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Eddie's Training Journal

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eddie_wIcon...13-02-2015 @ 16:13 
Member 1676, 304 posts
SQ 260, BP 192.5, DL 363
815.5 kgs @ 120kgs UnEq
Squats (finally, only just got them this week)
120 3x3
160 2x2
180 2x2
200 2x2
220 x1 (wanted to double but was a dodgy rep)
220 x3 half squats

Box squats
160 4x3
eddie_wIcon...14-02-2015 @ 12:43 
Member 1676, 304 posts
SQ 260, BP 192.5, DL 363
815.5 kgs @ 120kgs UnEq
Supposed to be a strongman session down at vulcan more like a coffee morning without the coffee.

Fat log (strict)
Bout 3/4 sets of 52 to warm up
82 2x3
102 x 3
112 x 3
122 x 1
132 cleaned twice circumference on log was making it too hard to press as it was sitting to far in front of me. Was getting off my chest though.

18 inch deadlift
120/160 for a few warm up sets
250 x 2
300 x 2
320 x 1
340 x 1 pb off blocks (15kg jump)
350 x fail (bout half way)

Think I've got more in me on the 18 inch deads was struggling to stay warmed up as was having ti wait a bit too long between sets.
SawyersIcon...14-02-2015 @ 13:14 
Member 2713, 1887 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 140, DL 285
667.5 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
eddie_w said:Supposed to be a strongman session down at vulcan more like a coffee morning without the coffee.

Think I've got more in me on the 18 inch deads was struggling to stay warmed up as was having ti wait a bit too long between sets.

But.. You heard a great story about some druggies.. Grin Tongue
eddie_wIcon...17-02-2015 @ 19:57 
Member 1676, 304 posts
SQ 260, BP 192.5, DL 363
815.5 kgs @ 120kgs UnEq
Off floor deadlift
160 x2
260 2x2
290 3x2

Speed deads
200 3x2

Power shrugs
200 2x5

Lat pull downs with bands
3 x 8

eddie_wIcon...18-02-2015 @ 19:28 
Member 1676, 304 posts
SQ 260, BP 192.5, DL 363
815.5 kgs @ 120kgs UnEq
Oly push press
70 x 5
100 x 3
120 2x3
130 3x1
135 2x1 (grinders)

Strict axel 50mm
75 x 5
85 x 5
95 x 3
105 3x2

CGB with swiss bar
60 2x8
80 3x5
eddie_wIcon...19-02-2015 @ 19:13 
Member 1676, 304 posts
SQ 260, BP 192.5, DL 363
815.5 kgs @ 120kgs UnEq
More of an extra/bonus session tonight

Flat Bench
60 x 8
100 X 5
130 X 2
150 X 1
160 X 1

With blue bands x2 (11-36kg resistance)
Just bar x 8
60 x 8
100 X 5
100 X 3
eddie_wIcon...21-02-2015 @ 10:57 
Member 1676, 304 posts
SQ 260, BP 192.5, DL 363
815.5 kgs @ 120kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 22.02.2015 @ 14:08 PM by eddie_w

120 3 x 3
160 x 2
160 x 2
200 x 1
200 x 2
220 x 1
240 x f


60 x 3 warm up sets
90 x 3
100 x 3
110 x 3
120 x 2
120 x 2
130 x fail

Just got the log back from being repaired was struggling on the clean more than usual

Double overhand axel 45cm
65 x 5
95 x 2
105 x 2
125 x 1
145 x 1 just
145 x 1 better
150 x f

Farmers pick up and hold
(Held for a 3/4 seconds)
55 x 2
95 x 1
105 x 1
115 x 1
125 x 1
135 x 1
155 x 1
165 x f (grip well and truly gone!)
eddie_wIcon...22-02-2015 @ 14:07 
Member 1676, 304 posts
SQ 260, BP 192.5, DL 363
815.5 kgs @ 120kgs UnEq
Log strict
42 x warm up
92 x 3
102 x 3
112 x 2
112 x 2
122 x 1
122 x 1
trained Log outside on driveway and it was a bit windy.

Flat bench
60 x 5
100 x 5
140 x 2
160 x 1
160 x 1
160 x f
eddie_wIcon...23-02-2015 @ 19:13 
Member 1676, 304 posts
SQ 260, BP 192.5, DL 363
815.5 kgs @ 120kgs UnEq
Off floor deads (no straps)
60 x 4/5 sets of 5
160 2x2
260 x 1
302.5 x 1 pb
305 x 1 pb

Bent over rows
(OH & UH)
60 3x5/5

Lat pull downs 3 x 10

eddie_wIcon...24-02-2015 @ 18:30 
Member 1676, 304 posts
SQ 260, BP 192.5, DL 363
815.5 kgs @ 120kgs UnEq
Deficit deads (2 inch)
160 X 2
200 x 2
240 x 2

Swiss bar flat bench
50 x 8
70 X 5
100 X 5
100 X 5
eddie_wIcon...26-02-2015 @ 19:01 
Member 1676, 304 posts
SQ 260, BP 192.5, DL 363
815.5 kgs @ 120kgs UnEq
60 x 5
100 x 5
140 x 3
180 x 3
200 x 3
200 x 3
200 x 1
200 x 1

Front Squats
100 x 3
120 x 2
140 2x1

Calf raises
140 3x15

Going to do some low yoke pick ups over weekend
eddie_wIcon...27-02-2015 @ 19:20 
Member 1676, 304 posts
SQ 260, BP 192.5, DL 363
815.5 kgs @ 120kgs UnEq
Not a proper session just fancied doing something

Flat bench
60 x 8
100 x 5
140 3 x 3
eddie_wIcon...28-02-2015 @ 12:30 
Member 1676, 304 posts
SQ 260, BP 192.5, DL 363
815.5 kgs @ 120kgs UnEq
Session down caste del vulcan
55 x 20m turn at 10m
95 x 20m turn at 10m
115 x 20m turn at 10m
130 x 10m x2

150 x 20m drop and turn at 10m
230 x 20m drop and turn at 10m
290 x 10m
360 x 10m (need to work on this weight )

Log strict
60 x few warm up
80 x 2
100 x 2
110 x 2
120 x 2
eddie_wIcon...03-03-2015 @ 19:16 
Member 1676, 304 posts
SQ 260, BP 192.5, DL 363
815.5 kgs @ 120kgs UnEq
Shoulder and back bad from Saturdays session probably a combination of yoke and farmers.

60 x 5 100 x 3 140 x 3 180 x 3 200 x 2 / 1
(^back and shoulder really effected these)

Flat bench
70 x 5 100 x 5 150 3x2 (well happy with this considering)

incline swiss
110 3 x 5

Idiotic session, trained 12 out of 14 days but now need a rest.
eddie_wIcon...07-03-2015 @ 14:14 
Member 1676, 304 posts
SQ 260, BP 192.5, DL 363
815.5 kgs @ 120kgs UnEq
Had a few days off to rest the shoulder and back. Still not 100%. Trained at home.

Axel (strict)
87 2x5
97 2X3
107 2X3

Log (strict)
42 x 8
82 2x5
102 x3

Flat bench
70 x 5
110 2X3
150 x3 (triple pb I think)

Deadlifting tomorrow hoping for something half decent.


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