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AdamTIconFoam Rollers02-06-2015 @ 09:04 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5209 posts
Do any of you guys foam roll?

Is it worth investing in a good one? To be honest I have rarley used one. I would be interested to hear any of your thoughts on these and if they help much with flexibilty and recovery.

lukiIcon...02-06-2015 @ 09:23 
Member 5517, 1538 posts
SQ 160, BP 165, DL 201
526.0 kgs @ 110kgs UnEq
I've started to use before bench to help loosen my low back to get arch. Instant improvement.
WesIcon...02-06-2015 @ 09:37 
31.6 and Obese !! Get in....
Member 869, 1355 posts
SQ 320, BP 200, DL 310
830.0 kgs @ 97.5kgs Eq
Use mine quite a lot for my back. Arching back onto it helps with my lack of flexibility also.
VanillaGorillaIcon...02-06-2015 @ 09:40 
the UK's leading expert in bio mechanics
Member 1973, 7379 posts
I'd be stuffed without mine to be honest. I do some general soft tissue work after lifting for recovery, and target any specific areas when warming up.and then
AdamTIcon...02-06-2015 @ 10:07 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5209 posts
VanillaGorilla said:I'd be stuffed without mine to be honest. I do some general soft tissue work after lifting for recovery, and target any specific areas when warming up.and then

Good article mate. I think it is time i invest on one.
jwpIcon...02-06-2015 @ 10:14 
vhs porn
Member 5081, 170 posts
SQ 226, BP 160, DL 248
634.0 kgs @ 109kgs UnEq
Sometimes helps, but they're all overpriced overhyped toss - a 2 litre pop bottle full of water works just as well in most cases, and a cut down pool noodle does the rest.

Unless you're a multi million dollar athlete on the cusp of major acute muscle injury, of course.
youngyIcon...02-06-2015 @ 10:32 
crushed the generals chance of 6th place
Member 588, 5477 posts
SQ 200, BP 100, DL 200
500.0 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
jwp said:Sometimes helps, but they're all overpriced overhyped toss - a 2 litre pop bottle full of water works just as well in most cases, and a cut down pool noodle does the rest.

Unless you're a multi million dollar athlete on the cusp of major acute muscle injury, of course.

Conversely my rumble roller was £60 and it is worth every penny.
LeedsMiniPowerIcon...02-06-2015 @ 10:46 
Getting fat is just as dumb as using PED's
Member 3387, 2532 posts
SQ 275, BP 200, DL 290
765.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
But you would look a c**t rolling around on a bottle of pop?
Wayne_CowdreyIcon...02-06-2015 @ 10:58 
Still got a little bit of strength
Member 400, 22367 posts
LeedsMiniPower said:
But you would look a c**t rolling around on a bottle of pop?

It amuses me when people worry about what other people think.
brownbearIcon...02-06-2015 @ 10:59 
Morrisons - rump - 7£
Member 2206, 11578 posts
SQ 228, BP 150, DL 260
638.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
jwp said:Sometimes helps, but they're all overpriced overhyped toss - a 2 litre pop bottle full of water works just as well in most cases, and a cut down pool noodle does the rest.

Unless you're a multi million dollar athlete on the cusp of major acute muscle injury, of course.

Not sure you need to be a multi million dollar athlete to spend £20 on a foam roller or £40-50 on a rumble roller?
JackRevansIcon...02-06-2015 @ 11:34 
'There was also a sausage in my mouth.'
Member 2477, 16481 posts
SQ 190, BP 130, DL 235
555.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
I prefer the pvc roller. For me the rumble roller looks a lot better than it actually is.
AdamTIcon...02-06-2015 @ 11:36 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5209 posts
So basically i'm the only c**t that doesn't really use one.
unit94Icon...02-06-2015 @ 11:57 
what is everyone's fran time?
Member 3986, 10452 posts
SQ 340, BP 200, DL 400
940.0 kgs @ 129kgs Eq
PVC pipe is the best I find
Wayne_CowdreyIcon...02-06-2015 @ 11:57 
Still got a little bit of strength
Member 400, 22367 posts
I don't use one Adam. I don't do half of the stuff people on here do.

If I felt the need to roll around on the floor I'd probably use a rolled up Argos catalogue tightly wrapped in duct tape.
AdamTIcon...02-06-2015 @ 12:14 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5209 posts
Wayne_Cowdrey said:I don't use one Adam. I don't do half of the stuff people on here do.

If I felt the need to roll around on the floor I'd probably use a rolled up Argos catalogue tightly wrapped in duct tape.

I'm the same mate. I do very little stretching or mobility if I'm being honest.

I have great flexibilty but weak as pish, so perhaps should try and spend more time doing some recovery work


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