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How important is a program?

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GordyIconHow important is a program?31-10-2016 @ 10:56 
Member 5418, 383 posts
Post Edited: 11.08.2018 @ 14:01 PM by Gordy
Wayne_CowdreyIcon...31-10-2016 @ 11:00 
Still got a little bit of strength
Member 400, 22227 posts
I've never followed one.
scruffmcbuffIcon...31-10-2016 @ 11:05 
Lovely ass Congrats.
Member 5958, 2315 posts
SQ 280, BP 170, DL 300
750.0 kgs @ 138kgs UnEq
Gordy said:If I just went into the gym and say Squatted up to a weight that I can do 3 sets of 5 with, but not 4 sets, then did the same later in the week but sets of 3 instead. If I did just that every week and just lifted the heaviest weight I could lift within those parameters every time, would I still be able to make decent strength gains doing that? Or would I likely see strength gains for like a month then stall for the rest of my life?

I’m at the point now where I just want to go into the gym and lift weights, without having to constantly refer to a program to find out what weight I’m lifting or what rep scheme or for however many reps etc etc.

like a 5,3,2,1 Program Tongue
AdamTIcon...31-10-2016 @ 12:41 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5207 posts
Not as important as testosterona!!!
shanejerIcon...31-10-2016 @ 13:33 
Member 1307, 14110 posts
SQ 355, BP 240, DL 370
965.0 kgs @ 102kgs UnEq
Intensity is the best program tbf but proper structure and control can add a good few percent to the lifts each year and can highlight and improve weaknesses

If you don't care to much about being as strong as you possibly could be it won't make THAT much difference . You'll still improve just not quite as much.
KevC86Icon...31-10-2016 @ 20:16 
Member 5141, 4328 posts
SQ 300, BP 180, DL 350
830.0 kgs @ 130kgs UnEq
If you train purely to improve comp performances then you should be following a programme.
If you train for any other reason then its not necessary.

I compete, but enjoying my training has always drastically outranked improving my comp placings. I seem to recall Mark Clegg saying something similar as well.

Decide why you are training, and then it will be easy to decide if you need to follow a programme.
AaronJIcon...31-10-2016 @ 23:06 
Intolerant of old shtick.
Member 5276, 431 posts
SQ 222, BP 145, DL 265
632.0 kgs @ 96kgs UnEq
shanejer said:Intensity is the best program tbf but proper structure and control can add a good few percent to the lifts each year and can highlight and improve weaknesses

If you don't care to much about being as strong as you possibly could be it won't make THAT much difference . You'll still improve just not quite as much.

Are you referring to intensity in terms of weight on the bar compared to your 1RM, or intensity in terms of how hard you push yourself?
FazcIcon...31-10-2016 @ 23:23 
Sports an extremely muscular arse.
Member 38, 6253 posts
If we say a program is a series of sets/reps/days at a bare minimum. What you've described is a programme.

The only difference between what you're proposing or what Sheiko might recommend, is that you basically just pulled yours out of your ass. A good coach would base it on what he's seen works.

So yeah generally assuming you want to see progress and you're not that great at seeing patterns in your own training, it's probably a good idea you leave that to someone else and use a popular program.

As long as you're not doing Wendlers, you can't go too far wrong.
unit94Icon...31-10-2016 @ 23:42 
what is everyone's fran time?
Member 3986, 10452 posts
SQ 340, BP 200, DL 400
940.0 kgs @ 129kgs Eq
I put a lot of fairly new lifters on 5/3/1 I find it works really well
GordyIcon...01-11-2016 @ 14:53 
Member 5418, 383 posts
Post Edited: 11.08.2018 @ 14:00 PM by Gordy
PaulSavageIcon...02-11-2016 @ 11:47 
Member 2775, 6927 posts
If you just lift the heaviest you can every session then you will no doubt get injured at some point. You don't need to follow a programme of set numbers but having an idea of what you want to do would be of use. Also not doing the same thing year round would help too, it's good to change things up every 2-3 month.
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