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DeanW92 | ... | 21-01-2014 @ 19:18 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | 21st January Warm-up Benchpress 50x8 70x5 90x5 100 2x8 90 2x8 Db incline bench 2x10 2x12 Incline Db flies 5x15 Rope pushdowns 20x2 15x2 12x3 One arm tricep extensions 2x15 Good training session, I guess it feels good to do some different exercises and feel a bit of a pump too. | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 23-01-2014 @ 22:23 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | 23rd january bent-over rows Worksets 4x12 underarm grip BOR's 4x12 wg pull ups Bw 5x5 hammwrstrength under arm rows 5x12 straightarm cable pulldowns 3x10 ez bar curls 4x15 db curls Fin. | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 24-01-2014 @ 22:12 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | 24th January Foam roll mid-back Seated Db shoulder press (Without back support) 10'sx12 20sx8 26's 3x8 24'sx8 Pretty difficult without back support Strict overhead 50 4x8 DB side raises 4x15 Upright rows SS with shrugs 3x20 + 3x12 Cable upright rows 4x15 Back raises (using a bench) 4x12 Foam roll hamstrings and stretches for mid-back. Fin Next training session will probably be tuesday. Saturday, Sunday and Monday il try fit in an hour each of stretching and foam rolling by back and legs. | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 28-01-2014 @ 22:34 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | Done alot of stretching and foam rolling the last few days and my back is feeling much better. Tueaday 28th lunges warm up 1x8 Work sets 4x12 each leg incline wg bench Warm up 1x10 60kg 4x12 hammerstrength rows 1x10 4x12 straightleg deads 60kg 4x20 Nicely got some bloodyflow in my erector spinae db shoulder press 4x12 Fin. | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 28-01-2014 @ 22:35 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | Post Edited: 28.01.2014 @ 22:35 PM by DeanW92 Dbl post | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 30-01-2014 @ 19:15 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | 30th jan 15 mins warm up squats 60 3x10 Deadlift combo (snatchgrip, straightleg, regular, 5 reps each) 60 1 set 100 3 sets Lunges BWx10 per leg 50 12 per leg leg curls X10 x15 x20 Leg extensions 1x15 2x20 Stretching + foam rolling. Back extensions Fin Back starting to feel better, will slowly add weights each week and see how it goes | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 01-02-2014 @ 14:44 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | Sat 1st Paused incline bench Barx10 40x10 60x5 70x5 90x5 100x5 60x15 60 3x10 Flat db flies 4x10 Incline hs press 4x10 Wg chins 2x8 3x5 Flat bench 6 sets x ? Lost track here Varied between some wg and cg reps Fin | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 03-02-2014 @ 19:21 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | Monday 3rd feb Strict overhead Bar 2x10 40x8 50x5 18 sets 60x8 Db shoulder press 30s x10 34s x8 Chins ss with db side raises bw x 5,10,8 Side raises 3x12 One arm cable pulldowns ss upright rows 3x10 each Fin. | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 04-02-2014 @ 20:43 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | Tuesday 4th feb 10 min warm up Beltless squats 60x10 100x8 120x3 130x5 140 3x3 (belt on last set) Snatchgrip deads without belt 60x10 100x3 120x3 140x3 160x3 Beltless deads 180x5 180x8 Leg extensions 4x15 Leg curls 4x12 Stretching and foam rolling Fin Managed to squat and deadlift without any back pain today, right hip was a little off but didnt effect me too much. Squats felt heavy And pretty hard but deads felt decent, not really been able to train either since the 10th of jan so expected really I guess. | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 06-02-2014 @ 18:52 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | Thurs 6th feb Incline bench barx10 50x8 70x5 80x3 90x10 Bench 50x5 70x5 90x15 slight pause on each rep Wg chins Bwx5 Bwx8 Incline dbs 26sx8 34sx15 Hs rows 1x10 1x8 1x10 Incline db flies 10sx10 16sx15 Ez bar curls 15x10 35x12 Hammer curls 16sx15 Fin. Good session, first decent bit of benching in a while, changed to a wider grip and felt good except unracking heavier weights will be difficult. | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 08-02-2014 @ 19:24 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | Sunday Warm up-bw squats and lunges Squats 60x5 100x5 120x3 130x1 Add belt 140x10 Incline db press 10sx10 22sx10 30sx6 40sx12 Chins + cable pulldowns Warm up on pulldowns 2x8 Chins bwx12 straight into pulldowns 2x12 Skull crushers Barx10 Bar+20kgx8 Bar+30x12 dropset +20x12 Plate tricep extensions 15kgx20 Crunches ss with back extensions 2x30 crunches 2x20 back extensions Fin Great session, thought I might of been tired as I worked from 4:30-14:00, but everything was good. Squats much better than last time. | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 11-02-2014 @ 05:54 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | Monday 11th feb Strict press Barx10 Light db warm up Barx10 40x5 50x3 60x3 70x8? SLDL with snatchgrip (beltless) 60x10 100x5 120x5 140x8 160x5 A very hard exercise, nicely hits the erectors though Db rows 20x10 30x8 40 3x15 Db curls 10sx10 18sx10 Leg raises 3x10 Foam roll quads and lacrosse ball on calfs | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 12-02-2014 @ 21:27 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | Wednesday 12th feb Incline bench barx10 50x8 70x5 80x3 90x10 Bench 60x5 80x3 100x3 110x2 120 2x3 Incline dbs 20sx10 34s 3x10 Tricep rope pushdowns 4x10 Dips bw 3x15 Fin. Feeling absolutely knackered! Next training session will be friday, got the day off work so il try catch up on some sleep tomorrow night. | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 14-02-2014 @ 14:23 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | Fri 14th feb 10 mins on the crosstrainers Few bw squats and lunges Light squats 60x5 100x5 120x3 Deadlifts 60x5 snatchgrip 100x3 sg 140x1 sg 160x1 sg 180x1 sg 200x1 Add belt 220x1 230x1 200x8 Hs rows 4x20 Leg extensions 3x15 Leg curls 3x20 Leg raises 2x15 Fin. A pretty good session, had some caffeine preworkout but had a bit too much which made me feel a bit s**tty but still did pretty well and im happy with how things went. | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 18-02-2014 @ 21:04 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | Tuesday 18th feb Strict oh Barx8 40x5 50x3 60x3 70x3 80x4 90x5 pushpress Incline bench 60x5 80x5 90 5x5 Standing db press 20s 4x10 Cg bench 60x8 80x5 90x 8,8,6 Fin Good session, strength not too bad atm. Squats tomorrow, hope im not too knackered. | ||
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