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Mini Viking u90kgs Comp @ Olympic Gym

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Competition database entry found for this thread: The Olympic Dragon (06-09-2009)

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MarkCleggIcon...05-09-2009 @ 12:26 
knock knock !! who's there ?? OLD SCHOOL SUGDEN
Member 212, 11439 posts
SQ 325, BP 212.5, DL 370
907.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Don`t worry if it rains then i`ll let you use chalk on the deadlift lads.
Paul_DIcon...05-09-2009 @ 12:28 
Hey mate, my name is Paul Dudley
Member 632, 3628 posts
SQ 200, BP 155, DL 282.5
637.5 kgs @ 77kgs UnEq
You're far too kind Mark!

MrSmallIcon...05-09-2009 @ 12:33 
Gone and easily forgotten.......
Member 331, 22298 posts
SQ 185, BP 100, DL 230
515.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 05.09.2009 @ 12:45 PM by MrSmall
Ah you all just some fools, yo.

My prediction?

MarkCleggIcon...05-09-2009 @ 12:35 
knock knock !! who's there ?? OLD SCHOOL SUGDEN
Member 212, 11439 posts
SQ 325, BP 212.5, DL 370
907.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
MrSmall said:
Ah you all just some fools, yo.

My prediction?


BoarIcon...05-09-2009 @ 12:37 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
Post Edited: 05.09.2009 @ 12:45 PM by Boar
you know the yt dont work , your making us go looking , naughty

danboar has offered to do some of the refreshments !!
richards9876Icon...05-09-2009 @ 12:57 
Still mostly bodybuilding
Member 501, 10465 posts
SQ 220, BP 150, DL 250
620.0 kgs @ 94kgs UnEq
MarkClegg said:
Don`t worry if it rains then i`ll let you use chalk on the deadlift lads.

I hope thats a joke - thought we could use chalk even if it wasnt raining.
little_aIcon...05-09-2009 @ 13:20 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
Carl said:
then how will people see the 'rob does f**k all for sugden' t-shirt??

I'll wear it on the outsideWink
little_aIcon...05-09-2009 @ 13:21 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
richards9876 said:
MarkClegg said:
Don`t worry if it rains then i`ll let you use chalk on the deadlift lads.

I hope thats a joke - thought we could use chalk even if it wasnt raining.

Lot of mind games coming out to play Chris. Do your thing and dont fall for it mate.Wink
richards9876Icon...05-09-2009 @ 13:22 
Still mostly bodybuilding
Member 501, 10465 posts
SQ 220, BP 150, DL 250
620.0 kgs @ 94kgs UnEq
little_a said:
richards9876 said:
MarkClegg said:
Don`t worry if it rains then i`ll let you use chalk on the deadlift lads.

I hope thats a joke - thought we could use chalk even if it wasnt raining.

Lot of mind games coming out to play Chris. Do your thing and dont fall for it mate.Wink

Cheers Andy.
little_aIcon...05-09-2009 @ 13:32 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
I can see you looking Super G. Get your f**king shouting head onWink
just_tIcon...05-09-2009 @ 14:01 
Member 164, 5028 posts
SQ 170, BP 135, DL 230
535.0 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
MarkClegg said:
just_t said:
is there going to be food again?

Yes - I have a nice lady who at 12 bells is bring some hot food You may get one of our famous Bacon Butties(Plenty pies for the fat lads)- There are cold butties all day ,Choc,Crisp,Sweets .. Tea Coffee..
Water,Lucoz,Cans,Cheap versions of Red Bulls a plenty .

Sweet! Mr Cod can go f**k himself then! fish & Chips my arse
BoarIcon...05-09-2009 @ 18:13 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
just got off the fone with john ketley and not rain till after the OH medleys !

ETA for boar and commander rob - 9.30am

walk past ED,littler and PAGAN on the treadmills to weigh in bang on the nose ...
JoniIcon...05-09-2009 @ 18:43 
left the country satisfied
Member 10, 19241 posts
SQ 240, BP 150, DL 270
660.0 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
guys, 21 competetors, 6 events, no head to heads.

We all need to be on the f**king spot when our time comes to make it fast paced for the spectators (competetors get plenty of rest while waiting for 20 guys take their turn).

Cant wait for tomorrow, going to be a great comp!

SteBakerIcon...05-09-2009 @ 18:47 
THE original and THE best ...
Member 297, 2523 posts
SQ 210, BP 155, DL 272.5
637.5 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Joni said:
guys, 21 competetors, 6 events, no head to heads.

(competetors get plenty of rest while waiting for 20 guys take their turn).


Iam so glad theres so many competitors! I NEED the rest!Wink

Very sore feet today, but once ive deadlifted they should go numb with the pressure! So the rest of the comp will be fine!!!Grin Roll-Eyes
richards9876Icon...05-09-2009 @ 18:52 
Still mostly bodybuilding
Member 501, 10465 posts
SQ 220, BP 150, DL 250
620.0 kgs @ 94kgs UnEq
6 Events???

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