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Ed Powerlifting

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AdamTIconEd Powerlifting09-05-2015 @ 21:53 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5209 posts
Ed has just posted a 700kg push pull total on Facebook. He did a meet but didn't squat.

280 bench and 420 deadlift.
DL1987Icon...09-05-2015 @ 22:37 
Member 5105, 667 posts
SQ 220, BP 165, DL 270
655.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
Would been decent if he totalled 1100kg in his first meet lol. And that should shut all the people up saying he couldn't pull without straps and a hitch
AdamTIcon...09-05-2015 @ 22:41 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5209 posts
He said 400 squat would be no problem and there was more there on bench and dead.

DL1987Icon...09-05-2015 @ 22:56 
Member 5105, 667 posts
SQ 220, BP 165, DL 270
655.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
Whats the record total 1180kg or something? I think he would be good for 1100kg no problem and may 1180kg on a good day with good prep. 300kg bench 450kg dead 430kg squat
PaulSavageIcon...09-05-2015 @ 23:08 
Member 2775, 6927 posts
He's also weighing 181kg now.
93hopkinsonrIcon...09-05-2015 @ 23:09 
Mr.Potato deadlift
Member 2675, 4781 posts
SQ 300, BP 202.5, DL 300
802.5 kgs @ 110kgs UnEq
1120 by malan I think.


Although I think eric lilliebridge will break this shortly and set the bar higher
DL1987Icon...09-05-2015 @ 23:15 
Member 5105, 667 posts
SQ 220, BP 165, DL 270
655.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
93hopkinsonr said:1120 by malan I think.


Although I think eric lilliebridge will break this shortly and set the bar higher

Thought it was higher defo think ed could break that of he spent a year aiming for a comp. Maybe even a few month
peanutsIcon...09-05-2015 @ 23:21 
Beef liver and peanuts
Member 3618, 222 posts
SQ 240, BP 160, DL 280
680.0 kgs @ 118kgs UnEq
Given that ed is still young by strength game standards,if he stays injury free he may well become the strongest man of all time,unless the wwe come knocking for the big man.
DomRedshawIcon...10-05-2015 @ 10:27 
Uk limbo dancing champion
Member 2666, 6551 posts
SQ 202, BP 170, DL 255
627.0 kgs @ 88kgs UnEq
280 comp bench with f**ked tricep Eek
deleted2_20210523Icon...10-05-2015 @ 10:31 
Member 2606, 11453 posts
SQ 170, BP 117.5, DL 215
502.5 kgs @ 91.6kgs UnEq
IainKendrickIcon...10-05-2015 @ 14:38 
some nice relaxing jazz.
Member 77, 12599 posts
SQ 265, BP 165, DL 280
710.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
Only just over a double bw deadlift... weak as s**t!
MotorbikerIcon...10-05-2015 @ 14:53 
Member 4115, 1247 posts
SQ 195, BP 140, DL 220
555.0 kgs @ 82.5kgs UnEq
700kg is an all time raw push pull pb right?
93hopkinsonrIcon...10-05-2015 @ 15:04 
Mr.Potato deadlift
Member 2675, 4781 posts
SQ 300, BP 202.5, DL 300
802.5 kgs @ 110kgs UnEq
Motorbiker said:700kg is an all time raw push pull pb right?

I think Kirill sarychev has done 326/400
DL1987Icon...10-05-2015 @ 15:24 
Member 5105, 667 posts
SQ 220, BP 165, DL 270
655.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
93hopkinsonr said:
I think Kirill sarychev has done 326/400

He is a beast as well. What's his squat like??
93hopkinsonrIcon...10-05-2015 @ 15:44 
Mr.Potato deadlift
Member 2675, 4781 posts
SQ 300, BP 202.5, DL 300
802.5 kgs @ 110kgs UnEq
DL1987 said:
He is a beast as well. What's his squat like??

I've seen him do around 300 but I have no idea on his max


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