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Pressing sessions: Road to a paused 200kg bench & more

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hifiloverIcon...17-02-2014 @ 22:38 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
stephen9069 said:
Sounds like a good idea mate, im suffering with deads have absolutely no motivation for them what so ever

Neither have I but seeing as squats are s**t I might as well try and hammer it out on deads and leg press etc...
hifiloverIcon...18-02-2014 @ 17:39 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
Tuesday 18th Feb 2014:


Reverse grip pull-downs:

20 x 100lbs
20 x 140lbs
10 x 200lbs
6 x 250lbs
8 x 180lbs
8 x 120lbs

Hammer strength rows:

8 x 80kg
8 x 120kg
8 x 160kg
8 x 160kg

Dumbbell rows:

8 x 115lbs
6 x 136lbs
6 x 136lbs
5 x 136lbs

Rack lock-outs (bar just above knee height) using hook grip:

10 x 140kg
6 x 190kg
5 x 230kg
3 x 270kg
2 x 300kg

Thumbs are wrecked and shredded my right thumb right down the side of the nail Unhappy

Very wide grip lat pull-downs (drop-set and every rep squeezed for 'the pump): Grin

12 x 120lbs
10 x 180lbs
8 x 140lbs
6 x 120lbs
6 x 80lbs
stephen9069Icon...18-02-2014 @ 18:57 
Frequents the HOUSE of GAIN.
Member 3836, 4233 posts
SQ 225, BP 200, DL 300
725.0 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
hifilover said:Tuesday 18th Feb 2014:

Very wide grip lat pull-downs (drop-set and every rep squeezed for 'the pump Grin

Solid session mate and noticed a few key words there lol
hifiloverIcon...18-02-2014 @ 19:42 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 18.02.2014 @ 22:00 PM by hifilover
Haha... Yup! Grin

Training with a body builder every so often at the gym and it's right in what they say; you really do feel it more when you squeeze every rep and hold it for a few seconds etc...

I've noticed my lats are getting bigger and rear delts are evening out whereas my front shoulders were always out if proportion!

Thumbs a bloody mess after the rack pulls and my grips shot... Still; all them puffs that use straps... Pah Tongue
hifiloverIcon...20-02-2014 @ 19:16 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
Thursday 20th Feb 2014:

Rushed session this afternoon as got to gym late so only had 35mins; felt a bit crap so just hammered out strict presses

Standing oly bar presses (strict):

20 x bar
10 x 60kg
10 x 80kg
5 x 90kg
5 x 100kg
5 x 105kg
5 x 110kg (chuffed to bits with this set) Grin

Seated dumbbell lateral raises:

10 x 36lbs
10 x 46lbs
10 x 52lbs
10 x 58lbs

Seated strict dumbbell presses:

8 x 92lbs
8 x 103lbs
6 x 115lbs
5 x 115lbs

Standing plate raises:

20 x 20kg
15 x 25kg
15 x 25kg
12 x 25kg
stephen9069Icon...20-02-2014 @ 22:10 
Frequents the HOUSE of GAIN.
Member 3836, 4233 posts
SQ 225, BP 200, DL 300
725.0 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
Strong pressing mate 110kg X 5 is quality repping, what's your max strict ?
hifiloverIcon...20-02-2014 @ 22:31 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
stephen9069 said:Strong pressing mate 110kg X 5 is quality repping, what's your max strict ?

Max is 122.5 kg but a long time ago. About a year back now...

May have to challenge it soon!

Shoulders really sore after today's session so may need to wind back a little yet...
hifiloverIcon...21-02-2014 @ 14:14 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
Friday 21st Feb 2014

Another 'in & out' session due to family commitments:


Warm ups:

2 x 20 with 90lbs on Leg extensions

Hack Squats super-set with Leg extensions:

20 x 40kg (weight on frame) - 20 x 100lbs
15 x 60kg (weight on frame) - 15 x 125lbs
12 x 80kg (weight on frame) - 12 x 150lbs

Leg press super-set with SLDL's:

10 x 220kg (weight on frame) - 10 x 100kg
10 x 260kg (weight on frame) - 10 x 120kg
10 x 300kg (weight on frame) - 8 x 140kg


NG Bench super-set with EZ bar curls:

20 x 60kg - 10 x 20kg
10 x 100kg - 10 x 30kg
10 x 120kg - 10 x 40kg
8 x 140kg - 10 x 50kg

Straight bar push-downs super-set with preacher curls:

10 x 30kg - 10 x 40kg
10 x 40kg - 10 x 45kg
10 x 50kg - 10 x 50kg

Reverse grip pull-downs super-set with straight bar curls (non-stop set):

10 x 20kg - 10 x 45kg
10 x 30kg - 10 x 40kg
8 x 40kg - 8 x 35kg

Absolutely blown/knackered and dare I say it; pumped Grin

All done in 45mins
hifiloverIcon...22-02-2014 @ 12:31 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
Sat 22nd Fed 2014

Front squats:

20 x bar
10 x 60kg
10 x 80kg
6 x 6 with 100kg

Reverse grip bench press:

20 x 60kg
8 x 100kg
5 x 120kg
5 x 140kg
3 x 150kg
Missed lock-out with 160kg

These felt great; haven't done them in years but a very strange line! Will keep doing them though!
nailsIcon...22-02-2014 @ 16:54 
my wood got all bloody
Member 1001, 5711 posts
SQ 240, BP 160, DL 272.5
672.5 kgs @ 102.5kgs UnEq
Nice job on the reverse grip bench.
hifiloverIcon...22-02-2014 @ 17:45 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
nails said:Nice job on the reverse grip bench.

Thanks; was bloody uncomfortable in the wrists even with my wrist wraps in tight. It'll come with time but wouldn't mind working up to a 180kg reverse grip bench max... Would be a big press!
hifiloverIcon...24-02-2014 @ 20:53 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
Monday 24th Feb 2014



40 x bar
10 x 60kg
10 x 100kg
8 x 140kg

Slingshot on:

8 x 180g
4 x 190kg
4 x 200kg
2 x 212.5kg

Flat dumbbell press:

8 x 115lbs
8 x 136lbs
5 x 136lbs

Incline bench:

10 x 60kg
8 x 100kg
6 x 120kg
8 x 100kg
17 x 60kg (to failure)

Pec deck super-set with dips:

4 x 12 x 170lbs - 12 x body weight
stephen9069Icon...25-02-2014 @ 11:21 
Frequents the HOUSE of GAIN.
Member 3836, 4233 posts
SQ 225, BP 200, DL 300
725.0 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
How's the shoulder feeling mate it's certainly not slowing your benching down 140 x 8 is awesome, is that done with your altered grip ?
hifiloverIcon...25-02-2014 @ 11:45 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
stephen9069 said:How's the shoulder feeling mate it's certainly not slowing your benching down 140 x 8 is awesome, is that done with your altered grip ?

Tight bit not that sore... Eases off but then comes back to haunt me every so often so just taking ibuprofen when necessary etc...

140 x 8 was fairly straight forward; have knocked out more before but this is with a narrower grip and they felt fine Happy
stephen9069Icon...25-02-2014 @ 15:15 
Frequents the HOUSE of GAIN.
Member 3836, 4233 posts
SQ 225, BP 200, DL 300
725.0 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 25.02.2014 @ 15:16 PM by stephen9069
hifilover said:
Tight bit not that sore... Eases off but then comes back to haunt me every so often so just taking ibuprofen when necessary etc...
140 x 8 was fairly straight forward; have knocked out more before but this is with a narrower grip and they felt fine Happy

I know what you mean abou it coming back to haunt you it's more annoying than anything but like previously mentioned it ain't slowing you down at all. And 180kg reverse would be immense lol.


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