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Pressing sessions: Road to a paused 200kg bench & more

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hifiloverIcon...13-02-2014 @ 20:34 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 13.02.2014 @ 20:37 PM by hifilover
I'm wondering whether deads were the right thing to do?!

Thumbs are killing me with using hook grip; thumbnails feel like they've been flattened... Really happy with how my grip strength doesn't seem to have suffers too much with not training it or deadlifting heavy for nearly a year (heavy for me)!

All I had time for, for biceps so will finish them off tomorrow after shoulders & triceps Grin
stephen9069Icon...13-02-2014 @ 21:59 
Frequents the HOUSE of GAIN.
Member 3836, 4233 posts
SQ 225, BP 200, DL 300
725.0 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
Can't you alternate your grip or use straps, iv tried using hook grip once and never again lol.
hifiloverIcon...13-02-2014 @ 22:32 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
stephen9069 said:Can't you alternate your grip or use straps, iv tried using hook grip once and never again lol.

I've never used straps and never will (although they make good kindling)! Wink

Alternate grip pulls too much on my shoulder and I find it harder to lock out too..

Hook grip is great; just haven't used it in ages so thumbs have gone soft again! Will get some tape and wrap the knuckles next time Grin
stephen9069Icon...14-02-2014 @ 13:18 
Frequents the HOUSE of GAIN.
Member 3836, 4233 posts
SQ 225, BP 200, DL 300
725.0 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
hifilover said:
I've never used straps and never will (although they make good kindling)! Wink
Alternate grip pulls too much on my shoulder and I find it harder to lock out too..
Hook grip is great; just haven't used it in ages so thumbs have gone soft again! Will get some tape and wrap the knuckles next time Grin

I cant hook grip or alternate grip so have to DOH then use straps lol
hifiloverIcon...14-02-2014 @ 14:45 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
stephen9069 said:
I cant hook grip or alternate grip so have to DOH then use straps lol

Why cant you hook grip?!

It's easy to learn; just takes a good few sessions for your thumbs to get used to being flattened lol Grin
hifiloverIcon...14-02-2014 @ 16:58 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
Friday 14th Feb 2014:

Shoulder was very sore today; just seems to come and go pain wise but took no ibuprofen or anything today so prob not best idea!


Standing dumbbell lateral raises:

20 x 15lbs
20 x 25lbs
20 x 35lbs
14 x 45lbs
15 x 50lbs

Seated dumbbell shoulder press:

10 x 80lbs (30secs rest between sets)
10 x 80lbs
10 x 80lbs
10 x 80lbs

Seated dumbbell front raises:

20 x 20lbs
20 x 30lbs
15 x 35lbs

Seated shoulder press machine (sat on it facing in to the machine):

20 x 60lbs
20 x 80lbs
16 x 100lbs

Oly bar upright rows:

3 x 10 with 60kg


NG Bench:

20 x 60kg
20 x 80kg
20 x 100kg
14 x 120kg

Tri pushdowns:

20 x 15kg
16 x 30kg
12 x 45kg

Standing OH barbell extensions:

20 x 20kg
20 x 25kg
20 x 30kg
stephen9069Icon...14-02-2014 @ 18:45 
Frequents the HOUSE of GAIN.
Member 3836, 4233 posts
SQ 225, BP 200, DL 300
725.0 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
Thats a lot of pressing mate and a lot of reps your shoulders going to feel that one tomorrow.
hifiloverIcon...14-02-2014 @ 19:08 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
TBH pal I find it very hard, if at all, to get 'the pump' in my shoulders whereas any other part I never struggle.

Unsure if it's because of the pain I'm suffering so it stops me from going too hard at it or if it's just one of those things...

I've got a pal that can train his chest until the cows come home and he's lost all strength before he feels the pump etc...


Triceps were well blown though and legs are really beginning to hurt now from yesterday...!

Nice weekend relaxing then I'm gonna have a bash at benching with the slingshot on, on Monday/Tuesday to see if that'll take the pressure away from my shoulder as it's designed to do so!
stephen9069Icon...15-02-2014 @ 07:55 
Frequents the HOUSE of GAIN.
Member 3836, 4233 posts
SQ 225, BP 200, DL 300
725.0 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
hifilover said:TBH pal I find it very hard, if at all, to get 'the pump' in my shoulders whereas any other part I never struggle.

Unsure if it's because of the pain I'm suffering so it stops me from going too hard at it or if it's just one of those things...

I've got a pal that can train his chest until the cows come home and he's lost all strength before he feels the pump etc...


Triceps were well blown though and legs are really beginning to hurt now from yesterday...!

Nice weekend relaxing then I'm gonna have a bash at benching with the slingshot on, on Monday/Tuesday to see if that'll take the pressure away from my shoulder as it's designed to do so!

Have you tried smashing lateral and front raises or even up right rows for stupid reps to see if you can get that "Pump" lol my shoulders die really quick but im the same for chest when i bench it does nothing i have to hit it hard with pec deck and cables to feel anything.
hifiloverIcon...17-02-2014 @ 21:02 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
Monday 17th Feb 2014

Chest session tonight; wanted to see how shoulder would hold up with benching using a narrower grip than normal but not as narrow as I use for tricep NG benching...

Bench (all paused reps):

50 x bar
10 x 60kg
10 x 100kg
8 x 140kg
5 x 160kg
3 x 170kg

Slingshot on

5 x 5 with 180kg (1st and last rep paused each set)

Dumbbell flat bench:

12 x 92lbs
12 x 115lbs
10 x 136lbs
8 x 136lbs

Cable crossovers:

12 x 100lbs
12 x 80lbs
12 x 60lbs

Incline smith machine bench (weight on frame):

15 x frame
10 x frame + 40kg
10 x frame + 60kg
10 x frame + 80kg
8 x frame + 100kg


4 x 12 with body weight

Shoulder felt really good tonight; it's tight now and hurting a little but have taken some ibuprofen to calm that down. Haven't taken any anti inflammatories or pain killers since Friday. Acupuncture seems to have worked better this time around now that I left training for a few days and really pleased with benching so will try similar again next week Grin
stephen9069Icon...17-02-2014 @ 21:22 
Frequents the HOUSE of GAIN.
Member 3836, 4233 posts
SQ 225, BP 200, DL 300
725.0 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
Thats awesome benching mate maybe you should consider keeping with that grip
hifiloverIcon...17-02-2014 @ 21:31 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
stephen9069 said:Thats awesome benching mate maybe you should consider keeping with that grip

Yeah; felt bloody brilliant tbh and strong as an ox!

Will keep at it and see how I get on next week.

My goal currently is to hammer out 10reps with 160kg so I'll not go heavier than that without the slingshot... Next weeks session with the slingshot will prob be 182.5kg or 185kg; sensible and small jumps and keep hammering out the reps

It really does help to take the pressure off my shoulder so will utilise it more as haven't used it properly in ages!
stephen9069Icon...17-02-2014 @ 21:41 
Frequents the HOUSE of GAIN.
Member 3836, 4233 posts
SQ 225, BP 200, DL 300
725.0 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
160kg X 10 would give you a 200kg+ bench press
hifiloverIcon...17-02-2014 @ 21:52 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
stephen9069 said:160kg X 10 would give you a 200kg+ bench press

In theory lol

Just want to keep hammering the reps for now and get this slow build up back... Same with deads etc...
stephen9069Icon...17-02-2014 @ 21:54 
Frequents the HOUSE of GAIN.
Member 3836, 4233 posts
SQ 225, BP 200, DL 300
725.0 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
hifilover said:
In theory lol
Just want to keep hammering the reps for now and get this slow build up back... Same with deads etc...

Sounds like a good idea mate, im suffering with deads have absolutely no motivation for them what so ever


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