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Britain's Natural Strongman 2013 Northern Qualifier

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JohnMarsdenIcon...19-04-2013 @ 13:48 
Champion of Under The Radar 105
Member 805, 5301 posts
SQ 325, BP 202.5, DL 335
862.5 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
Is there a closing date for entries for this comp?
TickTockIcon...19-04-2013 @ 14:30 
Member 3491, 1197 posts
SQ 247.5, BP 150, DL 280
677.5 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
JohnMarsden said:Is there a closing date for entries for this comp?

Sat 25 may, you doing it marsden?
JohnMarsdenIcon...21-04-2013 @ 16:37 
Champion of Under The Radar 105
Member 805, 5301 posts
SQ 325, BP 202.5, DL 335
862.5 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
TickTock said:
Sat 25 may, you doing it marsden?

Im thinking about it, depends on money and if I can clean a decent weight

I know theres no continental cleans allowed, can you hitler clean?
George_WinstonIcon...21-04-2013 @ 16:38 
The Crossfit KingPin
Member 941, 1810 posts
SQ 230, BP 130, DL 285
645.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
JohnMarsden said:
Im thinking about it, depends on money and if I can clean a decent weight
I know theres no continental cleans allowed, can you hitler clean?

Why would you hitler clean?? Surely that would be harder than just cleaning it as you have to pull it just as high then sort your hands out?
sexymikehowarthIcon...21-04-2013 @ 16:43 
Full mask or nasal and chin strap?
Member 3254, 2485 posts
Looking forward to this!
JohnMarsdenIcon...21-04-2013 @ 16:44 
Champion of Under The Radar 105
Member 805, 5301 posts
SQ 325, BP 202.5, DL 335
862.5 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
George_Winston said:
Why would you hitler clean?? Surely that would be harder than just cleaning it as you have to pull it just as high then sort your hands out?

I just find it easier thats all so asking the question
JohnMarsdenIcon...21-04-2013 @ 16:44 
Champion of Under The Radar 105
Member 805, 5301 posts
SQ 325, BP 202.5, DL 335
862.5 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
sexymikehowarth said:Looking forward to this!

you competing in this mike?
sexymikehowarthIcon...21-04-2013 @ 17:05 
Full mask or nasal and chin strap?
Member 3254, 2485 posts
JohnMarsden said:
you competing in this mike?

What is this word "compete" you speak of...?
DrDIcon...25-04-2013 @ 12:49 
Member 4287, 2614 posts
SQ 300, BP 310, DL 250
860.0 kgs @ 120kgs Eq
Any updates on the starting weights for Event 4?
JackIcon...08-05-2013 @ 11:21 
Member 406, 107 posts
Final details regarding weigh in time, start time and event weights will be posted by Friday of this week latest. Still spaces in all categories. Closing date is Sat 25th May. All those wishing to compete and not entered yet, contact me at
JackIcon...10-05-2013 @ 14:35 
Member 406, 107 posts
All information has been updated on the first post of this thread. Thanks, Jack.
RDubzIcon...17-05-2013 @ 14:23 
English born and bred
Member 2537, 298 posts
Can I get my name down for this please, Rhys Williams U90 thanks
TickTockIcon...18-05-2013 @ 14:12 
Member 3491, 1197 posts
SQ 247.5, BP 150, DL 280
677.5 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
What time can we weigh in from on the day?
JackIcon...18-05-2013 @ 14:58 
Member 406, 107 posts
TickTock said:What time can we weigh in from on the day?

All info is on the first post of this thread. I constantly update that.
little_ritchIcon...19-05-2013 @ 17:17 
Member 4413, 28 posts
SQ 210, BP 165, DL 240
615.0 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
What does the weight go up in on the floor to overhead? 5kg, 10kg?


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