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BoarIcon...09-04-2010 @ 15:33 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
i should also come down the ironman !! its probably 15 mins drive and a lovely gym , do you have 'set' nights you train pete ?
PeteHodgsonIcon...09-04-2010 @ 15:37 
Has little understanding of the sugden
Member 677, 11338 posts
SQ 165, BP 125, DL 220
510.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
I train in my dinner hour Boar, which is why I only ever do 1/2 a workout! lol
We are normally in Mon, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 1, or maybe earlier on Tuesdays. I sometimes sneak a wednesday in too of late, for much needed conditioning.
PeteHodgsonIconSun-11/4/1012-04-2010 @ 09:39 
Has little understanding of the sugden
Member 677, 11338 posts
SQ 165, BP 125, DL 220
510.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 12.04.2010 @ 11:23 AM by PeteHodgson
in the sun!

Farmers Walk (2" handles)
70kg per hand x15m
110kg per hand 2x15m (2 or 3 put downs)

Very tough on the grip, but did better than I expected and happy to have tried out the fat handled farmers. The drops were just due to them slipping out of my hands. More practice on theses should sort it out.

Car deadlift
Corsa x3
Corsa x7
Other heavier car(astra I think) xf

Axle clean and press
60kg x1c+6 presses (strict)
80kg x1 clean and 5 push presses
80kg x 2 x c+pp
100kg xf
100kg x1 continental clean+failed press
100kg x1 conti clean and press pb
100kg x1 conti clean and press
100kg x1 conti clean and press+failed second press

Happy with that, need more practice to clean without resorting to continental if possible

Fingals finger
lots of fails
1x to chest and walked it about halfway to vertical then ditched it

Hard, but the other lads made it look easy. Never tried it before so can't complain.

Great day training with some great lads down in Northwich. Thanks for the tips guys!
PeteHodgsonIconMon-12/4/1012-04-2010 @ 15:12 
Has little understanding of the sugden
Member 677, 11338 posts
SQ 165, BP 125, DL 220
510.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
ME Upper

60kg x10
chains added (approx 40kg at top)
60kg x5
100kg x1
105kg x1
110kg x1
100kg x3
(pretty sure the above is correct)

Incline D/Bell press
30kg x7 (just checking out tight shoulder)
42.5kg x7
45kg x7

Chest supported row
40kg x15

time to get back to work. tut

Tired and sore after yesterdays event training so pretty happy with today.
doc77Icon...12-04-2010 @ 15:15 
enjoys the odd fag
Member 563, 1029 posts
SQ 210, BP 125, DL 230
565.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Strong benching Pete! Any more comps coming up for you mate?
PeteHodgsonIcon...12-04-2010 @ 15:25 
Has little understanding of the sugden
Member 677, 11338 posts
SQ 165, BP 125, DL 220
510.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Cheers Dave. UK Strongman North Novice July 4th, Unit 20 Novice Sept. 4th. Should be 1 at our gym (ironman)in Preston sometime over the summer too. That's all I've got planned to date. How about you?
richards9876Icon...12-04-2010 @ 15:44 
Still mostly bodybuilding
Member 501, 10465 posts
SQ 220, BP 150, DL 250
620.0 kgs @ 94kgs UnEq
Dont rememeber seeing a bench event in the UK North comp Pete.Wink
PeteHodgsonIcon...12-04-2010 @ 15:47 
Has little understanding of the sugden
Member 677, 11338 posts
SQ 165, BP 125, DL 220
510.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
richards9876 said:Dont rememeber seeing a bench event in the UK North comp Pete.Wink

ha ha, I know, I've always benched but recently changed monday to overhead. However, after yesterday I've got a bit of a niggly shoulder (due to fingering too much!!) so benched with the boys. Training with powerlifters means I have to fight not to bench, or they'll strap me to it and pass me a bar! lol
shauncleggIcon...12-04-2010 @ 15:48 
The official olympic weightlifter of SB (juniors)
Member 495, 3531 posts
SQ 201, BP 137.5, DL 200
538.5 kgs @ 69kgs UnEq
looking strong pete was the bench done (100) with the chains on also? so 140?
doc77Icon...12-04-2010 @ 15:48 
enjoys the odd fag
Member 563, 1029 posts
SQ 210, BP 125, DL 230
565.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Under 90s Northern 1st May, Severn Valley Novice in June and Unit 20 novice 4th Sept - looks like we may have a mini battle going on for that one mate!
PeteHodgsonIcon...12-04-2010 @ 15:49 
Has little understanding of the sugden
Member 677, 11338 posts
SQ 165, BP 125, DL 220
510.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 12.04.2010 @ 15:56 PM by PeteHodgson
shaunclegg said:looking strong pete was the bench done (100) with the chains on also? so 140?

yeah, about 140 at the top, maybe 120 at the bottom, so not too heavy. It's an estimate though.
edit: I tell a lie, I think nearly all the chain deloaded at the bottom, so not much over 100.
PeteHodgsonIcon...12-04-2010 @ 15:50 
Has little understanding of the sugden
Member 677, 11338 posts
SQ 165, BP 125, DL 220
510.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
doc77 said:Under 90s Northern 1st May, Severn Valley Novice in June and Unit 20 novice 4th Sept - looks like we may have a mini battle going on for that one mate!

Nice one, looking forward to it. If I wasn't so fat I'd do the under 90's too. That's probably about the weight I should be. lol
richards9876Icon...12-04-2010 @ 15:56 
Still mostly bodybuilding
Member 501, 10465 posts
SQ 220, BP 150, DL 250
620.0 kgs @ 94kgs UnEq
PeteHodgson said:
ha ha, I know, I've always benched but recently changed monday to overhead. However, after yesterday I've got a bit of a niggly shoulder (due to fingering too much!!) so benched with the boys. Training with powerlifters means I have to fight not to bench, or they'll strap me to it and pass me a bar! lol

A wise man once said to me if you always do what youve always done youll only get what youve always got.

Unless your planning on doing PL too then i would do bench as an assistance exercise and focus on the other aspects that you want to bring up the strength on.
PeteHodgsonIcon...12-04-2010 @ 15:58 
Has little understanding of the sugden
Member 677, 11338 posts
SQ 165, BP 125, DL 220
510.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 12.04.2010 @ 15:58 PM by PeteHodgson
That's the plan Chris. If it wasn't for yesterdays training today would have been axle press.
Was the wise man Mr. Miaggi?
doc77Icon...12-04-2010 @ 16:06 
enjoys the odd fag
Member 563, 1029 posts
SQ 210, BP 125, DL 230
565.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
PeteHodgson said:
Nice one, looking forward to it. If I wasn't so fat I'd do the under 90's too. That's probably about the weight I should be. lol

I think Im gonna be too fat for any more under 90s after this one (about time too! Grin )

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