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IainTIcon...13-03-2014 @ 19:40 
normal people, like me.
Member 2325, 550 posts
ben66 said:the other 3 are Cress.

That's like one fiftieth of a no protein sandwich. Which wouldn't even be paleo.

Car crash of a thread, which is a shame because there's something of an interesting discussion in here. I'm particularly interested in ideas about diminishing returns and risk/reward as we get older. Another time perhaps.
HUGE_GUYIcon...13-03-2014 @ 19:53 
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I might destroy the planet
Member 2745, 803 posts
Wayne_Cowdrey said:
Do you? I judge people by how pleasant/helpful/kind etc they are, not by their physical prowess.

Well yes, i'm grateful for advice and sometimes some laughs from anyone here. But i mostly come here to check out some big lifts and check progress (stalk Tom mostly).

But i'm definitely not interested in what car you drive, how much you earn, how many horses you have etc. This guy is very shallow and is probably unhappy with himself, so he is trying to put everyone else down. I have family like this.

His way, is not THE way. But he thinks it is.
MarkCleggIcon...13-03-2014 @ 20:21 
knock knock !! who's there ?? OLD SCHOOL SUGDEN
Member 212, 11439 posts
SQ 325, BP 212.5, DL 370
907.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Todd said:.
Doesn't feel good does it? Knowing that you really will never be anything at all? Your life is just a keyboard and a small screen.

No it doesn't Todd !!

I haven't even got the f**king keyboard ! Then only sent me the small screen !! The t**ts !!

I'm phoning them up now, about this !!

Bloody seen me coming didn't they !!
walkerIcon...13-03-2014 @ 20:56 
Does not need Advice, knows everything.
Member 3505, 3510 posts
SQ 295, BP 182.5, DL 290
767.5 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
I thought he was taking the piss when he said 800 @ 105 naturally, with his current total at 36 years old. I was right lol
unit94Icon...13-03-2014 @ 21:39 
what is everyone's fran time?
Member 3986, 10452 posts
SQ 340, BP 200, DL 400
940.0 kgs @ 129kgs Eq
walker said:I thought he was taking the piss when he said 800 @ 105 naturally, with his current total at 36 years old. I was right lol

He's 36! lol yeah might not happen then.
colin5524Icon...13-03-2014 @ 21:50 
Member 1470, 193 posts
SQ 245, BP 185, DL 325
755.0 kgs @ 111.6kgs UnEq
JackRevansIcon...13-03-2014 @ 22:01 
'There was also a sausage in my mouth.'
Member 2477, 16481 posts
SQ 190, BP 130, DL 235
555.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
IainKendrickIcon...13-03-2014 @ 22:05 
some nice relaxing jazz.
Member 77, 12599 posts
SQ 265, BP 165, DL 280
710.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
Well this is odd.

Some people are strange.

I rate this effort 7 on the troll scale. To be honest he/she peaked too quick. He could have kept going for months with subtle trolling before the big push. Never mind. Next time.
FazcIcon...13-03-2014 @ 22:55 
Sports an extremely muscular arse.
Member 38, 6253 posts
IainKendrick said:Well this is odd.

Some people are strange.

I rate this effort 7 on the troll scale. To be honest he/she peaked too quick. He could have kept going for months with subtle trolling before the big push. Never mind. Next time.

Yes. I think we under appreciate the work that the Colonel does here.
ToddIcon...14-03-2014 @ 01:49 
Member 5231, 24 posts
SQ 200, BP 140, DL 202.5
542.5 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
HUGE_GUY said:
Hey prick are you still here? You tried to have a dig at my squat video for no reason other than to be a waste of space troll. You say everyone is fat, but why don't you post a picture of yourself so we can compare?
I'm cutting some fat now for a long holiday, i bet i look much better than you, i can also deadlift 100kg more than you. And you say my squats are high...i can paused atg FRONT squat 5kg more than your back squat max. I'll throw above my head my than you all day long too.
Come at me bro!
Also, if you do show a picture, i'll post one up too. Show your wife/gf (if you have one), i bet she could do with a toyboy while you're out being so 'successful'.

Gee Joey. As you suggested i took a look at your "pictures".

Now I see where your anger is coming from also.
You have an inferiority complex because you are really quite a small
person. Yes i will admit that you were lean (thats all you talked about).
"Whats my bf? Am I lean enough?" bla bla bla.

What you should be doing is eating some food and putting on some beef.

Oh well. I'm getting used to this s**t on this forum.

And now my advice to you.

Stop looking in the mirror every day and weighing yourself every time you walk into the bathroom. Concentrate on lifting heavier and eating more. You are at the right forum son. You need to get bigger.

This place is for overweight people who want to get bigger...see the problem? You need to get a lot bigger. At least to be able to critisize someone like myself.
Oh and chill on the insults mate.

Eat and lift... Todd
SimeonIcon...14-03-2014 @ 06:25 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Todd said:
Gee Joey. As you suggested i took a look at your "pictures".
Now I see where your anger is coming from also.
You have an inferiority complex because you are really quite a small
person. Yes i will admit that you were lean (thats all you talked about).
"Whats my bf? Am I lean enough?" bla bla bla.
What you should be doing is eating some food and putting on some beef.
Oh well. I'm getting used to this s**t on this forum.
And now my advice to you.
Stop looking in the mirror every day and weighing yourself every time you walk into the bathroom. Concentrate on lifting heavier and eating more. You are at the right forum son. You need to get bigger.
This place is for overweight people who want to get bigger...see the problem? You need to get a lot bigger. At least to be able to critisize someone like myself.
Oh and chill on the insults mate.
Eat and lift... Todd

Giving condescending lifting advice to someone who can front squat more than you deadlift.

PaulSavageIcon...14-03-2014 @ 06:33 
Member 2775, 6927 posts
Todd the key to trolling is to never let anyone know if your trolling or not, it doesn't work if you say your trying to wind them up (think of a wind up in person).

It also helps if your not a complete bellend.
HUGE_GUYIcon...14-03-2014 @ 06:58 
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I might destroy the planet
Member 2745, 803 posts
Post Edited: 14.03.2014 @ 10:41 AM by HUGE_GUY
Todd said:
Gee Joey. As you suggested i took a look at your "pictures".
Now I see where your anger is coming from also.
You have an inferiority complex because you are really quite a small
person. Yes i will admit that you were lean (thats all you talked about).
"Whats my bf? Am I lean enough?" bla bla bla.
What you should be doing is eating some food and putting on some beef.
Oh well. I'm getting used to this s**t on this forum.
And now my advice to you.
Stop looking in the mirror every day and weighing yourself every time you walk into the bathroom. Concentrate on lifting heavier and eating more. You are at the right forum son. You need to get bigger.
This place is for overweight people who want to get bigger...see the problem? You need to get a lot bigger. At least to be able to critisize someone like myself.
Oh and chill on the insults mate.
Eat and lift... Todd

F YOU Todd
1369philIcon...14-03-2014 @ 07:41 
doesnt work hard enough in the gym
Member 1492, 2138 posts
SQ 170, BP 145, DL 195
510.0 kgs @ 112kgs UnEq
Well - this thread got out of hand since I last checked
Wayne_CowdreyIcon...14-03-2014 @ 07:50 
Still got a little bit of strength
Member 400, 22227 posts
It's just some fake persona, and quite possibly the work of "The Colonel". Don't get so wound up.


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