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Fraserburgh Bluelight Annual Strongman Competition - Sunday May 12th 2013

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larrywoodIconFraserburgh Bluelight Annual Strongman Competition - Sunday May 12th 201306-04-2013 @ 10:37 
Member 2066, 97 posts
Post Edited: 01.05.2013 @ 19:55 PM by larrywood
As part of the annual Bluelight Festival in Fraserburgh there will be a strongman competition aimed at novice level competitors.

Venue will be the Fraserburgh Leisure Centre. Start time will be 12:30 and we would like ALL competitiors to be there for 11:00 to get warmed up and have the rules read etc.

Events are as follows.

Press Medley
60kg Granite Block, 67kg Keg, 70kg Axle, 45kg Dumbell.
Press objects in order. Time limit 75 seconds.

180kg Standard Deadlift.
Time limit 75 seconds. Most reps will win.
*No straps or suits allowed*

Yoke Race
240kg Yoke for 30 metres. 1 turn at 15 metres.
Time limit 75 seconds.

60kg Granite Block, 90kg Atlas Stone, 180kg Chain drag.
All objects for 20 metres. Time limit 75 seconds.

Tyre Flip
330kg Tyre for maximium flips.
Time limit 75 seconds.

Atlas Stones
Atlas stones over 48" yoke. 90kg, 103kg, 124kg, 133kg and 144kg.
Time limit 75 seconds.

Carl Tunnard
Iain Wood
Jonathan Summers aka Junior
Sean Mcrae
John Cameron
Robert Hunter
S Alexander
Clark Hendry
Kevin Mairs
Ewan Massie
Ross Smart

James Wilson
TunIcon...06-04-2013 @ 12:00 
Member 2435, 1013 posts
SQ 205, BP 145, DL 222.5
572.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Can i do this please. I am still at Novice level.
jonathansummersIcon...06-04-2013 @ 12:18 
Member 4437, 64 posts
Stick my name down for this Larry
woodyIcon...06-04-2013 @ 12:56 
Member 2640, 50 posts
fire me doon please.
salexander1984Icon...06-04-2013 @ 19:02 
Member 3337, 68 posts
SQ 212.5, BP 120, DL 250
582.5 kgs @ 81kgs UnEq
put my name down please.
clarkhendryIcon...06-04-2013 @ 19:33 
Member 3418, 3 posts
SQ 165, BP 125, DL 205
495.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Put my name down please
cameronkenIcon...06-04-2013 @ 21:38 
Member 4334, 32 posts
SQ 160, BP 120, DL 260
540.0 kgs @ 85kgs Eq
Can you put my name down please Cameron Kennedy thanks
larrywoodIcon...07-04-2013 @ 09:18 
Member 2066, 97 posts
Thanks for all the interest guys, we have ten competitors so far and will be capping numbers either at ten or twelve. Once a decision is made I will update.

*Original post updated with entrants list*
nitemairsIcon...07-04-2013 @ 11:22 
Member 673, 529 posts
SQ 200, BP 110, DL 230
540.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
Some great events. I will throw my name in the hat too please, bit out of shape just so will give me something to train for

Kevin Mairs
larrywoodIcon...08-04-2013 @ 07:12 
Member 2066, 97 posts
Entrants list updated with a cap of 12 competitiors. We will also take names of reserve competitors in the case of pull outs.
StuIcon...08-04-2013 @ 10:02 
Member 2507, 48 posts
SQ 180, BP 117.5, DL 202.5
500.0 kgs @ 70kgs UnEq
Could you pyt my name down as a reserve.
larrywoodIcon...08-04-2013 @ 20:41 
Member 2066, 97 posts
Done Stu
Stu said:Could you pyt my name down as a reserve.
ScottishIcon...08-04-2013 @ 21:45 
Member 2092, 592 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 220
550.0 kgs @ 123.7kgs UnEq
Can I put my name in the mix too, James Wilson.
cameronkenIcon...08-04-2013 @ 22:13 
Member 4334, 32 posts
SQ 160, BP 120, DL 260
540.0 kgs @ 85kgs Eq
Sorry need to pull out
BenvieIcon...08-04-2013 @ 22:17 
embarrasingly poor bench
Member 2684, 4043 posts
SQ 240, BP 135, DL 275
650.0 kgs @ 103kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 09.04.2013 @ 09:07 AM by Benvie
In fact forget what I said, keith cant make this one.


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