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Northwest Road trip

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mozIconNorthwest Road trip24-08-2009 @ 00:06 
Feasting on humble pie.
Member 51, 1692 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 185, DL 272.5
685.0 kgs @ 90.4kgs UnEq
this isnt going to be a log as such. Ive decided to travel the northwest every other (1 wk on call, 1 wk off) monday, wednesday, friday and sat to different gyms. Im starting monday night at Catts gym wigan armed with camcorder, digi camera and ready for some heavy weights! Im gonna post up here the vid links to you tube and the pix which will all follow a few days later.

If you would me to come to your gym at a certian evening/time post up here and we'll make a session of it =)
mozIcon...24-08-2009 @ 00:11 
Feasting on humble pie.
Member 51, 1692 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 185, DL 272.5
685.0 kgs @ 90.4kgs UnEq
BTW wish list is this:
Olympic gym
balls deep gym
daves northwich
also be visting some comps
UK strongman north finals and northwest bench

plz feel free to recomend northwest gyms along with post code and opening times.

Thanx and ill get a profile pic up soon Happy
mozIcon...24-08-2009 @ 00:13 
Feasting on humble pie.
Member 51, 1692 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 185, DL 272.5
685.0 kgs @ 90.4kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 24.08.2009 @ 00:13 AM by moz
missed Andy Bs gym in Leeds (thats not to far for me to go. Either is bham/crewe/stoke)
ry87ukIcon...24-08-2009 @ 00:42 
has a shit deadlift lockout
Member 696, 379 posts
SQ 240, BP 155, DL 265
660.0 kgs @ 115kgs UnEq
Powerhouse - Rhyl, LL18 1PB

not my regular gym and being in Wales it's not even in the North West if im honest! but has a decent amount of kit (including some of Mark Felix's old kit, Car deadlift, fingers and H Hold) all this along with a well equipped gym and boxing ring!
mozIcon...24-08-2009 @ 07:02 
Feasting on humble pie.
Member 51, 1692 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 185, DL 272.5
685.0 kgs @ 90.4kgs UnEq
ry87uk said: Powerhouse - Rhyl, LL18 1PB not my regular gym and being in Wales it's not even in the North West if im honest! but has a decent amount of kit (including some of Mark Felix's old kit, Car deadlift, fingers and H Hold) all this along with a well equipped gym and boxing ring!

yes mate! This is exactly the kind oof thing im looking for. Rhyl is only an hour or so away. A quick hop down the A55. Thanx mate we'll sort a sess out =)
BoarIcon...24-08-2009 @ 07:33 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
Post Edited: 24.08.2009 @ 07:39 AM by Boar
hopefully ill be fit enough to get in a monster sesh at the olympic gym in ashton on thursday night or failing that adders on friday

catts on tuesday night is a good sesh and monday is bench day as you probably know

im urging beefcakes to post their clips on the strongmanuk youtube page (password is the same as name) so if you have a few clips moz , post em up !
mozIcon...24-08-2009 @ 07:44 
Feasting on humble pie.
Member 51, 1692 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 185, DL 272.5
685.0 kgs @ 90.4kgs UnEq
greatstuff boar will do. This wk is actually my 'on call' wk just managed to get it off to do a sess with Andy Bolton but he txt to say hes not well. Would have gone nxt mon but its bank hol and uk north strongman finals. Hows the rest of next week looking for you? I could meet you at Olympic for some hard graft Happy
BoarIcon...24-08-2009 @ 07:59 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
yea, theres been some mental sessions at the olympic recently - sunday is the 'strongman' day 10-3(ish) i dropped a 330kg tyre on my leg and its f**king dead ! but im praying it will be ok as i need to nail the stonerun and do some deads and some powercleans ,damn , so little time !
mozIcon...24-08-2009 @ 22:52 
Feasting on humble pie.
Member 51, 1692 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 185, DL 272.5
685.0 kgs @ 90.4kgs UnEq
mega late getting to Catts gym tonight. car broke down, stupid gear box.

got an hours lifting in and very few pix and vids Unhappy
brynevansIcon...24-08-2009 @ 23:27 
Scotbasher - forever
Member 59, 2115 posts
Sorry you got off to a shakey start, nice idea I like it. I'll be watching with interest.
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