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Beard_Of_IronIcon...05-05-2009 @ 16:52 
Head of Department, Ministry of Beards
Member 580, 2634 posts
SQ 210, BP 115, DL 266
591.0 kgs @ 101kgs UnEq
5th of May
70 x 3
80 x 3
90 x 8 (PB by 4 reps)

db hammer bench
35's x 12
35's x 11
35's x 10

medium grip pullups
2 x 8

barbell curls
2 x 10

face pulls
4 x 15

4 x 12

Plus a 51 minute walk this morning. Funny I always seem to train better the days when I walk. Even though according to some forums, it impairs recovery and growth. Eek
MrSmallIcon...05-05-2009 @ 17:53 
Gone and easily forgotten.......
Member 331, 22298 posts
SQ 185, BP 100, DL 230
515.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
excellent benching, 120 in the summer.
Beard_Of_IronIcon...06-05-2009 @ 08:06 
Head of Department, Ministry of Beards
Member 580, 2634 posts
SQ 210, BP 115, DL 266
591.0 kgs @ 101kgs UnEq
120 would be nice, dear brother.

6th of May
50 minutes morning walk. Nothing noteworthy to report on this venture, since I went out at like 6:30 in the morning when most sensible folk are still in bed.
ThingIcon...06-05-2009 @ 08:38 
a large fingered spastic that demolishes plant
Member 89, 31706 posts
SQ 260, BP 220, DL 290
770.0 kgs @ 142kgs UnEq
how are you finding your training? seems that your on a wee bit of a roll with some good progress to me
Beard_Of_IronIcon...06-05-2009 @ 11:49 
Head of Department, Ministry of Beards
Member 580, 2634 posts
SQ 210, BP 115, DL 266
591.0 kgs @ 101kgs UnEq
Hi Neil, training is going well at the moment! Progress is always motivational, and more motivation means more progress - however it's easier to progress when you are weak, than when you are strong and trying to get stronger, I have a long way to go. I used to think 200 was a good DL, now I'm close to 250 but all you guys on here are around the 300 level so 250 doesn't seem much!

Also I have The Small One hurling insults at me if I don't train hard enough.
ThingIcon...06-05-2009 @ 12:14 
a large fingered spastic that demolishes plant
Member 89, 31706 posts
SQ 260, BP 220, DL 290
770.0 kgs @ 142kgs UnEq
solo training and progress is never easy so its good that you have someone shouting at your to get the bit more out of you.
the way your going 250DL is a very achievable weight.
but good luck on your strength quest
Beard_Of_IronIcon...06-05-2009 @ 13:28 
Head of Department, Ministry of Beards
Member 580, 2634 posts
SQ 210, BP 115, DL 266
591.0 kgs @ 101kgs UnEq
Thing said:solo training and progress is never easy so its good that you have someone shouting at your to get the bit more out of you.

yeah, unfortunately I am many miles away and train at a gym which isn't as bad as most, but still isn't really for serious strength trainers - the people there are cool but it was night and day difference when Small came down and trained a couple of times with me, I envy you all being able to train with each other, the atmosphere alone must net you a few PRs!!
ThingIcon...06-05-2009 @ 13:52 
a large fingered spastic that demolishes plant
Member 89, 31706 posts
SQ 260, BP 220, DL 290
770.0 kgs @ 142kgs UnEq
still good to have the small one shouting in your ear egging you to do more
Beard_Of_IronIcon...07-05-2009 @ 15:18 
Head of Department, Ministry of Beards
Member 580, 2634 posts
SQ 210, BP 115, DL 266
591.0 kgs @ 101kgs UnEq
7th of May
various warmups
120 x 2
130 x 2
140 x 2
150 x 2
160 x 5 - this is a PR by four reps but I'm still not happy

6 x 10

sled drag
13 minutes on grass - conditioning has improved substantially

Nothing much to say about this workout, on paper it's a big PR but I wanted 6 at least. But if I can consider a 4-rep PR sub-par I must be doing something right, I suppose!

35 minutes walk this morning.
BoarIcon...07-05-2009 @ 15:45 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25589 posts
very nice squatting beard !!

i envy your squat almost asmuch as your beard growth ability.
Beard_Of_IronIcon...07-05-2009 @ 16:06 
Head of Department, Ministry of Beards
Member 580, 2634 posts
SQ 210, BP 115, DL 266
591.0 kgs @ 101kgs UnEq
Thank you, razorbacked one - though truth be told, my squat is s**t. I should be repping 4 plates by now. Same goes for the bench!

Must make up for lost time not training hard*!

*That's training hard, not training 'properly' - at the core of it all, it's just hard work, WHATEVER training style you do. And I haven't worked hard enough!
Beard_Of_IronIcon...08-05-2009 @ 18:00 
Head of Department, Ministry of Beards
Member 580, 2634 posts
SQ 210, BP 115, DL 266
591.0 kgs @ 101kgs UnEq
dragging arse again, end-of-the-week-itis I believe.

8th of May
strict press
40 x 3
50 x 3
60 x 6 (I think this was my previous 1RM press lol)
40 x 15

some sort of hang clean with crappy form
70 x miss
70 x 1
*will seek The Small's guidance on these.

tbar row machine (never again)
3 x 8

3 x 15

face pulls
3 x 10

55 minutes walk in the morning.
MrSmallIcon...08-05-2009 @ 18:26 
Gone and easily forgotten.......
Member 331, 22298 posts
SQ 185, BP 100, DL 230
515.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
My clean form is cheese.

Solid lifting throughout this cycle dear brother well done, big PRs soon.
Beard_Of_IronIcon...08-05-2009 @ 19:25 
Head of Department, Ministry of Beards
Member 580, 2634 posts
SQ 210, BP 115, DL 266
591.0 kgs @ 101kgs UnEq
Not as solid as I'd like it to be. You have set the bar high, Small One.
Beard_Of_IronIcon...09-05-2009 @ 08:18 
Head of Department, Ministry of Beards
Member 580, 2634 posts
SQ 210, BP 115, DL 266
591.0 kgs @ 101kgs UnEq
9th of May
This morning, I walked. Happy

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