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Insula catches up with Ed Coan

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Wayne_CowdreyIcon...21-01-2016 @ 20:27 
Still got a little bit of strength
Member 400, 22366 posts
What's the test for insulina abuse? Face calipers?
AdamTIcon...21-01-2016 @ 20:44 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5209 posts
Wayne_Cowdrey said:What's the test for insulina abuse? Face calipers?

BoarIcon...21-01-2016 @ 20:46 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
isn't it the circumference measurement ratio of the bubbled belly to the boulder shoulders ?

SteveIcon...21-01-2016 @ 21:51 
nothing to hide, please follow my life on webcam
Member 255, 3732 posts
Benvie said:Am I right in thinking that Ed never failed a test and just got his ban for competing in an untested fed while still an IPF member?

No - he failed drugs tests three times in the IPF!
FazcIcon...21-01-2016 @ 21:58 
Sports an extremely muscular arse.
Member 38, 6253 posts
Just a bit of deca, what's the big deal right.
WiegieboardIcon...21-01-2016 @ 22:37 
as crimson as my last victims underclothing.....
Member 899, 11368 posts
SQ 180, BP 132.5, DL 190
502.5 kgs @ 118kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 21.01.2016 @ 22:39 PM by Wiegieboard
Holy s**t. Ed Coan is SO GOOD at powerlifting that just LISTENING to him puts Insulina straight into your blood supply!

Also. Would attend a Tom Martin seminar if it was within 50 miles of me.
samue1sonIcon...22-01-2016 @ 05:52 
Member 4416, 1372 posts
SQ 210, BP 175, DL 240
625.0 kgs @ 122kgs UnEq
AdamT said:

They test your face for cheese essence.
The_Lone_WolfIcon...22-01-2016 @ 09:00 
I eat a lot of meat
Member 5124, 3007 posts
SQ 245, BP 130, DL 275
650.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
So if you compete in the IPF, you're not allowed within 50 feet of Ed Coan as his presence may make you fail a drug test.

Is this the new thing now for athletes to cheat drug tests? Passive drug abuse? Telepathic Test abuse?

I failed my test because Ed Coan looked at me and his drug fuelled eyes made my test levels go through the roof and caused my body to absorb deca via his powerful mindset.

Bunch of mongs, world's a joke.
BillytheoldIcon...22-01-2016 @ 10:59 
Sugdens crazy old person.
Member 4936, 7288 posts
SQ 270, BP 155, DL 270
695.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Don't look at him, maybe he will go away. What if someone in power sees you reading his writings?
AdamCIcon...22-01-2016 @ 11:32 
Member 1519, 1476 posts
SQ 320, BP 260, DL 320
900.0 kgs @ 117kgs Eq
Post Edited: 22.01.2016 @ 11:32 AM by AdamC
Steve said:
No - he failed drugs tests three times in the IPF!

If i recall the 3rd one was a bit of a stitch up though

Im sure i read it was an already opened cup, he had to walk past a room full of people with the sample (open) and the chain of custody was compromised, sure i read he wasnt allowed to appeal either
The_Lone_WolfIcon...22-01-2016 @ 11:45 
I eat a lot of meat
Member 5124, 3007 posts
SQ 245, BP 130, DL 275
650.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
Wayne_Cowdrey said:What's the test for insulina abuse? Face calipers?

It's called the Donnie Dimple Test, or DDT for short.

Basically, puffy insulina face can be found if you prod the cheek of an athlete, and if the cheek doesn't instantly spring back and leaves a visible sunken dimple, the face is deemed so puffy from insulina that the athlete must be banned.

That test is deemed about as accurate as the rest of the current testing procedures.
GordyIcon...22-01-2016 @ 13:13 
Member 5418, 383 posts
Post Edited: 20.08.2018 @ 10:50 AM by Gordy
1369philIcon...22-01-2016 @ 14:30 
doesnt work hard enough in the gym
Member 1492, 2138 posts
SQ 170, BP 145, DL 195
510.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq
The_Lone_Wolf said:So if you compete in the IPF, you're not allowed within 50 feet of Ed Coan as his presence may make you fail a drug test.

Is this the new thing now for athletes to cheat drug tests? Passive drug abuse? Telepathic Test abuse?

I failed my test because Ed Coan looked at me and his drug fuelled eyes made my test levels go through the roof and caused my body to absorb deca via his powerful mindset.

Bunch of mongs, world's a joke.

I think Ed Coan is a legendary lifter with a great deal to offer and he seems like a really nice guy.

However, he failed 3 tests and got banned.

Would the world of cycling be happy for Chris Froome and Bradley Wiggins to go to seminars by Lance Armstrong, or maybe get a bit of coaching from him - afterall, Lance was a decent cyclist with a lot to offer?

If a sport is trying to be drug free then it should be seen to discourage it's members to be coached (in a direct or indirect way) by someone who has repeatedly failed tests and has a lifetime ban.

As far as I'm aware the IPF does not ban it's lifters or even try to stop them associating with regular users - and rightly so. Just those who are banned for life (which is a small group)

Nobody is saying Ed Coan is a bad person, or a bad lifter, or a bad influence - but when you're promoting something then the very poster boy for the opposite of that is not someone who the IPF want their top guys paying to get advise from.

Again - it's the Lance Armstrong/current Tour de France guys analogy - would the media like to see Lance teaching a room full of current riders? What message would that send out regarding current riders and their desire to avoid PEDs?
little_aIcon...22-01-2016 @ 15:27 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
1369phil said:
As far as I'm aware the IPF does not ban it's lifters or even try to stop them associating with regular users - and rightly so. Just those who are banned for life

Just playing devils advocate, but at what level does this 'association' stop? If Ed Coan was a member of Sugden, could an IPF lifter not also be a member of the forum or would it be ok with the IPF as long as they didn't post in the same threads? Could an IPF lifter not queue at the same queue or get on the same bus as evil Ed or would it be ok as long as they didn't speak? If a copy of one of these seminars ends up on youtube on ppv how would an online IPF viewer differ from an IPF attendee of the seminar?

I understand how the IPF has rules and what they are trying to achieve, but in these times of global inter connectivity how realistic is it? I wonder if Facebook checks whether or not someone is in the IPF before suggesting Ed Coan as a friend?Confused
macrothIcon...22-01-2016 @ 15:48 
no longer the Swiss Deadlift record holder
Member 3517, 3368 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 122.5, DL 255
560.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
I doubt IPF has the resources to go down that imaginary slippery slope. Roll-Eyes


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