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Marc's Fatty Fat Fat Training Log

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IrishMarcIcon...28-07-2010 @ 21:54 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
SuperSteel101 said:
Yeah I think I will be mate and yeah unequipped, should be good fun.
Will be good to see how you get on in your first comp in the equipment!

Probably f**king bomb out miserably going by last nights performance, lol.

Not too worried about how I do just want to try it and see, benching 200+ would be fine by me as well.
IrishMarcIcon...28-07-2010 @ 21:55 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
If I come across as a c**t, I'm not actually a c**t in real life.

Well maybe a bit of a c**t.
SuperSteel101Icon...28-07-2010 @ 21:56 
over 1000 posts and still no tagline
Member 865, 1370 posts
SQ 200, BP 155, DL 250
605.0 kgs @ 80.6kgs UnEq
IrishMarc said:
Probably f**king bomb out miserably going by last nights performance, lol.
Not too worried about how I do just want to try it and see, benching 200+ would be fine by me as well.

If you can get the shirt working for you then I can definately see a 200+ bench, I've never used one myself but of the people I know who do most get between 30 - 60 kgs out of it!

PS. This log is f**king tremendous, fortunately I know you and understand the humour going on, sitting here reading it all pissing myself laughing Grin
DuncanIcon...28-07-2010 @ 21:56 
deadlift 300kg conventional ? never gonna happen
Member 414, 1127 posts
SQ 275, BP 187.5, DL 317.5
780.0 kgs @ 115kgs Eq
IrishMarc said:
I have better things to do with my time then type paragraphs about 100g worth of boxers.
This is the last post I will make on my training log about some bulls**t politics.
I don't care for any of the pissing and moaning that goes on the internet about lifting weights.
I love to lift, love to compete and love to cheer others on doing the same thing I have no time for negative points of view on a f**king hobby.
I am making my posts in humour I like too have a laugh. If you don't like my humour don't read/post in my log.

Yes it's a training log but people will post about topics they feel are interesting.
IrishMarcIcon...28-07-2010 @ 22:00 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
Duncan said:
Yes it's a training log but people will post about topics they feel are interesting.
SHAMROCKIcon...28-07-2010 @ 23:14 
has magic hands
Member 245, 316 posts
The 100g that is being discussed was down to the comp offical doing the weigh in not the lifter so people should have a pop at the them , not the man lifting.
SHAMROCKIcon...28-07-2010 @ 23:15 
has magic hands
Member 245, 316 posts
Boar said:nice lifting marc !! looking strong allround , oly lifting is somthing everyone wants to be able to do, but not many can !

although as an administrator i have had to inform the british government about the amount of 'activity' between you n shamrock

s**t Boar has broken the code again
IrishMarcIcon...28-07-2010 @ 23:17 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
s**t Boar has broken the code again

f**ker must be MI5 going to have to consult Gerry for how best to proceed.
nickIcon...28-07-2010 @ 23:20 
finally got a tagline
Member 1190, 2812 posts
SQ 300, BP 200, DL 350
850.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
is there a gd crew training at the CSE?
IrishMarcIcon...28-07-2010 @ 23:22 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 28.07.2010 @ 23:23 PM by IrishMarc
nick said:is there a gd crew training at the CSE?

Yeah decent bunch been training regularly for 2-3 months now will imagine that it will snow ball with time have 7 odd lifters 3-4 regulars.
nickIcon...28-07-2010 @ 23:24 
finally got a tagline
Member 1190, 2812 posts
SQ 300, BP 200, DL 350
850.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
kl looked nice the new bit has lots of good stuff too il be staying only like 100m away from it too so need to take advantage of that
IrishMarcIcon...28-07-2010 @ 23:48 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
nick said:kl looked nice the new bit has lots of good stuff too il be staying only like 100m away from it too so need to take advantage of that

probably not a bad idea. Got to work on getting some jacked fibraz.
voldomonkeyIcon...29-07-2010 @ 01:03 
Member 1465, 320 posts
SQ 207.5, BP 137.5, DL 222.5
567.5 kgs @ 82.2kgs UnEq
IrishMarc said:Hows about you let it go.

Haven't you got anything better to do?

Tell you what I will weigh in at 98.8 to even it out.


This is a training log not a f**king knitting circle you got a problem with it e-mail the SPF director.

LMFAO! Nice Marc
stephenIcon...29-07-2010 @ 11:23 
knows some really strong guys
Member 323, 1436 posts
SQ 305, BP 200, DL 285
790.0 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
Post Edited: 29.07.2010 @ 11:26 AM by stephen
IrishMarc said:

This is a training log not a f**king knitting circle you got a problem with it e-mail the SPF director.

If I had competed I would contact them especially since you got a record.

I can't believe that some of you think this is fine. Would it be fine to pass a high squat just because the lifter could have went lower?

I won't post again about the subject and I did say I wasn't having a dig at Marc.

Will be good to watch you progress in the equipment.
SuperSteel101Icon...29-07-2010 @ 11:48 
over 1000 posts and still no tagline
Member 865, 1370 posts
SQ 200, BP 155, DL 250
605.0 kgs @ 80.6kgs UnEq
stephen said:
If I had competed I would contact them especially since you got a record.
I can't believe that some of you think this is fine. Would it be fine to pass a high squat just because the lifter could have went lower?
I won't post again about the subject and I did say I wasn't having a dig at Marc.
Will be good to watch you progress in the equipment.

I agree with you Stephen they should of made him get his "piece" out and make sure he was under the 100, the rules are the rules and it's important they are followed.

Also like you say it wasn't Marc's decision to do things that way and he is not at fault here, it's an unfortunate situation all round.

Should be a great battle between yourself, Marc and Stuart Critchton on bench press at the seniors, looking forward to seeing it!


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