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BSM 2020

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WILLSANIconBSM 202011-12-2019 @ 12:41 
Trump will get another four years
Member 126, 16708 posts
SQ 160, BP 110, DL 225
495.0 kgs @ 75kgs UnEq
Adam Bishop
Tom Stoltman
Luke Stoltman
John Pollock
Ryan England
Terry Hollands
Mark Felix
Mark Steele
Paul Smith
Aaron Page
Luke Richardson
Ben Brunning

Hixxy out.

Got to think bish and the brothers stolt will be the favourites for top three.

hopefully bish can go one better this year.

I think the events will be key as to who takes it. anyone heard what they are?
andy_shawIcon...11-12-2019 @ 14:12 
Member 3486, 246 posts
SQ 230, BP 160, DL 250
640.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
I believe its..
Log medley
320 axle dead
Fitness is going to be massive, so completely agree with your prediction mate
WILLSANIcon...11-12-2019 @ 15:21 
Trump will get another four years
Member 126, 16708 posts
SQ 160, BP 110, DL 225
495.0 kgs @ 75kgs UnEq
its gonna be super close between those three with those events.

tough one to predict!!!
slimsimIcon...11-12-2019 @ 15:31 
My asshole is not watertight.
Member 2926, 6051 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 107.5, DL 225
550.0 kgs @ 86kgs UnEq
I wonder how Terry Hollands will do with those events at his new lighter bodyweight and improved fitness? I know he's favoured multi-day comps in the past but maybe that was due to his bulk?

I do think that deadlift could do with being a bi higher as surely there's going to be some double figure reps reached? Hopefully the medley and log medley will be heavy to prevent placings being split by 1/10 of a second.
danbaseleyIcon...11-12-2019 @ 15:35 
A member for 10 years and still no mouldy peanuts
Member 1252, 4577 posts
SQ 160, BP 120, DL 215
495.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
In no particular order.....

AdamTIcon...11-12-2019 @ 15:49 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5208 posts
I think young luke will make top 5

Or at least push very close!

Got a feeling this guy might go all the way to the very top in time!
The_Lone_WolfIcon...12-12-2019 @ 09:11 
I eat a lot of meat
Member 5124, 3005 posts
SQ 245, BP 130, DL 275
650.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
On current form, hard to look past Bish and the Stolts!
matthewvcIcon...12-12-2019 @ 10:32 
Member 5704, 3351 posts
SQ 280, BP 210, DL 320
810.0 kgs @ 96.3kgs UnEq
AdamT said:I think young luke will make top 5

Or at least push very close!

Got a feeling this guy might go all the way to the very top in time!

yep, he's a very driven guy.
I remember seeing him as an 18 year old at maybe his first competition in Yorkshire
(i was there helping another lifter, think was YNEPF at 'Fight Science, Morley') take biggest lifter of the day.
You could see the potential back then.
BimIcon...12-12-2019 @ 10:45 
Member 3359, 3677 posts
SQ 250, BP 210, DL 295
755.0 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
matthewvc said:
yep, he's a very driven guy.
I remember seeing him as an 18 year old at maybe his first competition in Yorkshire
(i was there helping another lifter, think was YNEPF at 'Fight Science, Morley') take biggest lifter of the day.
You could see the potential back then.

Yeah, I did that comp. I came second to him on overall wilks, by a fair bit Grin Seem to remember he pulled an easy 300 for his last dead.
AdamTIcon...12-12-2019 @ 11:25 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5208 posts
matthewvc said:
yep, he's a very driven guy.
I remember seeing him as an 18 year old at maybe his first competition in Yorkshire
(i was there helping another lifter, think was YNEPF at 'Fight Science, Morley') take biggest lifter of the day.
You could see the potential back then.

He is definitely an immense talent

i think he will be right up there sooner, rather than later

to be fair, there are a lot of good guys in the country at the minute

tom Stoltman is a young guy as well and he has the size along with power
KevC86Icon...12-12-2019 @ 12:41 
Member 5141, 4424 posts
SQ 300, BP 180, DL 350
830.0 kgs @ 130kgs UnEq
I'm backing Bish for the win but it really is too close to call.

Luke has an immense future ahead of him and Badger is progressing at a stupid rate, though i suspect he will be aiming for a good showing at wsm rather than going all in at Brits.
danbaseleyIcon...13-12-2019 @ 23:09 
A member for 10 years and still no mouldy peanuts
Member 1252, 4577 posts
SQ 160, BP 120, DL 215
495.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
I didn't see Brunning and Richardson.


AdamTIcon...14-12-2019 @ 10:41 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5208 posts
Post Edited: 14.12.2019 @ 10:42 AM by AdamT
The amount of talent from the uk is awesome

Bishop is a great athlete and will take some stopping

Remember seeing him years ago on UK strongest junior and was absolutely blown away by his potential

He has certainly come a long way since then
JCarter123Icon...14-12-2019 @ 14:28 
Member 3757, 1746 posts
SQ 202.5, BP 110, DL 255
567.5 kgs @ 82kgs UnEq
AdamT said:The amount of talent from the uk is awesome

Bishop is a great athlete and will take some stopping

Remember seeing him years ago on UK strongest junior and was absolutely blown away by his potential

He has certainly come a long way since then

I remember that too, he came first and Chris blundell(?) came second? 440kg deadlift now. Crazy s**t.
AdamTIcon...14-12-2019 @ 14:41 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5208 posts
JCarter123 said:
I remember that too, he came first and Chris blundell(?) came second? 440kg deadlift now. Crazy s**t.

Yeah crazy!

Did your guy Chris stop strongman?

He also looked to have good potential


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