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Mr_Ben wants to get stronger

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Mr_BenIconMr_Ben wants to get stronger27-05-2010 @ 23:31 
Member 1216, 194 posts
SQ 240, BP 160, DL 280
680.0 kgs @ 115kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 28.05.2010 @ 00:04 AM by Mr_Ben
Thought I would start my journal today as I have some goals I would like to achieve this year.

I want to deadlift over 300kg in the 18" deadlift and ultimately lift around 330kg.

The other lifts I will just see what I can do and am not sure of any goals yet.

Used to lift regularly at a gym but then just messed about at home for a couple of years and stopped deadlifting all together. Bought some olympic weights three months ago when I got layed off at work and have been trying to regain strength. Have had a few problems lately and hope to get more work and sort my life out soon.

Tonights workout - back

70 x 4
110 x 4
150 x 4
190 x 4
230 x 2 straps
250 x 1 straps + belt

No chalk in house and bar sweaty so use straps to lift - not ideal I know but cant be dropping it.

bent rows
110 x 6
110 x 6
130 x 6
140 x 6

Rows done with straps and quite upright posture pulling with traps.

Will keep adding to the journal and add some vids to show what I am doing.

Heres a vid of todays last two sets of deadlifts -
Mr_BenIcon...02-06-2010 @ 02:30 
Member 1216, 194 posts
SQ 240, BP 160, DL 280
680.0 kgs @ 115kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 02.06.2010 @ 03:17 AM by Mr_Ben
Another late night training session 1.30am - need a job badly !

Shoulder a bit dodgy after bench last week so have given it extra rest.

Tonight push press -

70kg x 5
70kg x 5
80kg x 5
90kg x 5
100kg x 4
105kg x 4
110kg x 4 - this was pushing it a bit and cant get it fully locked out yet.

strict press -

90kg x 3 - shoulders bombed
80kg x 6 - these were ok

Quite happy with those as I am not very strong in the upper body and my shoulder feels ok after the workout but wont be pushing the benchpress.

vid of 110 x 4 on my phone thinking it would be a P.B. but it didnt work out.
Mr_BenIcon...05-06-2010 @ 14:01 
Member 1216, 194 posts
SQ 240, BP 160, DL 280
680.0 kgs @ 115kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 05.06.2010 @ 14:02 PM by Mr_Ben
Squats on 3.6.10

Squating to a bench and dont think I was getting parallel as the bench wasnt positioned right. I squat onto a decline bench so can go deaper by moving down the bench. Knees are gammy at the mo so squating to the bench seems to help me.

70kg x 6
110kg x 6
150kg x 6
170kg x 6
180kg x 6

Raw no belt.

Deadlifts 4.6.10

Deadlifts 14" on some blocks

Raw no belt.

70kg x 5
110kg x 5
150kg x 5
190kg x 5
230kg x 4
250kg back caved in and failed

These were very poor and I just felt tired and couldnt pull the weight. Starting new job on monday with long shifts so training is going to take a hit I recon but will keep going and continue the log anyway.
Mr_BenIcon...05-06-2010 @ 19:46 
Member 1216, 194 posts
SQ 240, BP 160, DL 280
680.0 kgs @ 115kgs UnEq
Bench 5.6.10 19.00

70 x 6
110 x 6
120 x 6
130 x 6 2.5" board
135 x 5 2.5" board

110 x 6 incline

3 sets 10 lateral raises to free shoulders up

Shoulder has been a bit bad but fealt ok up to the inclines where I decided to call it a day at one set and not risk more.

been using the board too much and it has made my form poor when benching normaly as my arms seem to be wobbling about plus it feels like the bar has to travel about ten miles before it hits my chest.
Mr_BenIcon...08-06-2010 @ 00:38 
Member 1216, 194 posts
SQ 240, BP 160, DL 280
680.0 kgs @ 115kgs UnEq
Workout 7.6.10

Bent Rows

70kg x 8
110kg x 8
110kg x 8
110kg x 8
130kg x 6
130kg x 6
140kg x 6
150kg x 6

Barbell Curl EZ bar

56kg x 8
56kg x 8
76kg x 4
76kg x 5

Not sure if this stuff is beneficial but have been doing it for ages so keep it up.
Mr_BenIcon...11-06-2010 @ 23:34 
Member 1216, 194 posts
SQ 240, BP 160, DL 280
680.0 kgs @ 115kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 16.06.2010 @ 22:05 PM by Mr_Ben
Got a job now working long hours but still doing what I can - here are my workouts so far this week.

wednesday 9.6.10

Push Press

70kg x 5
90kg x 5
90kg x 5
100kg x 5
110kg x 5
115kg x 3 - bit messy not all fully locked out

thursday 10.6.10


no belt or wraps

70kg x 5
110kg x 5
150kg x 5
170kg x 5
170kg x 5
180kg x 4

These were parallel I think and a bit better than last week - knee is feeling a bit better.

Friday 11.6.10

18" deadlift

110kg x 5
150kg x 5
190kg x 5
230kg x 5 straps
250kg x 3 straps
270kg x 1 straps
290kg x 1 straps/belt
300kg x 1 straps/belt

These were ok and my pulling is on the up but not with birds. I used straps which is poor but have no chalk as lift in front room.

Vid of the 300 on my phone - poor quality as dont have time to set up a propper camera as have to go to bed early these days for work. Seems only to work properly in 480p.
Mr_BenIcon...12-06-2010 @ 22:17 
Member 1216, 194 posts
SQ 240, BP 160, DL 280
680.0 kgs @ 115kgs UnEq

Bench Press

70kg x 5
110kg x 5
120kg x 5
130kg x 5 2.5" board
140kg x 4 2.5" board - no spotter so cant realy push myself as I recon there was another rep here but dont want to get stuck on my own.

Incline bench 45 degrees

110kg x 7
120kg x 2

3 sets of 10 seated lateral raises - probably useless but might help strengthen the rotator cuff.
Mr_BenIcon...15-06-2010 @ 21:44 
Member 1216, 194 posts
SQ 240, BP 160, DL 280
680.0 kgs @ 115kgs UnEq
workout 15.6.10

Bent rows

70kg x 7
110kg x 7
120kg x 7
130kg x 6
140kg x 6

Barbell curl

56kg x 8
56kg x 8
76kg x 5

Poor workout realy.


Push Press behind neck

70kg x 5
90kg x 5
100kg x 4
110kg x 2 locked out
120kg x 2 too heavy not locked out

strict press behind neck

90kg x 0 just couldnt do them - neck realy sore from 120kg attempt and just no strength

80kg x 7 called it a day then

Tried to video 120kg atempts thinking I would get a PB but belly looked that big in my vest I will keep the video hidden lol.
Mr_BenIcon...16-06-2010 @ 22:03 
Member 1216, 194 posts
SQ 240, BP 160, DL 280
680.0 kgs @ 115kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 16.06.2010 @ 22:03 PM by Mr_Ben
Squats 16.6.10

70kg x 5
110kg x 5
150kg x 5
170kg x 5
190kg x 5 training wraps and belt just to see what it fealt like and unsure if depth was good
170kg x 5
170kg x 5

Knees feeling better and starting to gain confidence in the squat again.
Mr_BenIcon...07-07-2010 @ 22:02 
Member 1216, 194 posts
SQ 240, BP 160, DL 280
680.0 kgs @ 115kgs UnEq
Still training but been very busy with work -

Squats Tue 6.7.10

70kg x 5
110kg x 5
110kg x 5
150kg x 5
150kg x 5
170kg x 5 wraps on for bad knees
180kg x 5 wraps on for bad knees
150kg x 5 as deep as I could go

Bench Wed 7.7.10

70kg x 5
110kg x 5
120kg x 5
130kg x 6 2.5" board
140kg x 3 2.5" board


110kg x 4
110kg x 6
Mr_BenIcon...12-07-2010 @ 21:52 
Member 1216, 194 posts
SQ 240, BP 160, DL 280
680.0 kgs @ 115kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 12.07.2010 @ 21:54 PM by Mr_Ben
Last few training sessions -

Thursday 8.7.10

Deadlift 14" lifting off some blocks, it sounds ridiculous but because I have been so tired from work I just cant face doing them off the floor so have been lifting off some blocks just to make the exercise more paletable.

110kg x 5
150kg x 5
190kg x 5
230kg x 1 grip gone no chalk
230kg x 5 straps
240kg x 1 straps sounds silly but my knobbly knees stopped the bar coming up on the second rep it got stuck !

bent rows no wraps

110kg x 8
110kg x 8
130kg x 6
130kg x 6

barbell curl ez bar

55kg x 6
55kg x 6
55kg x 6


push press behind neck

70kg x 4
90kg x 3
100kg x 3
110kg x 3

strict behind neck press

90kg x 4
80kg x 7

Monday 12.7.10


110kg x 6
150kg x 6
150kg x 6 knees going snap crackle and pop and feeling like they are going to pull arround the knee cap so wraps have to come out.

170kg x 5 wraps
180kg x 5 wraps
190kg x 3 wraps
200kg x 3 wraps - too high filmed them on phone to see
150kg x 10 no wraps knees warmed up and as deap as I could go was pleased with these.

Here are the 200kg efforts - quite easy with wraps on and could lift more but its a bit dodgy training in the house alone with no spotter so cant go balls out realy.
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