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LukeCIcon...11-07-2015 @ 15:56 
The one in the guns and roses teeshirt.
Member 171, 2462 posts
SQ 272.5, BP 140, DL 245
657.5 kgs @ 80.2kgs Eq
Thor won car walk, Felix second. Eddie pulled out. Thor's title to lose.
LukeCIcon...11-07-2015 @ 16:07 
The one in the guns and roses teeshirt.
Member 171, 2462 posts
SQ 272.5, BP 140, DL 245
657.5 kgs @ 80.2kgs Eq
Radz wins hammer hold. Felix second, beat thor head to head.
WesIcon...11-07-2015 @ 16:16 
31.6 and Obese !! Get in....
Member 869, 1355 posts
SQ 320, BP 200, DL 310
830.0 kgs @ 97.5kgs Eq
Felix only just qualifies as human.
Tremendous athlete.
samue1sonIcon...11-07-2015 @ 16:26 
Member 4416, 1372 posts
SQ 210, BP 175, DL 240
625.0 kgs @ 122kgs UnEq
Holland 420 on short notice?? Dude is an absolute stud.
LaTutaIcon...11-07-2015 @ 16:28 
I am from Germany so i know what i talk about.
Member 5171, 1049 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 160, DL 233.5
611.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
samue1son said:Holland 420 on short notice?? Dude is an absolute stud.

He should be good for 450-460kg if he is longer in training.he never really had a chance to show how much he can deadlift
Robbo91Icon...11-07-2015 @ 16:31 
Doesn't like tall people very much.
Member 5708, 391 posts
SQ 260, BP 195, DL 275
730.0 kgs @ 137.5kgs UnEq
LaTuta said:
He should be good for 450-460kg if he is longer in training.he never really had a chance to show how much he can deadlift

I agree, his 440 in training a few years ago looked very easy. Hopefully his back trouble doesn't resurface.
AdamTIcon...11-07-2015 @ 16:34 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5208 posts
The time he hit 440, he definitely looked liked like 450 plus was there.

Be good to see him back to his best.
LaTutaIcon...11-07-2015 @ 16:35 
I am from Germany so i know what i talk about.
Member 5171, 1049 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 160, DL 233.5
611.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
AdamT said:The time he hit 440, he definitely looked liked like 450 plus was there.

Be good to see him back to his best.

And lets not forget the 435kg deadlift with this mean apparatus at the end of wsm 2011
LukeCIcon...11-07-2015 @ 16:35 
The one in the guns and roses teeshirt.
Member 171, 2462 posts
SQ 272.5, BP 140, DL 245
657.5 kgs @ 80.2kgs Eq
Radz wins log.
samue1sonIcon...11-07-2015 @ 18:42 
Member 4416, 1372 posts
SQ 210, BP 175, DL 240
625.0 kgs @ 122kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 11.07.2015 @ 18:42 PM by samue1son
LukeC said:Radz wins log.


Man. These days of deadlifts and logging are insane. How lucky are we?
LukeCIcon...11-07-2015 @ 18:48 
The one in the guns and roses teeshirt.
Member 171, 2462 posts
SQ 272.5, BP 140, DL 245
657.5 kgs @ 80.2kgs Eq
samue1son said:
Man. These days of deadlifts and logging are insane. How lucky are we?

150kg for reps. Think he got 6. Had to leave before stones so dont know winner of that or overall!
KevC86Icon...11-07-2015 @ 19:01 
Member 5141, 4421 posts
SQ 300, BP 180, DL 350
830.0 kgs @ 130kgs UnEq
Stones and overall was won by Thor.

I believe Felix was second on stones, and he finished joint 3rd overall. Truly a great year for Felix.

Belsak also had an impressive day, a fairly comfortable 400 pull, joint 2nd on log and beat some impressive guys to finish 4th on stones. Not sure on his overall, but i expect he was 5th. Cant wait to see more from him over the next few years.
PaulSavageIcon...11-07-2015 @ 19:25 
Member 2775, 6927 posts
Who got the podium finish then? Cant have two 3rds surely
Miky111Icon...11-07-2015 @ 19:34 
Member 5729, 138 posts
SQ 350, BP 240, DL 360
950.0 kgs @ 150kgs UnEq
KevC86 said:Stones and overall was won by Thor.

I believe Felix was second on stones, and he finished joint 3rd overall. Truly a great year for Felix.

Belsak also had an impressive day, a fairly comfortable 400 pull, joint 2nd on log and beat some impressive guys to finish 4th on stones. Not sure on his overall, but i expect he was 5th. Cant wait to see more from him over the next few years.

are you sure about Belsak being joint 2nd on the log?
i saw Loz's notes and it looked like he did only 1 rep on the log and was at last place, which would be really strange since he's good for at least 5 with 150
blinkiIcon...11-07-2015 @ 19:52 
Member 5256, 54 posts

Stoltman 46.73 6th
Latvian zigaras? Injured bi 9th
Satinov 38.83 3rd
Belsak 46.43 5th
Terry didn't finish 8th
Felix 48 7th
Radz 45.39 4th
Thor 34 1st
Hall 38 2nd place

Car walk 440kg 30m
Not a strap set up. Like a safety bar inside. Darren recons it's easier because it'll swing less. Not convinced that was true

Satinov 15.80m 5th
Holland lifted it wobbled dropped it
Felix almost finished maybe 27 2nd
Luke missed him 15m? 8th
Belsak 15.30m 6th
Radz 24.20m 3rd
Zigaras 20.4m 4th
Thor completed it 1st

Eddie didn't go
'Tweaked' hip

Hammer hold
Terry 36.58
Luke 34.45
Belsak 40.48
Radz 53.88 1st
Zigaras 40+
Felix 52
Thor less than felix

Thor 31
Radz 25.5
Zigaras 23.5
Felix 22.5
Hall 18
Balsak 17.5
Holland 11.5
Savatinov 9

Log 150
Stoltman 4
Savatiniv 5
Belsak 4
Holland 2 kept letting it drop off the blocks didn't try s third but wasn't really struggling either.
Thor 4 kept bouncing off. Partly because he kept going forward to balance it and missing the blocks, partly they were too bouncy. Time issues not strength
Felix 2
Radz 6 didn't try 7
Zigaras 3

6 finishing with 200kg
Ran in reverse order of position

Stoltman 5 31.81
Holland 5 25.44
Savatinov 5 33.02
Belsak 6 42.61
Felix 6 37 2nd
Zigaras 5
Radz 6 3rd
Thor 6 1st


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