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Historic Stones and Stonelifting in Scotland

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james_grahameIconHistoric Stones and Stonelifting in Scotland30-12-2010 @ 09:00 
Member 1525, 95 posts
I exchanged a couple of emails with Peter Martin and got this detailed reply. Quite lengthy, but interesting if you are keen on historic stones.

I also got an attachment which has a summary of the status of a number of other Scottish stones.

I had really only heard of those in the 'Stones and Stength book' so there was a lot of new info here for me. Hopefully other people will find it informative as well.

Subject: Re: Scottish Stones
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 12:02:14 +0000


First of all, congratulations on your lifts. I attach for your information a list of what I am looking at just now. I hope you find it interesting. The problem I have is that many of the stones which have an ancient history are lost. The Puterach at Balquhidder was a stone that around 1850 the local Church Minister tried to dispose off and it was eventually built into the Manse wall. Not so much of a coincidence that the Minister at Old Dailly tried to do the same in addition to a Minister in Glen Lyon. There are many other factors which caused the demise of stone lifting in Scotland but later the exploits of Donald Dinnie helped retain some history. Would probably upset people in saying this but the Inver Stone, Dinnies and Menzies date after 1850 so are relatively modern. The Dalwhinnie Stone is even more so making the Testing Stone of the Fianna (which I think was called Bodach Odhar) as the only true remaining testing stone in the country with the exception of the Blue Stones of Dailly. There are reportedly 3 Bodachs in Glen Lyon - perhaps more but it takes a lot of work trying to find out and identify them.

If you look at "Of Stones and Strength" you will se that there are only a few that are available for lifting. The Colonsay stone - A' Clach Thogalach is still there but hasn't been lifted in ages and is now semi-submerged in the local Machair and nearly hidden by long grass. I know that it got a brief mention in the book but neither my Dad or Steve Jeck visited it. In abandoning the stone so to speak it is now in the state it is in. While everyone flocks to the Dinnies a 500 year old plus stone remains overlooked. In doing this it means that if the stone is to be repatriated, someone (me) has to speak to landowners etc to try and get permission for it to be dug up and sited in a more accessible spot. This is ongoing just now but it is not a simple job of turning up and asking but I will let everyone know when it is free for lifting.

I am trying to have a replacement stone or stones put in place at Balquhidder. The Puterach is well lost but you will see that the Plinth Stone is still there - the Paudraik. It is crying out for a stone to be placed on it. Now here is a big problem. The site is owned by the Woodlands Commission. The site is also in Stirling Council area, There is a local Community Council and Community Regeneration Trust. The area is within the eastern ward of the Loch Lomond National Park who can veto just about anything in the area. I presented a portfolio of the site to the local National Park Councilor who said that as Chairman of the Regeneration trust he would raise the subject at a meeting in December. I have heard nothing and I expect to hear nothing. All the locals (I have spoke to them) are for a new stone at the site but this man appears to want to lord it. A typical politician bulls**t type who is really annoying me.

In contrast, the people of Loch Awe and the Dalmally History Association are trying to find the Stone of Strong Black Donald on my behalf. They had no knowledge that people were actually interested in lifting stones and were surprised but they are interested.

You may be aware that I am trying to free the Blue Stones of Old Dailly - I have posted on the Ironmind Forum a request for supportive emails to help me but overall it will take a long time to have they two great stones unshackled. Perhaps you could post a request on your website as I have only 27 supportive emails at present and I am trying desperately to show that there is a worldwide interest in these stones.

If you want to meet up sometime after Xmas (weather permitting) I could show you the two Glen Etive Stones.

Anyway, if your up for Glen Etive let me know and have a great Xmas and New Year.


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