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Renegade Robson's Ridiculous Road to Ruin

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SparrowIcon...30-05-2012 @ 20:11 
always lookIng for the extra UT2 work.
Member 9, 18279 posts
SQ 210, BP 167.5, DL 260
637.5 kgs @ 103kgs UnEq
Beastly benching! Awesome work.
shanejerIcon...30-05-2012 @ 20:12 
Member 1307, 14110 posts
SQ 355, BP 240, DL 370
965.0 kgs @ 102kgs UnEq
great work robson you hench f**k !
RobboIcon...30-05-2012 @ 21:00 
When I have enough cash, I get a deep tissue.
Member 465, 11029 posts
SQ 240, BP 175, DL 302.5
717.5 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
Cheers fellas.

Dan, no mate, I don't even tuck elbows in I don't think. I use a bit of arch and leg drive but it still feels like I'm 'pressing' most of my benches with my chest and tris really. Need to use my Lara more as they are my strongest asset.

Shane, I don't look hench at the minute. Last couple of days I'm feeling flat! Think it's low carbs, but I do have abzzzz now. Grin

Looked massive in the gym when I left, and hour later looked tiny Unhappy
JamesHIcon...30-05-2012 @ 21:27 
my buttocks hurt
Member 337, 2119 posts
SQ 300, BP 140, DL 305
745.0 kgs @ 125kgs Eq
Interesting change of direction Robbo, good to see you're enjoying it too. Like you, I am in a bit of a trimming down phase (in a effort to be less of a fat s**t for my wedding) - although with different medium-term aims, as I still have a lot more time left in strongman.

I'd love to offer some great sagely advice but, tbh, I have little to offer - you seem to have a very good grip on things as it is. Keep up the good work!
RobboIcon...30-05-2012 @ 22:16 
When I have enough cash, I get a deep tissue.
Member 465, 11029 posts
SQ 240, BP 175, DL 302.5
717.5 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
JamesH said:Interesting change of direction Robbo, good to see you're enjoying it too. Like you, I am in a bit of a trimming down phase (in a effort to be less of a fat s**t for my wedding) - although with different medium-term aims, as I still have a lot more time left in strongman.

I'd love to offer some great sagely advice but, tbh, I have little to offer - you seem to have a very good grip on things as it is. Keep up the good work!

Thanks James. Enjoying just doing what I want to do at the mintue and i guess thats the aim of the game.

Not sure where I will end up but will try and stay strong and in good shape and see what happens
ThingIcon...31-05-2012 @ 10:49 
a large fingered spastic that demolishes plant
Member 89, 31706 posts
SQ 260, BP 220, DL 290
770.0 kgs @ 142kgs UnEq
cracking reps on the benching James
JCIcon...31-05-2012 @ 10:56 
technical retard
Member 172, 36827 posts
SQ 310, BP 205, DL 335
850.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
Thats some lovely benching mate...very strong

That post workout "pumped" look is fantastic Grin....shame it doesnt last Angry
Ben_FIcon...31-05-2012 @ 11:04 
vegetarian with a big deadlift - who would have thought...
Member 340, 13300 posts
SQ 315, BP 190, DL 350
855.0 kgs @ 110kgs UnEq
Nice benchin Robbo, also very nice chinning - 5 x 10 is good going, defo easier the leaner you get.
RobboIcon...31-05-2012 @ 11:21 
When I have enough cash, I get a deep tissue.
Member 465, 11029 posts
SQ 240, BP 175, DL 302.5
717.5 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
Cheers Neil.

Aye traps, and low carb doesnt help. Just had a binge as the diet has broken me!

Cheers Ben. Could knock out 20 chins straight off, but only having a minutes rest made them hard after set 3. Even just a slight drop in bodyweight and you notice how much easier they are.
martinbIcon...31-05-2012 @ 11:22 
Grass fed
Member 1147, 7710 posts
SQ 220, BP 185, DL 272.5
677.5 kgs @ 113kgs UnEq
are you having scheduled carb ups?
RobboIcon...31-05-2012 @ 11:27 
When I have enough cash, I get a deep tissue.
Member 465, 11029 posts
SQ 240, BP 175, DL 302.5
717.5 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
martinb said:are you having scheduled carb ups?

No Martin, which i guess could be the problem. Do you pick a day a week where you carb up?

I just felt like i needed junk and carbs this morning!
martinbIcon...31-05-2012 @ 11:30 
Grass fed
Member 1147, 7710 posts
SQ 220, BP 185, DL 272.5
677.5 kgs @ 113kgs UnEq
Robbo said:
No Martin, which i guess could be the problem. Do you pick a day a week where you carb up?
I just felt like i needed junk and carbs this morning!

yeah, a good time would be after your hardest workout

my mate does IF, and is low carb most of the time, then maybe once a week he would eat 5 bags of donuts, then wake up the next day leaner
JCIcon...31-05-2012 @ 11:31 
technical retard
Member 172, 36827 posts
SQ 310, BP 205, DL 335
850.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
martinb said:are you having scheduled carb ups?

I personally dont think they are needed...
martinbIcon...31-05-2012 @ 11:32 
Grass fed
Member 1147, 7710 posts
SQ 220, BP 185, DL 272.5
677.5 kgs @ 113kgs UnEq
JC said:
martinb said:are you having scheduled carb ups?

I personally dont think they are needed...

as in stay low carb all the time, or eat carbs when you feel you need them?
RobboIcon...31-05-2012 @ 11:32 
When I have enough cash, I get a deep tissue.
Member 465, 11029 posts
SQ 240, BP 175, DL 302.5
717.5 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
martinb said:
yeah, a good time would be after your hardest workout
my mate does IF, and is low carb most of the time, then maybe once a week he would eat 5 bags of donuts, then wake up the next day leaner

I will try that thanks mate. Yesterdays session was tough so maybe thats why I needed to stuff my face.

5 bags of donuts sounds awesome! Grin

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