 09:40 
Chris 'The Magician' Melling
Member 1443, 978 posts
SQ 270, BP 180, DL 320
770.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
Simon_T said:
Yes mate still do most of my work at home, maybe ill pop over for a session.

More than welcome mate , be good to catch up Happy
ystradboy79Icon...12-10-2012 @ 21:31 
Chris 'The Magician' Melling
Member 1443, 978 posts
SQ 270, BP 180, DL 320
770.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 12.10.2012 @ 21:31 PM by ystradboy79

Leg session

After Wednesdays balls up I was determined to have a good one tonight , had my food nice and early and got down the gym at 6.30 ( closes at 8 on a Friday ) new belt came in the post today and it felt really nice so eager to get some heavy squats in to start off ..............walk in and someones doing rows in the rack! $%££"£$D I said Happy Never mind , warmed up and jumped on the leg press first and then 1 set on the hack squat before rack was free, actually worked out nice as I got a good stretch on , anyway heres the session -

10 mins warmup and stretching

Leg press (45 degree)

6 x 4 plates ( each side )

6 x 4 plates

6 x 5 plates

4 x 6 plates

4 x 6 plates

Rack still occupied so onto hack squats

6 x 2 plates

Rack now free so ditched the hacks before anyone else claimed the rack


60k x 4 felt really explosive and smooth after my extended warmup

100k x 4

140 x 4

160 x 4

170 x 3 Wanted a double but did an extra as feeling so good

Leg extension and leg curl supersets ( do these every 3 weeks or so )

4 sets of 12 reps medium to heavy ( about 3/4 stack but never bother counting tbh)

Standing calf raises ( again every 3 weeks )

4 sets of around 15 reps again medium heavy , just getting them burning.

Light stretching to finish and more when I got home

Happy with tonight , gonna start doing leg press first I think as the deep stretch really seemed to help my squat , got really deep and didnt feel my lower back wanting to round at the bottom as sometimes happens , the supersets and raises are only thrown in when Im not doing regular events , always feel a bit gay doing them but hey ho Grin
ystradboy79Icon...15-10-2012 @ 22:14 
Chris 'The Magician' Melling
Member 1443, 978 posts
SQ 270, BP 180, DL 320
770.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq

Deadlift session

Felt really good tonight , ate well all day , had 2 8oz steaks and a huge plate of rice 2 hours before training , no bloating or feeling sluggish so gonna stick to a 2 hour gap from now on.

Plan was to hit deads first and then do some assistance work afterwards , got down the gym and my mate was doing squats in the rack , now the way its laid out the only place to pull deads without f**kwits getting in the way is either in or in front of the rack so rather than mess about trying to clear an area and get unduly stressed I decided to do the assistance first , nice to change things up a bit anyway Happy

10mins warm up and stretching

Seated rows on hammer strength type machine

2 plates x 8

2 plates x 8

3 plates x 8

3 plates x 8

Pull downs on hammer strength type machine

2 plates x 8

2 plates x 8

3 plates x 8

3 plates x 8

All assistance reps were done very slowly and controlled with focus on squeezing at peak contraction , closest Ill get to a bodybuilding workout Tongue


60k x 10

60k x 10

100k x 3

140k x 3

180k x 3

200k x 3

220k x 3

230k x 1

240k x 1

250k x 1 felt easy , nice and smooth with no hitch

100k x 10 really slow reps to warm down and stretch out

Happy with tonight , not a great deal of volume but def quality , working on a bas***disation/hybrid of westside whilst still training by feel ,looked at wendler 531 but too strict for my liking , emotional lot us Welsh see Happy
Wayne_CowdreyIcon...15-10-2012 @ 23:51 
Still got a little bit of strength
Member 400, 22360 posts
Good luck with your training Happy
ystradboy79Icon...16-10-2012 @ 09:10 
Chris 'The Magician' Melling
Member 1443, 978 posts
SQ 270, BP 180, DL 320
770.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
Wayne_Cowdrey said:Good luck with your training Happy

Cheers Wayne mate Happy
ystradboy79Icon...16-10-2012 @ 23:25 
Chris 'The Magician' Melling
Member 1443, 978 posts
SQ 270, BP 180, DL 320
770.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq

Overhead session

Felt good tonight but that soon changed after about 15 mins of my session , my pressing has gone down hill and Im not sure what to do to fix it , previously if I missed just 1 sess then my OH would suffer but I had 2 weeks off in sept whilst on my hols and came back to find myself equaling my pb with ease but since then it seems to have dropped every week Unhappy Anyway here goes

10 mins warm up and stretching

Strict press into PP

65k x 6 + 4

65k x 6 + 4

85k x 4 + 2 -only just got this , timing on PP was all over the place!

Feeling really frustrated at this point as everything was feeling extra heavy , decided to ditch the stricts and go straight into PP pretty much just to get my head back on and keep motivated


100k x 4 -again only just , felt like I was driving the bar up and forward instead of straight up

105k x 2 - was consciously trying to drive up and back but 2nd rep still went forward , felt like my balance and timing were all out

At this point my head was totally shot , second guessing everything , foot/hand position , decided ( stupidly ) to have a 5 min breather and go for a pb , sometimes this works for me when Im over thinking a lift ........sometimes not


120k x 1 -EPIC FAIL! Barely got past my chin , again went forward and pretty much crash landed back in the rack!

Had a titfull by now so just going through the motions

100k x 4

60k x repped out , think I got 18/19

Seated press ( hammer machine )

Cant go heavy on these as the start position is so low and my arms are so long , last one in gym so nobody to help with the start

1 plate a side x 10

2 plates x 6

2 1/2 plates x 4

2 1/2 plates x 4

Was going to do some dumbell presses but only had 5 mins left and tbh I couldnt be fooked , gonna have to have a think about changing my pressing routine as its obviously not working , technique is shocking so may have to drop the weight right down and maybe press a few times a week till ive got it nailed , anybodys input would be greatly appreciated Happy


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