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Pressing sessions: Road to a paused 200kg bench & more

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hifiloverIcon...07-02-2014 @ 14:42 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
Osteo work on the shoulder this morning; some flexibility back in the right long-head bicep tendon but it's still slightly damaged and the nerve was impinged again but has been released.

Lots of ibuprofen and paramol to be taken; I'm in agony! Struggling to lift arm over my head currently!

Will have this weekend off and back at it Monday...

It never ends!
stephen9069Icon...07-02-2014 @ 15:05 
Frequents the HOUSE of GAIN.
Member 3836, 4233 posts
SQ 225, BP 200, DL 300
725.0 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
hifilover said:Osteo work on the shoulder this morning; some flexibility back in the right long-head bicep tendon but it's still slightly damaged and the nerve was impinged again but has been released.

Lots of ibuprofen and paramol to be taken; I'm in agony! Struggling to lift arm over my head currently!

Will have this weekend off and back at it Monday...

It never ends!

Rest up mate then you can hit it like a man possessed come Monday
hifiloverIcon...07-02-2014 @ 15:51 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
stephen9069 said:
Rest up mate then you can hit it like a man possessed come Monday

Believe me; I've already started the 'resting'...!

It wasnt sore until I left the Osteo but that clearly shows you how bloody tight & mangled it all was. Now its calming down my movement is better...
chaosIcon...10-02-2014 @ 07:31 
An amazing human being
Member 2047, 17156 posts
SQ 262.5, BP 170, DL 300
732.5 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
You started resting about 2 years ago! Tongue
hifiloverIcon...11-02-2014 @ 17:15 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
chaos said:You started resting about 2 years ago! Tongue

Bite me... Chunk Tongue Wink
hifiloverIcon...11-02-2014 @ 17:17 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
Tuesday 11th Feb 2014:

Very sore right shoulder so a very limited session Unhappy


Warm ups:

30 x 10kg dumbbells doing (on each exercise) front raises, side raises and flat dumbbell bench

Flat dumbbell bench:

20 x 25kg
15 x 40kg
15 x 50kg
10 x 55kg
8 x 55kg

Cable cross-overs:

20 x 40lbs
2 x 20 with 80lbs

Incline smith machine bench (weight on frame):

20 x frame
12 x 40kg
12 x 60kg
12 x 80kg
9 x 100kg


3 x 12 with body-weight

Come home to enjoy the snow Grin
chaosIcon...11-02-2014 @ 17:25 
An amazing human being
Member 2047, 17156 posts
SQ 262.5, BP 170, DL 300
732.5 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
Nice big of pressing
hifiloverIcon...11-02-2014 @ 17:45 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
chaos said:Nice big of pressing

Regretting it now...
stephen9069Icon...11-02-2014 @ 19:35 
Frequents the HOUSE of GAIN.
Member 3836, 4233 posts
SQ 225, BP 200, DL 300
725.0 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
Strong work mate, hows the shoulder feeling now ?
hifiloverIcon...11-02-2014 @ 19:53 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
stephen9069 said:Strong work mate, hows the shoulder feeling now ?

Tight as Billy'o... Just a burning sensation permanently there but it's eased off now I've took 800mg of ibuprofen


Just need to keep it going and if it hurts I'll stop, I'd it doesn't I'll keep cracking on!
hifiloverIcon...12-02-2014 @ 17:39 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
Wed 12th Feb 2014:


Parallel grip chins:

10 x 2 (warm up)

Wide-grip lat pulldowns:

20 x 60lbs
15 x 90lbs (full stack)
10 x FS + 20kg
6 x FS + 30kg

Hammer strength rows (weight on frame):

20 x 40kg
10 x 120kg
8 x 160kg
5 x 200kg

Barbell rows:

10 x 60kg
10 x 80kg
6 x 100kg
6 x 120kg

Low pulley rows:

12 x 100lbs
12 x 160lbs
8 x 210lbs
8 x 250lbs (full stack)


Seated upper-back rows with supine rows:

10 x 100lbs - 8 x body weight
10 x 100lbs - 6 x body weight
10 x 100lbs - 6 x body weight

Rear delt dumbbell flys (each set to failure):

15 x 50lbs - 20secs rest between each set
12 x 50lbs
10 x 50lbs
stephen9069Icon...12-02-2014 @ 18:43 
Frequents the HOUSE of GAIN.
Member 3836, 4233 posts
SQ 225, BP 200, DL 300
725.0 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
Solid session mate thats a lot of reps
hifiloverIcon...12-02-2014 @ 19:44 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
Yup; aim of the game currently Grin

No suffering with shoulder today either but that could be the Paramol/Ibuprofen I've taken...
hifiloverIcon...13-02-2014 @ 17:13 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
Thursday 13th Feb 2014:



10 x 70kg (stiff legged)
10 x 70kg (stiff legged)
10 x 100kg (stiff legged)
8 x 140kg
6 x 8 with 180kg (first set was OH grip; no thumb, 2nd 2 sets were OH grip; last three sets were hook grip)

Was aiming for 8 sets but back wouldnt stop cramping up Unhappy

Leg extensions:

15 x 112.5lbs
15 x 150lbs
15 x 175lbs
15 x 200lbs

Leg presses:

15 x 160kg
15 x 200kg
15 x 240kg
15 x 280kg


Hack-squats with hamstring curls:

15 x frame - 10 x 40lbs
10 x frame + 40kg - 10 x 40lbs
10 x frame + 60kg - 10 x 40lbs
10 x frame + 80kg - 10 x 40lbs


Strict EZ bar curls (weight on bar):

20 x 20kg
10 x 40kg
10 x 50kg
8 x 60kg

Alternate dumbbell curls:

10 x 50lbs
10 x 60lbs
8 x 70lbs
6 x 80lbs
stephen9069Icon...13-02-2014 @ 20:00 
Frequents the HOUSE of GAIN.
Member 3836, 4233 posts
SQ 225, BP 200, DL 300
725.0 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
Now that's some rep work lol Cool

And a few curls in there to feel te pump to lol Grin


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