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Chris's attempt at getting stronger

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vausieIcon...31-01-2013 @ 20:33 
in real life im massive like big fridge
Member 1317, 7144 posts
SQ 220, BP 147.5, DL 290
657.5 kgs @ 94kgs UnEq
to quote a fairly good deadlifter

"the only way to get strong in deadliftis to deadlift!" - andy bolton Grin

stick with it pal and dont be failin 200's again Grin
CJRIcon...31-01-2013 @ 21:33 
Member 4145, 1331 posts
SQ 172.5, BP 115, DL 220
507.5 kgs @ 100.4kgs UnEq
vausie said:to quote a fairly good deadlifter

"the only way to get strong in deadliftis to deadlift!" - andy bolton Grin

stick with it pal and dont be failin 200's again Grin

ha. yeah thanks man. The technique wasn't particularly bad tonight but it's been so long since I did a full deadlift that I wasn't there mentally.

I'm going to give VG's forced entry workout a go after my next comp and hammer the deficit deads in order to counter my appaling speed off the floor! lol
CJRIcon...01-02-2013 @ 19:19 
Member 4145, 1331 posts
SQ 172.5, BP 115, DL 220
507.5 kgs @ 100.4kgs UnEq
Just a quick one to finish off yesterday's assistance


one arm DB press

DB bench

JM press

Think I'm getting a bit of elbow tendonitis. Inside of the joint starts to kill when I do upper sessions. Think it's tendonitis?? Time to ice it anyway.
CJRIcon...04-02-2013 @ 20:42 
Member 4145, 1331 posts
SQ 172.5, BP 115, DL 220
507.5 kgs @ 100.4kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 04.02.2013 @ 20:43 PM by CJR
Easy session tonight working up to opening weights.

Worked up to 142.5 for a single. Easy enough, will see what happens on the day

Took aaages to warm up, thighs were so tight. Putting on knee sleeves helped, so think I'm gonna invest in some compression shorts. Anybody recommend where to get some decent, fairly cheap ones? Sports direct?

2 sets with BW

bench - paused, with commands
Worked up to 92.5 which was very fast. Feeling confident about the bench.

Was a bit stupid here and did a set of chinups without warming up. Pulled something in my left lat but nothing serious I don't think.
I've had a recurring injury in the left side of my rib cage, feels like one of the intercostal muscles. Had it for almost a year now and crops up occasionally, tonight being particularly bad. Doesn't prevent me from lifting weights but the aching is just annoying. Anybody else experienced something similar?

one more session on Thursday, will be very light.
CJRIcon...10-02-2013 @ 22:32 
Member 4145, 1331 posts
SQ 172.5, BP 115, DL 220
507.5 kgs @ 100.4kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 10.02.2013 @ 22:33 PM by CJR
First off let me just say: **** me, I'm tired! Anyway, on to today (long post I'm afraid):

East Midlands Powerlifting Champs

Was lifting as a guest at the above comp as I'm greater London division technically.

Day didn't start great as I woke up at 4am and couldn't get back to sleep (so 4 hours of sleep basically :S). Set off at 7:30 to meet the others at the club before driving to Hitchin. There were supposed to be four of us competing but two ended up dropping out due to illness which left me and the mighty Ivan. Journey there took about an hour, weighed in on arrival at 98.9kg. This is when things started turning sour...

They asked to inspect my kit, but they told me that my knee sleeves were not allowed as they are not IPF-approved. Pretty irritating but rules are rules I guess! I'd just have to cope. They also told me to tape over the logo that was on my belt as it's not allowed to be shown. The real blow came when I asked them if my singlet was allowed as it had a small Strength Shop logo on there. They actually said it was 100% not allowed, which shocked me! I was told to see if there were any singlets for sale at the small GBPF store on-location, otherwise I would not be allowed to lift! On top of that, Ivan was told he would not be allowed to compete as he was wearing long boxer shorts instead of briefs - he too would have to see if there were any available at the store. The bad news was that no singlets were for sale (although there were briefs available) which essentially meant game over. So was pretty annoyed at this point at having travelled all this way. We were just about to go back home (as none of us saw the point of staying for the entire day just to watch Ivan lift) when coach had the idea of cutting the logo out with a knife. Dead end, as it would just leave a hole in the suit which wouldn't be acceptable. Next idea was to colour in the white logo with permanent marker, but again we were told this wasn't allowed.

THEN we were actually told that the logo was allowed since it was smaller than the specified size in the IPF rulebook! Why the hell didn't they check this properly before taking the action of disqualifying a competitor I have no idea - especially since a couple of other lifters were wearing strength shop singlets as well. So I had my singlet, Ivan had his briefs, all was good.

We had to hang around until the afternoon when the heavier weight classes were competing. Was getting a bit restless/bored watching the morning competition so tried to regain some sleep in the car but wouldn't work. Wasn't until 2pm when we started warming up. I was the weakest lifter in pretty much everything (lol) so I was first on all the time. Worked up to 137.5 in the squat but mistimed my warmup so this was pretty rushed. Squatting without knee sleeves was very strange, it's been years since I did it, so I was a bit worried about how squats would go. I was also told to speed up my descent as it was just wasting energy going so slow. Probably wasn't wise changing technique at the last minute but decided to do it anyway.

145. Good lift. Nice and easy, with fast descent.
155. Very nearly failed this, but good lift! The jump was too big from the first squat and everything was unstable.
160 PB. Good lift! This felt 100 times better than the 155, you'll notice this straight away when you watch the vids. Guess the knee sleeve problem didn't affect me. Descended moderately fast for this.

Bench - Worked up to 87.5 for a paused single in warmup.
95. Good lift, but form was pretty crap and shaky.
100. FAIL! Form was terrible, stuck halfway up.
100. FAIL again. Stuck at the same point.
Bench never really got going for some reason, despite training leading up to comp being good Unhappy

Was safe to say I felt pretty dead by the time it got round to deadlifts. Still, warmed up to a speedy 160.

180. Good lift. No problems.
195. Good lift. This gave me the 450kg total necessary to qualify for British Champs.
202.5kg. Good lift. Happy with this and more in the tank.

Total: 457.5kg PB at 98.9kg BW.

Wasn't until around 6pm when we were done so a very long day overall, but was very pleased with the end result given the circumstances. Weird how squats and deads have been going terrible in training lately and bench going good - the competition results would suggest otherwise. Guess it just shows how different the two environments are. PBs in squats and the total made me very happy. The 100kg paused bench continues to taunt me Tongue Getting that at the next comp for sure!

There were some ridiculous lifts today by some of the competitors. Tony Cliffe was there. The most appropriate adjective I can use to describe him is "man-mountain". lol. 305 squat (was a record I think?) and 340 deadlift in the 120kg class (bear in mind this is unequipped).

Had to rush back to London to meet up with my family as they were down for the day to celebrate Chinese New Year Happy Went to meet them in my chalk-covered trackies and hoody lol. Needless to say, I consumed a lot of food. Ready to knock out now...vids to come tomorrow probably.
1369philIcon...10-02-2013 @ 22:35 
doesnt work hard enough in the gym
Member 1492, 2138 posts
SQ 170, BP 145, DL 195
510.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq
Funky said "is that the bloke that posts on sugden"

Next time say "hi"

Good lifting by the way
CJRIcon...10-02-2013 @ 22:37 
Member 4145, 1331 posts
SQ 172.5, BP 115, DL 220
507.5 kgs @ 100.4kgs UnEq
haha, I still don't know who everyone is. I need to watch more training vids to put names to faces!

And thanks, had a great day Grin
CJRIcon...11-02-2013 @ 21:36 
Member 4145, 1331 posts
SQ 172.5, BP 115, DL 220
507.5 kgs @ 100.4kgs UnEq
should've chosen a better thumbnail...

FinchIcon...12-02-2013 @ 14:04 
Gonna outlive my opposition !!
Member 123, 4038 posts
SQ 202.5, BP 135.0, DL 232.5
570.0 kgs @ 117kgs UnEq
Well done at the weekend, apologies for the "sleeve police" and the whole singlet issue, the EM technical officer resigned two weeks ago and so the people doing the kit checks were the stand-ins!

Apparently the IPF are pushing the GBPF to comply with the "Classic" rules so check out the following:
CJRIcon...12-02-2013 @ 14:29 
Member 4145, 1331 posts
SQ 172.5, BP 115, DL 220
507.5 kgs @ 100.4kgs UnEq

The sleeve issue didn't really bother me to be honest. I had a feeling that they might not be allowed but thought I'd turn up with them anyway on the off-chance that they were. Was just a minor inconvenience. Thanks for linking the rules anyway, time to get myself some Rehbands!

The singlet thing was a bit confusing though because I see plenty of people wearing adidas singlets in comps and was sure Adidas weren't an IPF sponsor or anything. All worked out in the end though, so no worries!
CJRIcon...14-02-2013 @ 20:47 
Member 4145, 1331 posts
SQ 172.5, BP 115, DL 220
507.5 kgs @ 100.4kgs UnEq
shoulders and back

60x2 tough
Thought I'd use a belt for some of the sets today. Didn't seem to help really.

close grip bench

DB rows

one arm DB press

pendlay rows focusing on explosiveness

A couple of triples of chinups and some rollouts to finish. Did voodoo tendonitis trick on elbow. Seemed to help.

Going on holiday a week on Saturday so freestyling until then. Will probably work up to a daily max triple/double/single each workout then high rep assistance after.

Saturday - front squat
Monday - bench
Tuesday - back squat
Thursday - conventional deads?
Friday - bench and squats

Pretty intense but I may as well hammer it before I go off on holiday.
CJRIcon...16-02-2013 @ 14:35 
Member 4145, 1331 posts
SQ 172.5, BP 115, DL 220
507.5 kgs @ 100.4kgs UnEq
front squats 3 second pause at the bottom
100x3 third one pretty tough
110x1 easy. 5-10kg more in me.

power cleans
60 for 2 doubles
65 for 5 doubles
70 for 3 doubles.
all pretty smooth

machine rows
35x8 lats still sore from Thursday

5 been pretty weak on these recently

Happy to see I've still retained most of my strength on front squats. they felt great today. I actually prefer paused reps. Didn't wanna go heavier than 110 since I'm going heavy on squats on Tuesday.
CJRIcon...18-02-2013 @ 20:26 
Member 4145, 1331 posts
SQ 172.5, BP 115, DL 220
507.5 kgs @ 100.4kgs UnEq
107.5xf Unhappy was never going
107.5xf same

5 sets of 4 at BW

incline DB bench

CJRIcon...19-02-2013 @ 20:37 
Member 4145, 1331 posts
SQ 172.5, BP 115, DL 220
507.5 kgs @ 100.4kgs UnEq
145x2 hardest of the three sets
145x2 belt one notch tighter. Easier but was digging into waist like crazy

conventional deads trying these out again!
Worked up to a couple of easy doubles on 140. Felt so alien!

SSB squats
65 for 5x5 these are a killer!


2 sets of 10

Squats were quite good. Form wasn't 100%
CJRIcon...19-02-2013 @ 21:45 
Member 4145, 1331 posts
SQ 172.5, BP 115, DL 220
507.5 kgs @ 100.4kgs UnEq
having a bit of a play!

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