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Big Z new world record log lift

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donnieIcon...31-05-2015 @ 01:24 
Wee Donnie
Member 5605, 450 posts

Radz also looked extremely powerfull
but wathching his attempt makes me think he has the power to press but cant control it overhead
like edd hall 220 attempt start pushing forward not above head and no control after this
which makes me think these Zs record will not be beaten soon

i heard shaw won keg toss and deadlift only man who finished
so i quess he won
tommy32Icon...31-05-2015 @ 02:13 
Member 5789, 22 posts
SQ 20, BP 20, DL 20
60.0 kgs @ 60kgs Eq
Post Edited: 02.04.2017 @ 22:51 PM by tommy32
macrothIcon...01-06-2015 @ 07:52 
no longer the Swiss Deadlift record holder
Member 3517, 3368 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 122.5, DL 255
560.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
GATES said:Glad to see he held it a bit longer this time too
LaTutaIcon...01-06-2015 @ 23:42 
I am from Germany so i know what i talk about.
Member 5171, 1049 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 160, DL 233.5
611.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 01.06.2015 @ 23:45 PM by LaTuta
Just saw radzikowskis 215kg and the 228kg attempt ?!? What the f**k?
His 215kg was so ungodly,unbelievably fast and his 228kg attempt so close.Looks like his torn tricep is still not up on par with his other arm
I've never seen anybody lifting as fast as him.
No doubt he will be the one who kicks z of his throne in the future
donnieIcon...02-06-2015 @ 11:54 
Wee Donnie
Member 5605, 450 posts
he always struggled in lockkout with right arm even before injury

also i want to see log record on a smaller log
radz movement looked stupidly short
ifsa log in holland SCL would be great

its fantastic Radz is back in top pressing shape, one of the strongest men ever in my opinion
LaTutaIcon...02-06-2015 @ 12:03 
I am from Germany so i know what i talk about.
Member 5171, 1049 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 160, DL 233.5
611.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
He definately is.
It looks like this time they used a 32cm Log.Which is about the same as the ifsa log right?
Radz will eventually get the world record.I think he is closer than eddie
RodgerIcon...02-06-2015 @ 13:35 
salad dodger *missing*
Member 1805, 10367 posts
SQ 215, BP 121, DL 240
576.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
MikenetoIcon...02-06-2015 @ 13:55 
End of an era.
Member 4646, 1964 posts
What did Shaw log?
donnieIcon...02-06-2015 @ 21:00 
Wee Donnie
Member 5605, 450 posts
Mikeneto said:What did Shaw log?

did u buy his ebook

he reveals his strength gain secrets


27$ for bulls**ting people
WILLSANIcon...02-06-2015 @ 22:35 
Trump will get another four years
Member 126, 16708 posts
SQ 160, BP 110, DL 225
495.0 kgs @ 75kgs UnEq
macroth said:
GATES said:Glad to see he held it a bit longer this time too

it was better than past records but, for me, I would still like it held longer at the top. and before anyone cries about it thats comment on the reffing rather than z. it does look like he could have held it this time.
PhillippeHalterIcon...02-06-2015 @ 23:01 
Are horror films healthy...?
Member 5449, 2203 posts
it was better than past records but, for me, I would still like it held longer at the top. and before anyone cries about it thats comment on the reffing rather than z. it does look like he could have held it this time.

I thought it was going to be going forward personally and the log looked bigger to the other world records I've saw.

Not to worry he is still the strongest log lifter in history
donnieIcon...02-06-2015 @ 23:44 
Wee Donnie
Member 5605, 450 posts

after breaking bench record he starts strongman training

will he become a good log presser?
Robbo91Icon...03-06-2015 @ 00:18 
Doesn't like tall people very much.
Member 5708, 391 posts
SQ 260, BP 195, DL 275
730.0 kgs @ 137.5kgs UnEq
donnie said:

after breaking bench record he starts strongman training

will he become a good log presser?

Sarychev right? I know the log can be difficult, but for me if he can clean it I think he can press it. That's not to say he's going to be the best strongman, but something like the log which suits brute static strength will be right up his street I think.
hifiloverIcon...03-06-2015 @ 10:59 
Member 3241, 2043 posts
SQ 1, BP 192, DL 255
448.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 03.06.2015 @ 11:00 AM by hifilover
Sarychev, stunning benching power... He's a massive presser


I think where most other people struggle at is the clean of the log; whereas Z seems to have it perfected and it doesn't take a lot out of him, he;s always got the reserves to press it out as well...

I'd say if Hall and a few others can perfect their clean technique more; they'll be very close to pressing what Z's managed

In saying that; I think Z still has a lot left in the tank and the log will just keep going up with him!
unit94Icon...03-06-2015 @ 11:00 
what is everyone's fran time?
Member 3986, 10452 posts
SQ 340, BP 200, DL 400
940.0 kgs @ 129kgs Eq
Eds clean is just about perfect


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