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Carrers/jobs that aren't terrible

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slimsimIcon...08-05-2014 @ 22:07 
My asshole is not watertight.
Member 2926, 6051 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 107.5, DL 225
550.0 kgs @ 86kgs UnEq
JNT said:
Because the financial services sector is definitely where all good things have ever happened.

In 2012 Legal & General alone paid out £274 MILLION in life insurance claims, and Aviva paid out £347 million in life insurance claims, and £158 million in critical illness claims. You tell those families that the financial services industry is amoral and soulless.

I think you've been listening to too many claims management companies harp on about ppi claims Roll-Eyes
JNTIcon...08-05-2014 @ 22:07 
Member 4773, 192 posts
SQ 160, BP 116, DL 215
491.0 kgs @ 76kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 08.05.2014 @ 22:10 PM by JNT
JackRevans said:
the whole world depends upon people borrowing money from this industry. Without them you'd be saving a hell of a long time before you could buy a house.

Without getting into the specifics, without certain sectors of that industry a whole lot of people on this planet would also be better off.

slimsim: You were alive in 2008, right?
slimsimIcon...08-05-2014 @ 22:10 
My asshole is not watertight.
Member 2926, 6051 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 107.5, DL 225
550.0 kgs @ 86kgs UnEq
JNT said:
Without getting into the specifics, without certain sectors of that industry a whole lot of people on this planet would also be better off.

No. Let's get into specifics.....
JackRevansIcon...08-05-2014 @ 22:12 
'There was also a sausage in my mouth.'
Member 2477, 16481 posts
SQ 190, BP 130, DL 235
555.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 08.05.2014 @ 22:14 PM by JackRevans
JNT said:
Without getting into the specifics, without certain sectors of that industry a whole lot of people on this planet would also be better off.

some of the people have done some pretty bad things but generally speaking the industry is critical for the world to be developed in any way whatsoever.

Without Staffordshire there would be no Robbie Williams, however there would also be no Shakespeare or Lemmy

edit: wait no stratford is in warickshire, I suppose banks are bad after all
MotorbikerIcon...08-05-2014 @ 22:16 
Member 4115, 1247 posts
SQ 195, BP 140, DL 220
555.0 kgs @ 82.5kgs UnEq
slimsimIcon...08-05-2014 @ 22:17 
My asshole is not watertight.
Member 2926, 6051 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 107.5, DL 225
550.0 kgs @ 86kgs UnEq
JNT said:
Without getting into the specifics, without certain sectors of that industry a whole lot of people on this planet would also be better off.
slimsim: You were alive in 2008, right?

So let's ask a few questions.....

How are you planning on purchasing your first house?
How are you planning on purchasing a car that is new or nearly new?
What are you planning on doing in retirement?
How are you planning to protect your standard of living or that of your dependents when married with children?

The FS sector comes in pretty damn useful, yet because people can't resist maxing out their credit cards or remortgaging their house to sustain their lifestyle it's the industry's fault. What about personal responsibility?
deleted2_20210523Icon...08-05-2014 @ 22:20 
Member 2606, 11453 posts
SQ 170, BP 117.5, DL 215
502.5 kgs @ 91.6kgs UnEq
slimsimIcon...08-05-2014 @ 22:21 
My asshole is not watertight.
Member 2926, 6051 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 107.5, DL 225
550.0 kgs @ 86kgs UnEq
f**k off Nick Tongue
slimsimIcon...08-05-2014 @ 22:21 
My asshole is not watertight.
Member 2926, 6051 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 107.5, DL 225
550.0 kgs @ 86kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 08.05.2014 @ 22:21 PM by slimsim
f**k off Nick Tongue

I ain't even gonna delete this second one!!! Grin
JackRevansIcon...08-05-2014 @ 22:21 
'There was also a sausage in my mouth.'
Member 2477, 16481 posts
SQ 190, BP 130, DL 235
555.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
JNT, where do you work?
deleted2_20210523Icon...08-05-2014 @ 22:22 
Member 2606, 11453 posts
SQ 170, BP 117.5, DL 215
502.5 kgs @ 91.6kgs UnEq
PAGANIcon...08-05-2014 @ 22:22 
I took about £4 out of Sooty's bottom
Member 685, 8719 posts
SQ 225, BP 150, DL 290
665.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
Thank f**k I'm not a young strength enthusiast looking for guidance on careers ( carrers?) because this thread sucks cock lads.
JohnGymIcon...08-05-2014 @ 22:24 
Hamstrings feel activated.
Member 1107, 6964 posts
SQ 220, BP 152.5, DL 252.5
625.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
People in debt annoy me.

That's all I have.

dr_hazbunIcon...08-05-2014 @ 22:27 
tabbouleh and fattoush salads were very refreshing
Member 267, 8548 posts
SQ 220, BP 165, DL 250
635.0 kgs @ 90kgs Eq
I love my job and all that but if I were loaded enough not to have to work, I'd quit tomorrow. You can stimulate your mind doing other things quite easily.
Wayne_CowdreyIcon...08-05-2014 @ 22:30 
Still got a little bit of strength
Member 400, 22343 posts
I'd quite like to be one of those people in Argos who go and fetch the items that people have ordered. I think I could do that.


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