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huzi2009IconNewcastle12-11-2014 @ 13:17 
Member 763, 818 posts
SQ 260, BP 150, DL 280
690.0 kgs @ 150kgs UnEq
Does any one no of any good gyms in Newcastle in the center near the RVI hospital
DL1987Icon...13-11-2014 @ 00:21 
Member 5105, 667 posts
SQ 220, BP 165, DL 270
655.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
What you looking for strongman or just a decent gym??
huzi2009Icon...13-11-2014 @ 07:10 
Member 763, 818 posts
SQ 260, BP 150, DL 280
690.0 kgs @ 150kgs UnEq
Just a decent gym it would be ideal if it was 24 hours too
DL1987Icon...13-11-2014 @ 07:27 
Member 5105, 667 posts
SQ 220, BP 165, DL 270
655.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 13.11.2014 @ 07:30 AM by DL1987
There's a 24hour pure gym in Gateshead centre don't know what it's like though. Then there's Gateshead international stadium is a good gym but not 24hour. Sport Central in newcastle uni is suppose to be a good gym but don't know if that is open to the public
huzi2009Icon...24-01-2015 @ 16:35 
Member 763, 818 posts
SQ 260, BP 150, DL 280
690.0 kgs @ 150kgs UnEq
Pure gym seems the cheapest and most flexible but its also a commercial gym an old fashioned gym would be better with more flexible pay as you go would be better but I can't find any online
huzi2009Icon...24-01-2015 @ 16:35 
Member 763, 818 posts
SQ 260, BP 150, DL 280
690.0 kgs @ 150kgs UnEq
Pure gym seems the cheapest and most flexible but its also a commercial gym an old fashioned gym would be better with more flexible pay as you go would be better but I can't find any online
DL1987Icon...24-01-2015 @ 20:46 
Member 5105, 667 posts
SQ 220, BP 165, DL 270
655.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
If you have transport Bodyblitz gym is decent for a basic gym and I have a couple of bits of strongman gear there. It's bout 10 mins drive from newcastle
huzi2009Icon...25-01-2015 @ 21:44 
Member 763, 818 posts
SQ 260, BP 150, DL 280
690.0 kgs @ 150kgs UnEq
Yeah I drive mate do you have a link to the page ect
DL1987Icon...26-01-2015 @ 09:50 
Member 5105, 667 posts
SQ 220, BP 165, DL 270
655.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
huzi2009 said:Yeah I drive mate do you have a link to the page ect

I haven't mate but if you have instagram they are on there?? Search for Paul Reay bodyblitz and he's got pictures and videos on the gym on
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