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ThingIcon...02-05-2012 @ 16:33 
a large fingered spastic that demolishes plant
Member 89, 31706 posts
SQ 260, BP 220, DL 290
770.0 kgs @ 142kgs UnEq
going to try the calf trick you mentions and also to batter the hamstrings, IT band, Quads and hips with the foam roller tonight.
NickJonesIcon...02-05-2012 @ 21:48 
Member 1728, 287 posts
SQ 220, BP 165, DL 265
650.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
Thanks SI.

Neil let me know how you get on. Takes a while to find the nasty spots.

Will be seing a private physio Tuesday, Chiropractor on wed
FlynnoIcon...03-05-2012 @ 07:53 
Member 2215, 237 posts
SQ 190, BP 165, DL 245
600.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
Good to c u back Nicholas ;-)
NickJonesIcon...03-05-2012 @ 10:04 
Member 1728, 287 posts
SQ 220, BP 165, DL 265
650.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
Flynno said:Good to c u back Nicholas ;-)

Thanks Mr Flyn.

However I am only half back
NickJonesIcon...04-05-2012 @ 09:32 
Member 1728, 287 posts
SQ 220, BP 165, DL 265
650.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq

3 Sets low pulley row

30kg x 15
35 X 15
40 X 15

ILS Row SS with Flat Dbell Bench 5X5
working sets

ILS 120kg x 5 for 3 sets
Bench 35kg dbell X 5 for 3 sets

Wide Grip Face pull.

15Kg X 20 reps 3 sets
Some overhand, some underhand grip.

Wide stance Squats (MOre Glute)
Bar X 5 X 2 sets
60kg x 5

Seated Calf 3X12

In the evening after warm up did some sprints on soft ground

80M X 4 walking rest inbetween.

Foam roll, base ball and stretch

Today aching, low back a bit sore
Simon_TIcon...04-05-2012 @ 09:56 
Member 1058, 5361 posts
SQ 220, BP 140, DL 294
654.0 kgs @ 106kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 04.05.2012 @ 09:57 AM by Simon_T
Nice work mate, how is the neck reacting to it?
NickJonesIcon...04-05-2012 @ 13:53 
Member 1728, 287 posts
SQ 220, BP 165, DL 265
650.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
Simon_T said:Nice work mate, how is the neck reacting to it?

Not to bad bro. As long as I stretch loads. My rear delt is almost non existant so will be hitting that alot.

Sometimes when my neck is sore I foam roll and stretch my hips/it band and my neck feels better.

Posture and muscle balance is everything


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