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Marc's Fatty Fat Fat Training Log

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IrishMarcIcon...14-09-2010 @ 20:23 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
IrishMarcIcon...15-09-2010 @ 20:19 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
Wednesday 15/9/2010

It was the gym open day so what was meant to be a rest day ended up being not very restful.

BW for reps bench challenge.

107.5kg x 25
150kg x 5 show boating in front of some birds.

Press Up Challenge - most in one minuite

bw x 71

Then did a machine session.

Leg Extension 3x10
Dip 3x10
Leg Curl 3x10
Preacher Curl 3x10
Chest Press 3x10
Lat Pull Down 3x10
Ab Machine 3x10

shauncleggIcon...15-09-2010 @ 20:20 
The official olympic weightlifter of SB (juniors)
Member 495, 3531 posts
SQ 201, BP 137.5, DL 200
538.5 kgs @ 69kgs UnEq
IrishMarc said:
shaunclegg said:Well done in the comp when you doing an olympic weightlifting comp?[/quote
Cheers shaun. Looking to compete in the north England open in November.

What date is that ?
nickIcon...16-09-2010 @ 02:17 
finally got a tagline
Member 1190, 2812 posts
SQ 300, BP 200, DL 350
850.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
ncei anech#!!"£$£"!
IrishMarcIcon...16-09-2010 @ 20:43 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
nick said:ncei anech#!!"£$£"!

This man knows how to type.

Thursday 16/9/2010


100kg x 2
140kg 2x2
180kg x 1
220kg x 1
240kg x 1
140kg x 5
170kg x 5
200kg x 5
220kg x 3

Chest Press Machine 4x8
Chest Supported Row 4x8
Pec Fly 2x10
Rear Delt Flt 2x10

EZ Preacher Curls 21s

40kg x 21

Interval Sprint Cycling

20 seconds on 10 seconds off x 8
IrishMarcIcon...16-09-2010 @ 20:43 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
shaunclegg said:
What date is that ?

21st of November I think mate in yorkshire.
IrishMarcIcon...17-09-2010 @ 21:38 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
Just a wee 20 minuite sesh after work.

Friday 17/9/2010

Back Squat

60kg x 5
100kg x 2
140kg x 2
180kg x 1
200kg x 1
220kg x 1

Power Clean

60kg 10x3
IrishMarcIcon...21-09-2010 @ 16:23 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq

Monday 20/9/2010

Back Squat

bar x 10
60kg x 5
100kg x 3
140kg x 3
180kg x 2
Belt On
220kg x 1 (flyer)
240kg x miss
240kg x 1 +10kg PB
140kg 1,1
210kg x 2
180kg x 2

Sweet PB but knee was feeling like s**t not going down aggressively and it was more of a grinder than it should have been.

Good turn out for Monday night squat club big allistar the 18 year old yetti got a 305kg squat in just the suit straps down more to come from him.
IrishMarcIcon...21-09-2010 @ 16:29 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
Tuesday 21/9/2010

Bench Press (down week for reps)

bar x 20
60kg x 5
100kg x 5
140kg x 3

Dumbbell Decline Press

30kg 2 x 15

Chest Press Machine 2x20
Chest Flt Machine 2x20
EZ Curl Machine 4x10 Pyrmiding Up
Tricep Push Down 4x10
EZ Curl 21s 1 set
CG Press Ups 21s 1 set

Incline Sprint Intervals

20 seconds on 10 seconds off x 8
IrishMarcIcon...21-09-2010 @ 20:23 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 24.09.2010 @ 14:26 PM by IrishMarc
Videos from the seniors

260kg Squat - looking at the video that was high but it passed so its all good.

200kg bench musical and non musical version

272.5kg Deadlift

SuperSteel101Icon...21-09-2010 @ 20:39 
over 1000 posts and still no tagline
Member 865, 1370 posts
SQ 200, BP 155, DL 250
605.0 kgs @ 80.6kgs UnEq
Training is looking good Marc, tasty squat PB!

Alistair had a fair crowd in the background for that squat lol, I think it's fair to say he is the best young lifter Scotland has to offer by quite some way!
IrishMarcIcon...21-09-2010 @ 20:52 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
SuperSteel101 said:Training is looking good Marc, tasty squat PB!

Alistair had a fair crowd in the background for that squat lol, I think it's fair to say he is the best young lifter Scotland has to offer by quite some way!

I'd say that was a fair bet mate, Monday night squat club is snowballing.
IrishMarcIcon...22-09-2010 @ 22:15 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
Wednesday 22/9/2010


60kg x 3
100kg x 3
140kg x 3
180kg x 3
220kg x 5 (+2 rep PB)
260kg x 2 (+1 rep PB)
180kg x 5

Underhand BB Row

60kg x 10
120kg x 10
140kg x 10
60kg x 20

WG Pull Ups

BW 3x8

Lat Pulldown 2xfailure
EZ 21s
IrishMarcIcon...23-09-2010 @ 20:55 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
Thursday 23/9/2010

Bench Press

bar x 20
60kg x 5
100kg x 3
140kg x 2
160kg x 1
Shirt On
200kg x 1 (3 inches off)
220kg x 0 (1-2 inches off)
220kg x 0 (touched came half way up off line)

In Thompsons's F6 size 48 not been broken in yet.
IrishMarcIcon...25-09-2010 @ 02:03 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq


220kg x 1
250kg x 1


125kg x 3
150kg x 2


100kg 2x2
140kg x 1
160kg x 1 grinder


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