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thosebananasIcon...16-08-2010 @ 21:56 
Trophy Hunter
Member 743, 3329 posts
SQ 230, BP 130, DL 300
660.0 kgs @ 118kgs UnEq
easy 140 BN. i REALLY need to learn to actually jerk.
nickIcon...16-08-2010 @ 21:57 
finally got a tagline
Member 1190, 2812 posts
SQ 300, BP 200, DL 350
850.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
f**kin big benching, must be close to 200 now?
IrishMarcIcon...16-08-2010 @ 21:57 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
shaunclegg said:
cheeky bas***d.

Look at the bright size at least your not a scouser.
shauncleggIcon...16-08-2010 @ 21:58 
The official olympic weightlifter of SB (juniors)
Member 495, 3531 posts
SQ 201, BP 137.5, DL 200
538.5 kgs @ 69kgs UnEq
IrishMarc said:
Look at the bright size at least your not a scouser.

you wonna see the best annorexic guy in irelnad? (77kg bodyweight class)

he's a solid technical lifter Wink
IrishMarcIcon...16-08-2010 @ 21:58 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 16.08.2010 @ 22:02 PM by IrishMarc
nick said:f**kin big benching, must be close to 200 now?

Don't know what my top end unequipped bench is doing these days but it's feeling strong again could pop up 200 in a few weeks.

Meant to take a deload next week but I might try some heavy singles instead.
IrishMarcIcon...16-08-2010 @ 21:59 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
shaunclegg said:
you wonna see the best annorexic guy in irelnad? (77kg bodyweight class)
he's a solid technical lifter Wink

Cathal byrd?
shauncleggIcon...16-08-2010 @ 22:03 
The official olympic weightlifter of SB (juniors)
Member 495, 3531 posts
SQ 201, BP 137.5, DL 200
538.5 kgs @ 69kgs UnEq
IrishMarc said:
Cathal byrd?

indeedy. good mate'a mine Wink
IrishMarcIcon...16-08-2010 @ 22:06 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
shaunclegg said:
indeedy. good mate'a mine Wink

Guess you guys gotta stick together encase the 105+ lifters get hungry.
shauncleggIcon...16-08-2010 @ 22:09 
The official olympic weightlifter of SB (juniors)
Member 495, 3531 posts
SQ 201, BP 137.5, DL 200
538.5 kgs @ 69kgs UnEq
IrishMarc said:
Guess you guys gotta stick together encase the 105+ lifters get hungry.

yep! though they preferr the 56kg men.. leaner meat apparently.
stephenIcon...17-08-2010 @ 12:32 
knows some really strong guys
Member 323, 1436 posts
SQ 305, BP 200, DL 285
790.0 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
IrishMarc said:

Bench Press (5/3/1 wave 3)

70kg x 5
85kg x 5
100kg x 5
125kg x 3
145kg x 3
157.5kg x 7 (PB + 2 reps I think)

Strong benching.....Eh all bets are off! Roll-Eyes Grin
IrishMarcIcon...17-08-2010 @ 23:26 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
stephen said:
Strong benching.....Eh all bets are off! Roll-Eyes Grin

I haven't done a legit rep with my shirt yet in all likely hood I'm for bombing and your gonna be up a fiver.
thosebananasIcon...17-08-2010 @ 23:30 
Trophy Hunter
Member 743, 3329 posts
SQ 230, BP 130, DL 300
660.0 kgs @ 118kgs UnEq
IrishMarc said:
I haven't done a legit rep with my shirt yet in all likely hood I'm for bombing and your gonna be up a fiver.

what the bet... open raw with a super light bench to not bomb, then shirt on hit your PB in a shirt then aim for the stars!
stephenIcon...18-08-2010 @ 08:57 
knows some really strong guys
Member 323, 1436 posts
SQ 305, BP 200, DL 285
790.0 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
IrishMarc said:
I haven't done a legit rep with my shirt yet in all likely hood I'm for bombing and your gonna be up a fiver.

I wouldn't worry about it, I'm the same and I've injured my right tricep. What shirt is it that your using and what size is it?
IrishMarcIcon...18-08-2010 @ 13:31 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
stephen said:
I wouldn't worry about it, I'm the same and I've injured my right tricep. What shirt is it that your using and what size is it?

Titan fury think it is a 48 or 46 it's Mark Thompson's old shirt he was 106kg when he was using it so it's a wee bit loose.
stephenIcon...18-08-2010 @ 18:56 
knows some really strong guys
Member 323, 1436 posts
SQ 305, BP 200, DL 285
790.0 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
IrishMarc said:
Titan fury think it is a 48 or 46 it's Mark Thompson's old shirt he was 106kg when he was using it so it's a wee bit loose.

I've used a Fury in the past and found it to be really good and easy to use, it's a good shirt to start off with.


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