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Olympic drug tests cock-up

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hifiloverIconOlympic drug tests cock-up28-10-2016 @ 09:01 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
What an absolute piss take:
scruffmcbuffIcon...28-10-2016 @ 09:11 
Lovely ass Congrats.
Member 5958, 2315 posts
SQ 280, BP 170, DL 300
750.0 kgs @ 138kgs UnEq
For me, the opening statement really said it all.

The World Anti-Doping Agency said many athletes who had been targeted for testing "simply could not be found"

After all the scandal leading up the games you would have thought they might have put some effort in!
FAT_SAMIcon...28-10-2016 @ 12:02 
more like 'FAT TROLL'
Member 984, 6331 posts
SQ 420, BP 260, DL 335
1015.0 kgs @ 165kgs UnEq
I can see the IOC telling WADA to f**k off and the 2020 games seeing a few new world records lol
CAJIcon...28-10-2016 @ 12:08 
I recommend the track - Slut Machine
Member 6043, 957 posts
SQ 350, BP 195, DL 350
895.0 kgs @ 150kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 28.10.2016 @ 12:08 PM by CAJ
FAT_SAM said:I can see the IOC telling WADA to f**k off and the 2020 games seeing a few new world records lol

If that happened I wonder how it would effect the legislation covering peds

Edit: If at all
AdamTIcon...28-10-2016 @ 12:14 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5208 posts
f**k drug testing. Let athletes do what they want.

If someone doesn't want to use, that's their choice

Insulina all the way!!
ChrisMcCarthyIcon...28-10-2016 @ 12:17 
Lost his pen, then found his pen. #phew
Member 4899, 2956 posts
Problem is this s**t has been going on for years...
scruffmcbuffIcon...28-10-2016 @ 12:39 
Lovely ass Congrats.
Member 5958, 2315 posts
SQ 280, BP 170, DL 300
750.0 kgs @ 138kgs UnEq
FAT_SAM said:I can see the IOC telling WADA to f**k off and the 2020 games seeing a few new world records lol

Be great to see pfizer as an olympic sponsor lol
billynomatesIcon...28-10-2016 @ 12:53 
Member 4923, 1795 posts
Apparently the athletes are running scared cos new tests have been developed to detect leftover lasagne.
hifiloverIcon...28-10-2016 @ 12:57 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
billynomates said:Apparently the athletes are running scared cos new tests have been developed to detect leftover lasagne.

f**k me... I'm a smackhead then haha Grin
Tom_MartinIcon...28-10-2016 @ 13:01 
No one believed him anyway.
Member 958, 11411 posts
SQ 410, BP 215, DL 425
1050.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
AdamT said:f**k drug testing. Let athletes do what they want.

If someone doesn't want to use, that's their choice

Insulina all the way!!

As nice an idea as that is, I think it's probably not "for the best" if clean athletes who are quite rightly opposed to taking that risk, are forced into a situation where it is now completely impossible to be competitive without succumbing to even greater pressure to partake in illegal (in many places) and very realistically health harming activities.
ChrisMcCarthyIcon...28-10-2016 @ 13:34 
Lost his pen, then found his pen. #phew
Member 4899, 2956 posts
Tom_Martin said:
As nice an idea as that is, I think it's probably not "for the best" if clean athletes who are quite rightly opposed to taking that risk, are forced into a situation where it is now completely impossible to be competitive without succumbing to even greater pressure to partake in illegal (in many places) and very realistically health harming activities.

Good point, and very seems likely, though, that if they weren't "banned" they would be much safer and, even if only eventually, no longer illegal in those many places.
macrothIcon...28-10-2016 @ 14:43 
no longer the Swiss Deadlift record holder
Member 3517, 3368 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 122.5, DL 255
560.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
ChrisMcCarthy said:
Good point, and very seems likely, though, that if they weren't "banned" they would be much safer and, even if only eventually, no longer illegal in those many places.

How do you figure they would be much safer?
Tom_MartinIcon...28-10-2016 @ 14:54 
No one believed him anyway.
Member 958, 11411 posts
SQ 410, BP 215, DL 425
1050.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
ChrisMcCarthy said:
Good point, and very seems likely, though, that if they weren't "banned" they would be much safer and, even if only eventually, no longer illegal in those many places.

There's never going to be anything safe about a bunch of athletes granted unlimited use of performance enhancing hormones, competitively against other athletes who will also be trying to take more and more. Drug testing isn't perfect, but it does go a long way towards stopping things like this get out of hand I think.
Robbo91Icon...28-10-2016 @ 14:58 
Doesn't like tall people very much.
Member 5708, 391 posts
SQ 260, BP 195, DL 275
730.0 kgs @ 137.5kgs UnEq
They should run a second olympics where instead of competing as nations, the big pharmaceutical companies enter teams dosed up to the eye balls.

It'll be like winning the constructors championships in F1.
ChrisMcCarthyIcon...28-10-2016 @ 15:09 
Lost his pen, then found his pen. #phew
Member 4899, 2956 posts
macroth said:
How do you figure they would be much safer?

Largely because Doctor's would be more likely to be involved - a bit like *cough*
Cycling - but this time people wouldn't be running around with Brown Envelopes full of...Things.


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