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DeanW92IconDean's Training journal.02-04-2013 @ 21:45 
Member 4496, 1446 posts
SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300
740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq
Been visiting this site for a couple of months now and I finally decided to sign up and keep a training journal to keep track of my progress.

Current stats (2-4-13)

Age: 20
Height: 6ft
Weight: 98kg

Best Deadlift: 245kg + 240kgx3
Best Paused Bench: 150kg
Best squat: 180kg
Best Logpress: 110kg
11 inch Axle deadlift: 265x3

Competition History
Champions of the future 2013- Under 105 -1st

Looking to compete again in the future in strongman and possibly powerlifting too.
DeanW92Icon...02-04-2013 @ 21:55 
Member 4496, 1446 posts
SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300
740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq
Tuesday 2nd April

Today was the first proper training session since the comp last week, comp day definitely took a lot out of me. Got a minor hamstring injury that is preventing me from deadlifting anything heavy at the moment and so im going to try and focus more on improving my squat, It would be nice to get to 200 but loosing weight and getting this at the same time might be too difficult.

160kg 3x1
130kg 3x3

Hack squat

Bench - Paused reps
130kg 3x1
110kg 3x3

Light SLD's
100kg 4x5
DeanW92Icon...03-04-2013 @ 22:23 
Member 4496, 1446 posts
SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300
740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq
Wednesday 3rd April

Strict log
80kg x 3 singles
90kg x 2 singles PB
95kg x 1 PB
100kg x f

Done a strict 90 log before but not on this log. Quite supprised I missed the 100, got it above my head but couldn't lock it, without so many sets before I would of got this.

Just finished with some light arm work, was happy enough with what I had already done.
DeanW92Icon...05-04-2013 @ 22:49 
Member 4496, 1446 posts
SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300
740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq
Friday 5th April

Energy was lacking today and wasn't really in the mood so I didn't push it too hard.


60kg 2x5

Glute-ham raises

Forward sled pulls - slow and upright to target the hamstrings
6x15m with 100kg

Sledgehammer work for some conditioning

Light romanian deads
140kg 6x3

Back in the gym tomorrow, after some good sleep I will hopefully have more energy and get some volume in but we shall see. Going to foam roll my hamstrings and glutes in the morning too, hopefully this will help with the injury.
DeanW92Icon...06-04-2013 @ 17:16 
Member 4496, 1446 posts
SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300
740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq
Saturday 6th April

Warmed up on the viking press and then moved onto the log.

Log press
80kg 4x5 + 1x8.

110kg 5x5

Seated DB shoulder press (without back support)

Incline BB bench

Tricep pushdowns

Pretty decent workout today, energy and focus where better than yesterday and managed to get a decent amount of work done. Still feeling a little fatigued but strength isn't too bad.
DeanW92Icon...08-04-2013 @ 21:47 
Member 4496, 1446 posts
SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300
740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq
Monday 8th April.

Was not planning to be in the gym today and was not planning to do the stuff that I did, with the exception of squats. However I might not be back in the gym for the rest of the week due to working away and so this has messed up my plans a bit.

100kg - 2x3
Add belt and knee sleeves
175kgx1 5kg behind my Pb, not bad I guess.

Warm-up on viking press then

Close-grip incline bench


Upper body strength didn't feel great, but understandable as I wasn't fully recovered from training these exercises on saturday. Shoulders and arms feeling pretty sore.
DeanW92Icon...13-04-2013 @ 17:07 
Member 4496, 1446 posts
SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300
740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq
13th April

Back in the gym today after working away for the last 4 days. Feeling a bit better after a few days off and getting some extra sleep. Had a massage this morning and then went to the gym after to train my upperbody.

Warm-up on viking press
70kg 7x5 + 1x10

90kg 7x5 + 1x10 (paused last 4 reps)

Fat handle giant DB rows
65kg 2x10 per arm

Lat pulldowns

Starting with higher volume and low weights and each week il increase the weight and drop the volume, trying this approach to help with improving my conditioning and to have a few weeks break from the heavy weights.

Weight today was 96.4kg, dropped 2.5kg in the last 3weeks. Hopefully I can get to around 90kg before my holiday.
DeanW92Icon...14-04-2013 @ 13:48 
Member 4496, 1446 posts
SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300
740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq
14th April

7x5 110kg - last rep paused for 3 seconds on every set.
1x10 120kg

150kg 3x5
180kg 1x5

Leg extensions 3x15

Flexibility felt alot better today, I was able to squat how I wanted to and depth was very good. Hopefully if I can keep up with stretching and foam rolling then I won't tighten up again and I can continue with this form. Deadlifts didn't really bother my hamstring so im pretty happy, but I still won't be going heavy for a while. Next session will be Tuesday.
DeanW92Icon...16-04-2013 @ 22:39 
Member 4496, 1446 posts
SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300
740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 16.04.2013 @ 22:40 PM by DeanW92
Tuesday 16th April

Warm-up shoulders on viking press.

4x5 + 1x8 at 80kg
Legs still sore as hell and so wasn't getting much leg drive today, didn't feel very explosive.

105kg 5x5 - First set, all 5 reps paused, all other sets I just paused the last rep.

Giant DB rows
65kg 6x5 per arm
80kg 1x4 per arm
65kg 1x12 per arm

Lat pulldowns

DB curls

Strengthshop 53kg circus DB
2x1 PB

Only ever attempted this Db on one other occasion and failed like 5 attempts, thought I would try it today at the end of the workout despite hardly being able to feel my arms. First attempt I locked my arm out but lost balance, the next two attempts I managed it quite well.
DeanW92Icon...17-04-2013 @ 21:07 
Member 4496, 1446 posts
SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300
740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq
Wednesday 17th april

5x5 @ 125kg

Walking lunges
4x15 metres

Light farmers
10 runs of 15 metres

Felt pretty beat up today, legs still sore from sunday and did quite alot in yesterdays session. Rest day tomorrow though and hopefully il feel a bit better on friday.
DeanW92Icon...20-04-2013 @ 15:32 
Member 4496, 1446 posts
SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300
740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 20.04.2013 @ 15:57 PM by DeanW92
Two workouts to post

Friday 19th

Warm-up shoulders on viking press

Log (clean on every rep)
80kg 5x3+1x5
90kg 2x2

Axle press
65kgx8 Strict
75kg 2x8 4 strict 4 pushpress
85kg 2x10 pushpress

Seated DB press


Saturday 20th

Under-arm rows (with axle)
65kg 2x10
75kg 1x10
85kg 2x8
95kg 1x8
105kg 3x8

Giant DB rows (with straps)
65kg 5x8 per arm

Lat pulldowns

3x5 widegrip
3x5 Underarm grip

Beltless Deadlift
200kg 3x3

130kg 2 sets (30m total, 15 drop + turn)
170kg 3 sets (" ")
200kg 2 sets (" ")
240kg 1 set (" ")
280kg 1 x 10 metres PB
300kg 1 x 10 metres PB
130kg 1 x 30 metres
170kg 1 x 30 metres
210kg 1 x 30 metres

Next in the gym on Monday or Tuesday, depending on how I feel iv recovered from todays session.
DeanW92Icon...22-04-2013 @ 20:29 
Member 4496, 1446 posts
SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300
740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 22.04.2013 @ 20:30 PM by DeanW92
Monday 22nd april

130kgx1 paused
135kgx1 paused
140kgx2 1st rep paused, second touch+go.

100kg 3x5 normal grip, paused reps
100kg 3x5 close-grip, touch+go
100kg 3x5 WG, few paused reps

Flat DB flies

Incline DB press
25's x 10
30s x 8
35's x 8

DB curls SS with Tricep pushdowns

Pretty good session today, got a fair amount done. Don't think iv been over 110 on the bench since the session I hit 150 around 7 weeks ago whilst weighing 101kg, think I had 145 paused in me today and at around 5-6kg bodyweight lighter.

Taking 2 days off to recover more, back was sore and cramping today, squatting tomorrow would be a bad idea.
DeanW92Icon...24-04-2013 @ 19:10 
Member 4496, 1446 posts
SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300
740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq
24th April

Warm-ups up to 120 then

130kg 3x5 (last rep paused on each set)
130kg 3x3 (last rep paused on each set)
130kg x 3 All reps paused
130kg x 5 All reps paused

Pause at the bottom was 2-3 seconds each time.

Worked up to


Wanted to do some Yoke again but I couldn't due to injury. My groin, hip and knee had some discomfort yesterday after fooling around playing football, however this discomfort only lasted for about an hour so I thought I would be ok today. Started getting discomfort again after the first 2nd working set on the squats and it started hurting quite alot when warming up on the deadlifts. Just icing my groin atm because its hurting quite a bit, hopefully it will be better in the next few days.
DeanW92Icon...27-04-2013 @ 13:51 
Member 4496, 1446 posts
SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300
740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq
26th July

Warm-up shoulders with DB's

70kg 2x3
80kg 3x3
90kg 5x3

Axle (strict)
65kg 5-6? x5

Seated DB shoulder press (nuetral grip)


Saturday 27th

Db rows
Warmed-up then
65kg 5x8

Lat pulldowns


Weight is currently sitting at 95kg which im quite happy about, however I think im going to up the calories a bit this week and take some time off from training. Not had a full weeks recovery from the gym in quite a long time and my body is feeling beaten up at the moment. Energy feels low nearly every time I hit the gym and this week the injuries just keep adding up which is very un-usual. For example yesterday I trained my shoulders and had no discomfort and then about 3-4 hours later I started getting random pain in my rotator cuff, my left knee was hurting and now my right knee is sore too, my groin is hurting and my hamstring is tight again, I rarely get injuries and now all this has sprung on me during this week.
DeanW92Icon...04-05-2013 @ 15:24 
Member 4496, 1446 posts
SQ 240, BP 200, DL 300
740.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq
4th May

Had a week to rest now, was going to wait till Tuesday to get back in the gym but I couldn't resist. Injuries still not fully recovered but feeling better, hopefully I can continue to train and if I don't push things too hard my body will continue to recover.

Flat BB bench
Warm-ups then
120kgx4 (last rep paused)

Incline nuetral grip DB press
25's 5x10

Romanian deads
warm-ups then
140kg 3x3
160kg 2x3
170kg x2
180kg x5 with 30 second hold on last rep


Shoulder not giving me too much problems today, but I felt a bit cautious with the weights. Hamstrings feeling a bit dodgy but got a little better as I got warmed-up more, again just a bit hesitant and feel like I can't explode off the floor as quickly.

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