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JohnIcon...03-09-2018 @ 23:54 
Member 5263, 3492 posts
SQ 260, BP 195, DL 260
715.0 kgs @ 130kgs UnEq
Did a lot of martial arts and worked as a doorman also ran my own free style kick boxing club.

"there was a clever fox and a cat stood on a hill,they heard some hunting dogs coming there way the fox started telling the cat of all the clever ways he could escape,the cat stayed quite,as the dogs came into sight the cat jumped up into the nearest tree, the fox was frozen by indecision and eaten by the dogs,

Keep it simple boxing ,muay thai I tells ya hope you enjoyed the story.
1369philIcon...04-09-2018 @ 07:16 
doesnt work hard enough in the gym
Member 1492, 2138 posts
SQ 170, BP 145, DL 195
510.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq
I’ve been involved in a fair few fights with my last job, there’s less call for it now as a shutter and blind fitter!
The early UFCs showed that if you could take a punch or two and grapple, you would dominate. Almost every fight ends in a wrestle on the floor.
It’s a good idea to be able to block or avoid a punch, but I think the smart money would be on grappling martial arts - probably best to go to a good club with a good local reputation than go to the “best” style
FazcIcon...04-09-2018 @ 08:51 
Sports an extremely muscular arse.
Member 38, 6253 posts
Was out for a few drinks earlier this year chatting to this older guy. His topic of conversation was a Zombie Apocalypse...

He made the 'well intentioned' point that in the event of armageddon my muscles wouldn't get me very far, but his martial arts practice, sword and ninja outfit would put him in a good place.

Weeks later his missus (my masseuse) told me he got mugged on the way back that same night. She was picking bits of gravel out of his face for hours. Amusing.
AdamTIcon...04-09-2018 @ 09:10 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5208 posts
If it were me, I would pick a striking martial art for the street and get the kids into lifting to build the power along with the skill and fitness of something like boxing/kickboxing.

I doubt too many proper BJJ/MMA guys will pick a fight in the streets, so if you're strong and fit, then you will have a decent advantage over many untrained thugs at grappling (provided you have no fear).

I don't claim to be tough by any means, but if someone ever got me on the floor when young, I would try and poke their eyes, dig my nails into their face, bite them or whatever you can do. Fight dirty where possible!

Be a good, humble guy (or girl) and never, EVER start a fight. But honestly, do what ever is necessary to defend yourself if the time comes.
GordyIcon...04-09-2018 @ 10:02 
Member 5418, 383 posts
Post Edited: 04.09.2018 @ 10:26 AM by Gordy
slimsimIcon...04-09-2018 @ 10:51 
My asshole is not watertight.
Member 2926, 6051 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 107.5, DL 225
550.0 kgs @ 86kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 04.09.2018 @ 12:30 PM by slimsim
Gordy said:.

I'd f**king love to know what's going on with Gordy's post!! Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
AdamTIcon...04-09-2018 @ 11:07 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5208 posts
slimsim said:
I'd f**king love to know what's going on with Gory's post!! Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin

I have noticed it too. they are edited after posted! Maybe he is secret service or something Grin
JohnIcon...04-09-2018 @ 16:25 
Member 5263, 3492 posts
SQ 260, BP 195, DL 260
715.0 kgs @ 130kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 04.09.2018 @ 16:26 PM by John
Fazc said:Was out for a few drinks earlier this year chatting to this older guy. His topic of conversation was a Zombie Apocalypse...

He made the 'well intentioned' point that in the event of armageddon my muscles wouldn't get me very far, but his martial arts practice, sword and ninja outfit would put him in a good place.

Weeks later his missus (my masseuse) told me he got mugged on the way back that same night. She was picking bits of gravel out of his face for hours. Amusing.

Love this I don't think we talk about zombie apocalypses enough.
JohnIcon...04-09-2018 @ 16:30 
Member 5263, 3492 posts
SQ 260, BP 195, DL 260
715.0 kgs @ 130kgs UnEq
AdamT said:If it were me, I would pick a striking martial art for the street and get the kids into lifting to build the power along with the skill and fitness of something like boxing/kickboxing.

I doubt too many proper BJJ/MMA guys will pick a fight in the streets, so if you're strong and fit, then you will have a decent advantage over many untrained thugs at grappling (provided you have no fear).

I don't claim to be tough by any means, but if someone ever got me on the floor when young, I would try and poke their eyes, dig my nails into their face, bite them or whatever you can do. Fight dirty where possible!

Be a good, humble guy (or girl) and never, EVER start a fight. But honestly, do what ever is necessary to defend yourself if the time comes.

X2 at the end of the day they will show no mercy.
JohnIcon...04-09-2018 @ 16:34 
Member 5263, 3492 posts
SQ 260, BP 195, DL 260
715.0 kgs @ 130kgs UnEq
As long as it's not a chi based martial art.
JohnIcon...04-09-2018 @ 16:34 
Member 5263, 3492 posts
SQ 260, BP 195, DL 260
715.0 kgs @ 130kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 04.09.2018 @ 16:35 PM by John
As long as it's not a chi based martial art.or this could be you lol.
AdamTIcon...04-09-2018 @ 18:41 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5208 posts
Post Edited: 04.09.2018 @ 18:42 PM by AdamT
John said:
X2 at the end of the day they will show no mercy.

Strike first
Strike hard
No mercy sir!
slow_lift_joeIcon...04-09-2018 @ 19:12 
Member 6186, 245 posts
Mass, Strength and Skill, not all children have all three early on.
Plus children grow and develop at different rates.

I cannot see Ronda Rousey having an issue with a potential large male attacker either in her Judo days or her MMA days, so skill sometimes is everything.
The arm bar queen but maybe not the best striker.

Interesting to see the different views, thanks for all the opinions so far.Happy
AdamTIcon...04-09-2018 @ 19:35 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5208 posts
slow_lift_joe said:Mass, Strength and Skill, not all children have all three early on.
Plus children grow and develop at different rates.

I cannot see Ronda Rousey having an issue with a potential large male attacker either in her Judo days or her MMA days, so skill sometimes is everything.
The arm bar queen but maybe not the best striker.

Interesting to see the different views, thanks for all the opinions so far.Happy

What if the male attacker had an 80 inch reach with speed and power. One shot and shes out.
slow_lift_joeIcon...04-09-2018 @ 21:08 
Member 6186, 245 posts
Adam, fair point, your right.
If the attacker has all that speed and strike force then it is curtains.

We can only be the best we can be, and develop and learn.
All of us can be beaten, my point is the average attacker with average ability can be beaten by a more skilful or trained person in most cases depending on the environment, and no weapons etc, in a one on one attack.

Holly Holm did a good striking job on Rousey.

Fair point Adam.


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