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DeanW92 | ... | 05-06-2013 @ 20:25 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | Wednesday 5th Paused bench Barx5 60 2x5 80x3 100x2 110x2 120x2 130 2x1 100 5x3 Warm-up shoulders with dbs Strict log (clean every rep) 5x3 @ 70 Log pushpress (clean every rep) 3x3 @ 80 Strict bb press 3x5 @ 60 Fin Bw was 93kg tonight so around 92 in the morning, 9kg down from my heaviest. | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 08-06-2013 @ 21:27 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | Friday Lat pulldowns 3x10 Db rows 53kg 2x15 , 1x10 Pull ups 3x8 Upright rows and shrugs 3x10 each Done Last session on tuesday, looking forward to a weeks break, it should do me some good. | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 11-06-2013 @ 00:00 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | Monday 10th June Squats bar 2x5 60kg-2x5 80kg-1x5 100kg-1x5 120kg-5x3 130kg-1x5, last rep paused Flat bench (paused) Bar 2x10 60kgx5 80kgx3 100kg-5x3 110kgx1 120kgx2 130kg-2x1 Incline nuetral grip DB press 5x5 with 35s Easy workout today, decided to train at the last minute but felt pretty good, will do some log n deads tomorrow. Took some vids today to look at my squat and bench technique, was pretty happy with the form on the squats, bench wasn't too bad, form seemed to break down a bit though for the 130 sets, looked much better with 120. Will try upload vids tomorrow if I figure how. | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 11-06-2013 @ 21:18 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | Post Edited: 11.06.2013 @ 21:22 PM by DeanW92 11th JuneDeadlifts 60x5 100x5 140x3 160 5x3 180x3 200 2x3 Strict log Warm-up with DB's first. 70 3x2 75 2x2 80 2x2 85 2x1 Log Pushpress 70x5 80x5 90 2x2 70 3x5 BW today 92.3kg after eating loads. Got a few videos from today and yesterday, pretty happy with my form on these videos but any pointers would be welcome. Think I need to look up more on the squats and I look to miss-groove on the 130 bench. 120x2 bench 2nd set of 130x1 bench 130x5 squat, last rep paused Last set of deadlifts 200x3 | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 20-06-2013 @ 21:00 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | 20th June 1st day back in the gym today after a week off for my holiday, got back last night. Squats 60 2x5 100 1x5 120 1x3 130 x1 140 x2 125 5x3 deadlifts (without belt) 100 x5 140 x5 160 x2 180 x3 160 4x3 160 x10 Leg extensions 4x10 Glute-ham raises BW 4x10 Fin Plan is to Increase intensity and decrease volume every week, after 3 weeks il drop to heavy singles and on week 6 hopefully il hit some PB's. Today's session didn't go too bad, squats felt a bit harder than I anticipated however deadlifts felt very good so we shall see what happens. Will try do log and bench tomorrow or saturday. | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 22-06-2013 @ 11:43 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | Post Edited: 22.06.2013 @ 11:44 AM by DeanW92 21st JuneUpperbody pressing Strict log Warm up with DB's then 70 8x2 Flat bench 60 1x10 80 1x3 100 1x1 110 1x1 120 1x2 100 5x3 Axle Strict press 65kg 2x8 Incline DB press - nuetral grip 20s x 10 35s x 9 Snatch grip high pulls 60 3x3 70 2x3 80 1x2 90 3x1 Fin Decent session today even though lower back was a little sore from squats and deads the day before. Log started off a bit crap but got better as the sets went on and I got warmed up more,felt pretty strong towards the end. Bench felt a little off but it was still pretty comfortable. squats and deads again on Monday. | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 23-06-2013 @ 14:31 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | Sunday 23rd. Was already planning on heading down to the gym this morning to grab something but decided whilst I was down there I would train today instead of tomorrow, thought this might be a bad idea as I don't like early morning sessions but I had a very good day. Squats BW 3x8 60 1x6 80 1x3 100 1x3 120 1x2 135 5x3 150 1x1 Deadlifts 60 1x5 100 1x5 140 1x3 160 1x2 180 1x8 200 1x3 Step-ups 65kg axle on back 3x8 per leg Glute-ham raises 2x8 with 5kg plate behind head Fin Feeling very happy after this session today, before the session I thought I might scrap the 150x1 squat but the work sets felt easier than Thursday despite being 10kg heavier and the 150 turned out to be very easy. Deadlifts felt great too, was a little tired when it came to the 200 set but it felt faster than the last time I did this set. | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 26-06-2013 @ 01:40 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | 25th June Upperbody BB Strict press (warm-ups) Barx10 30x5 40x5 50x5 60x3 Strict log 75 5x2 Strict Axle 75 3x2 + 1x5 Bench Barx10 30x5 40x5 50x5 60x5 70x5 80x5 90x5 100x5 110x3 120x1 Clean-grip high pull 60x3 70x3 80x3 90 2x3 Fin Awesome session today, got alot done in quite a short time, no distractions and so I just stormed through everything. | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 28-06-2013 @ 12:24 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | Post Edited: 28.06.2013 @ 13:04 PM by DeanW92 28th Junesquats BWx10 60x5 100x3 120x1 130x1 140x1 150x1 160x1 170x1 Deadlifts 60x5 100x5 140x3 160x1 180x1 200x1 210x3 Few sets of pulldowns fin. Coming into the gym today I wasn't sure how things would go as I was feeling a bit tired but the squats went pretty well, I was knackered after these and didn't have much energy left for the deadlifts though. Think I would of been close to equalling my 180 PB today whilst currently being 5kg lighter than before. Trained 5 times in the last 8 days which is alot more than usual for me, 3 of those where squat+deadlift sessions. 170 squat video 210x3 deadlift | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 01-07-2013 @ 23:28 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | 1st July Paused Bench Barx10 40x8 60x5 80x3 100x3 110x1 120x2 130x1 140x1 Incline DB press 30s 4x10 Incline DB flies 4x10 Strict shoulder press 4x10 Axle PP 65x20 | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 05-07-2013 @ 18:20 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | 3rd july Db rows 4x10 Lat pulldowns 4x10 Shrugs 4x10 Db upright rows 4x15 Finished off with a bit on arms | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 05-07-2013 @ 18:25 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | Post Edited: 05.07.2013 @ 18:26 PM by DeanW92 friday 5th julySquat Barx10 60x5 100x5 120x3 130x1 140x1 Add belt 150x8 rep pb Leg extensions 4x20 Glute ham raises 6x10 Lying hamstring curls 2x30 Fin Great session but legs are sore as hell now. Bw was 97kg today | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 07-07-2013 @ 15:50 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | 7th July BB strict press (warm-ups) Barx10 30x5 40x5 50x3 60x3 Strict log 70x1 75x1 80x1 85x1 90x1 95x1 - equals old PB 100x1 - PB Axle strict press 65x12 PB BB Pushpress 60x5 70x3 80x1 90x1 100x5 PB Been a long time since Iv done these with a normal bar first time iv managed 100 Seated DB press (nuetral grip) 4x10 Flat bench 80 2x10 70 2x10 Awesome session today, was only expecting to get to 90 on the log today and so extremely happy, log cleans where flying up. Will try get some videos up later. | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 11-07-2013 @ 20:45 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | 11th July Not been able to train until today due to the gym being shut and also feeling like crap, hayfever has been a pain in the arse and was ill yesterday due to working in the sun on tuesday and not drinking enough water. Still wasn't feeling great today but felt like I needed to do something, turned out to be a good decision. Deadlift 60x5 100x5 140x3 180x2 200x2 220x1 230x1 240x1 250x2 PB! - Previous best was 245x1 Deficit RDL's 120 3x10 Hamstring curls 3x20 per leg Seated leg press 5x8 Fin. Would of been happy getting 240 today so was very pleased, feeling knackered now though. | ||
DeanW92 | ... | 16-07-2013 @ 20:16 | |
Member 4496, 1446 posts SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq | Tuesday Paused bench Barx10 60x5 80x3 100x3 110x2 120x2 130x1 140x1 145x1 150x1 155x1 PB 100x15 Rep PB (some reps where paused but TNG towards the end) Incline DB press 34s 3x10 - all reps paused 30s 1x15 Incline db flies 4x12 Seated DB shoulder press 4x10 BB Pushpress 60 3x10 80 1x10 Db side raises 3x10 Tricep pushdowns 3x15 1x20 Awesome session, got alot done today and managed to hit a nice bench pb. Still struggling with keeping hydrated though at work, jst trying to find out howmuch I need to drink to keep properly hydrated. | ||
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