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1369philIcon...04-02-2013 @ 15:12 
doesnt work hard enough in the gym
Member 1492, 2138 posts
SQ 170, BP 145, DL 195
510.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq
I'm down from a high of about 19 stones last year to under 17 and a half (17st5lb today)

Body looks loads different, my kids have asked where my belly has gone !

Strength is rubbish - but about as rubbish as normal, far from massive losses, I'm gaining strength month on month.

The best thing is all I have to do is time it and I can eat virtually anything.
OxmanIcon...04-02-2013 @ 15:18 
Likes tight rubber
Member 2981, 11067 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 192.5, DL 330
765.0 kgs @ 92.9kgs UnEq
JohnGym said:
So are you not loading on training days Dave?

Not always mate, i backload on the days beforehand to fuel my sessions the day after, this is what he says in the book i think if i recall.

I train on Monday,Tuesday, Thursday and Friday so backload On Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday mate.

I tried backloading on the tuesday following training but come thursday i felt s**t and had a crap session, now backload on the wednesday i feel great for the thursday session.
JohnGymIcon...04-02-2013 @ 15:29 
Hamstrings feel activated.
Member 1107, 6964 posts
SQ 220, BP 152.5, DL 252.5
625.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
Interesting stuff.

Would you mind both listing what your current daily diet looks like? I'm sure you are asked this all the time so feel free to tell me to go and take my face for a s**t.
OxmanIcon...04-02-2013 @ 15:37 
Likes tight rubber
Member 2981, 11067 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 192.5, DL 330
765.0 kgs @ 92.9kgs UnEq
JohnGym said:Interesting stuff.

Would you mind both listing what your current daily diet looks like? I'm sure you are asked this all the time so feel free to tell me to go and take my face for a s**t.

6.00 - Coffee, 25g grassfed butter, 25g Double Cream

9.00 - Coffee, 25g Coconut Oil, 10g Whey

12.00 - Fatty meat/fish, cheese, green veg, green tea

3.00 - Coffee, 25g Coconut oil, 25 g double cream

6.00 - PWO, 50g whey, 50g fast digesting carbs

6.30 - Pizza, burgers, chilli con carni with rice, anything else i fancy then a pudding such as apple crumble, maybe a beer.

9.00 - Big bowl kids cereal, 50 g whey

On non loading days i have a fatty meat and veg meal at 6.00 and peanut butter plus whey at 9.
JohnGymIcon...04-02-2013 @ 17:53 
Hamstrings feel activated.
Member 1107, 6964 posts
SQ 220, BP 152.5, DL 252.5
625.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
Thanks Dave. How come you came away from the Skipload method mate? Didn't that work brilliantly for you?
OxmanIcon...04-02-2013 @ 20:00 
Likes tight rubber
Member 2981, 11067 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 192.5, DL 330
765.0 kgs @ 92.9kgs UnEq
JohnGym said:Thanks Dave. How come you came away from the Skipload method mate? Didn't that work brilliantly for you?

It worked fantastically for me for over 2 years but i was beginning to get issues with my stomach each week. On top of this its nice to eat normally with the family and enjoy some nice food more often. I also wanted to get my body used to taking in more carbs on a daily basis after a very very long time on minimal daily intake. If i ever need a good cut again, unlikely seeing how things are currently going, but if i do i shall go back to a small serving of carbs at breakfast and before/after training then a big skipload weekly, for me nothing dropped weight as fast as that. I'm hoping CBL leans me out and adds some muscle to take me to 16 stone leaner than i've ever been at that weight.
minibig1Icon...31-05-2013 @ 00:49 
Novice level log, open level deadlift
Member 857, 2699 posts
SQ 260, BP 170, DL 360
790.0 kgs @ 102kgs UnEq
Quick one for anyone who's had success with backloading, did 5 days of prep, went out last night got shedded but only drank vodka and diet drinks. ended up having half a pizza lol should I restart prep or just do an extra few days, was gna do another week so will be a 12 day prep opposed to 10
BenMacIcon...31-05-2013 @ 10:33 
'Looks like Ben Affleck according to Pagan'
Member 876, 2506 posts
SQ 220, BP 140, DL 260
620.0 kgs @ 110kgs UnEq
Oxman said:
6.00 - Coffee, 25g grassfed butter, 25g Double Cream
9.00 - Coffee, 25g Coconut Oil, 10g Whey
12.00 - Fatty meat/fish, cheese, green veg, green tea
3.00 - Coffee, 25g Coconut oil, 25 g double cream
6.00 - PWO, 50g whey, 50g fast digesting carbs
6.30 - Pizza, burgers, chilli con carni with rice, anything else i fancy then a pudding such as apple crumble, maybe a beer.
9.00 - Big bowl kids cereal, 50 g whey
On non loading days i have a fatty meat and veg meal at 6.00 and peanut butter plus whey at 9.

Forgive my ignorance, but what is the thinking behind the butter and double cream in your coffee? Is it just for taste or is there science behind it?

I only ask because I think I am accidentally doing a form of CBL...

8.00am Coffee
11.00am Coffee
12.30pm 4 egg whites, 1 egg, half tin chopped toms
3.30pm 4 egg whites, 1 egg, half tin chopped toms
7.30pm PWO shake - protein & maltodextrin
9.00pm Normal teah - spag bol / stir fry / chicken & spuds
brownbearIcon...31-05-2013 @ 10:35 
Morrisons - rump - 7£
Member 2206, 11578 posts
SQ 228, BP 150, DL 260
638.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
Ben it is because fat is fine in the morning (on this diet) and you may as well have them for energy and stimulating metabolism as cbl is not fasting
BenMacIcon...31-05-2013 @ 10:40 
'Looks like Ben Affleck according to Pagan'
Member 876, 2506 posts
SQ 220, BP 140, DL 260
620.0 kgs @ 110kgs UnEq
brownbear said:Ben it is because fat is fine in the morning (on this diet) and you may as well have them for energy and stimulating metabolism as cbl is not fasting

Cheers mate. I have a caffeine tablet at around 7am for energy / metabolism, if im feeling ok doing this should I keep the morning fat out of my diet as it would be unnecessary cals or would my diet benefit from it?
minibig1Icon...31-05-2013 @ 10:47 
Novice level log, open level deadlift
Member 857, 2699 posts
SQ 260, BP 170, DL 360
790.0 kgs @ 102kgs UnEq
Fat in the morning is completely optional. The basic idea is to push back breakfast at least 2 hours after waking to allow cortisol levels to drop, pure fat does not effect this and will allow you to continue to burn fat = oil/butter coffee
brownbearIcon...31-05-2013 @ 10:48 
Morrisons - rump - 7£
Member 2206, 11578 posts
SQ 228, BP 150, DL 260
638.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
BenMac said:
Cheers mate. I have a caffeine tablet at around 7am for energy / metabolism, if im feeling ok doing this should I keep the morning fat out of my diet as it would be unnecessary cals or would my diet benefit from it?

I am.only going by what the book says, its reasoning and what macca says, but he seems pretty keen on the coffee with added fats.

The preferred source appears to be coconut oil/ other MCT as it gives a quick release form of energy from fat source and you only need a few grams so not too many calories and obviously no insulin "spike".

I don't imagine 100 calories of fat would be too much added for you in the morning at 100kg or so bw but may help make the diet more tolerable in terms of eneegy
BenMacIcon...31-05-2013 @ 10:50 
'Looks like Ben Affleck according to Pagan'
Member 876, 2506 posts
SQ 220, BP 140, DL 260
620.0 kgs @ 110kgs UnEq
Ta la.
jreppIcon...31-05-2013 @ 11:06 
Member 299, 579 posts
SQ 250, BP 200, DL 282.5
732.5 kgs @ 109kgs UnEq
brownbear said:
I am.only going by what the book says, its reasoning and what macca says, but he seems pretty keen on the coffee with added fats.
The preferred source appears to be coconut oil/ other MCT as it gives a quick release form of energy from fat source and you only need a few grams so not too many calories and obviously no insulin "spike".
I don't imagine 100 calories of fat would be too much added for you in the morning at 100kg or so bw but may help make the diet more tolerable in terms of eneegy

I think the extra cals in the morning helps you slowly add some lean mass in time..I found on this diet I had loads of energy and felt great
JCIcon...06-06-2013 @ 13:49 
technical retard
Member 172, 36827 posts
SQ 310, BP 205, DL 335
850.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 06.06.2013 @ 13:50 PM by JC
cbl/if article.......not a fan of cbl for sure lol

This little rant has been inspired by a picture someone posted on FB last night, this is not a personal attack on them and is by no means to cause offence. However, it has highlighted one of the fundamental issues that I come across daily as a PT. This being people will always try and find the easy way out, a magic diet or pill to achieve what they want.
This picture consisted of 1700 kcal of crap, for want of a better word and was done in the name of some form of CBL. All these dietary fads, like the Atkins diet, CBL, IF, even bloody slimfast all get results, of varying degrees, at the time. Ultimately though, I believe, they are doing more damage than good. I’ll explain why.
I’m going to pick on CBL and IF, as far as I am concerned they are an excuse for greed and gluttony, and allow the follower to deny themselves what they want for a short period of time and then just fill their faces with processed, chemical, high sugar s**t. They don’t have to pick these foods but invariably, the majority of them, do. Some I have seen get very good results. However, it’s the same as taking 160mg of clenbuterol a day and eating what the hell you want, you’ll get results – but what damage have you done long term and what happens when you stop ?
The human body is a very complex organism but one thing is constant, it wants to remain in homeostasis. It will do whatever it has to to ensure it’s core temperature remains the same, fluid levels remain the same, hormonal levels are at a constant and yes that blood sugar levels are constant. So when you are CBL or IF you are screwing with this baseline immensely, and I genuinely believe that in the long run you are causing massive amounts of damage on a metabolic level, especially to your insulin system and once you mess the pancreas up too much, we all know what happens, ultimately, diabetes. This is just my opinion and view and there is no data to back this up as no studies have been done on the two dietary FADs and they haven’t been around long enough to witness any fallout yet.
Another reason I don’t agree with CBL is it’s insane complexity, the core concept of the modulation of the body’s tissues to respond to hormones and diet in a positive fashion. At a basic level this involves minimising breakfast, keeping lunch low carb and using carbs to aid recovery, muscle growth and fuelling your resistance training. Is not that hard to follow but it is the tweaks that Kiefer promotes that are highly complex in their nature. Other techniques he describes such as large evening caffeine intake and the use of nicotine gum for fat loss are highly controversial. For those in the Carb Back-Loading community there is a wide held view that to truly understand Kiefer’s book you will need to read it at least three times. And together with Kiefer’s regular updates to the protocol, based on new research, anecdotes and metabolic understanding; Therefore, most people follow the simple version of the story. Then you have everyone tweaking their diets and holding different interpretations of the same information, leading to inconsistent advice. And when many recommend to simply experiment to find the right protocol for you, the confusion grows even further.
This is why I like to keep things simple, real and based on science and methods that work time and time again. Here are a few examples:
The recommendation MCT oil as a tool to help fat loss. It’s a simple message with a solid biological mechanism that proves time and again to help burn fat.
Processed foods raise bad cholesterol more than so called ‘fatty foods’. So think about that one when you’re CBL on a load of processed s**t mixed in a blender.
Anytime blood sugar is elevated testosterone is temporarily reduced. Last time I checked testosterone was needed to help repair and maintain muscle tissue, so what do CBLs do, reduce their levels as much as possible almost immediately PWO.
Muscle-protein breakdown is best prevented by eating a high quality protein meal pre workout. Oh dear IF and CBL followers.
Now lets wait for all the haters and bro-science followers to get on board and tell me, that even though I get very good results and turn peoples lives around for the better, what utter BS this is. Amazing how angry people will get when you tell them they shouldn’t be having their ‘FIX’

Luke Fullbrook

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