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BNSF Northern England's Strongest Man 2015 (BNSF BSM Qualifier)

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shortandmightyIcon...19-04-2015 @ 15:42 
Aiming for a 250 squat by the end of 2012
Member 1989, 3168 posts
SQ 240, BP 140, DL 270
650.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
We had 300kg yoke in the naturals final in 2012 and 320kg in last years Scottish u90, I think the weight is fine.
KillelayIcon...19-04-2015 @ 21:02 
Member 5031, 1417 posts
SQ 230, BP 140, DL 275
645.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
shortandmighty said:We had 300kg yoke in the naturals final in 2012 and 320kg in last years Scottish u90, I think the weight is fine.

I'm doing southern and may still f**k up, but I'd say 280 was a fair weight for U90s. This is Britains after all
BenvieIcon...20-04-2015 @ 14:18 
embarrasingly poor bench
Member 2684, 4043 posts
SQ 240, BP 135, DL 275
650.0 kgs @ 103kgs UnEq
Ben_F said:Competitors:
I have heard some potential competitors are being put off by the weight of the yoke... it is 20m on a perfectly flat track... what do you think Confused

u90kg: 280kg
u105kg: 320kg
Opens: 360kg

I will be doing the Scottish qualifier rather than this one so doesn't affect me but I would consider those yoke numbers pretty light for the weight categories, unless it is a horrible rickety yoke they should all be easily achievable for the respective weight categories.
vausieIcon...20-04-2015 @ 18:27 
in real life im massive like big fridge
Member 1317, 7144 posts
SQ 220, BP 147.5, DL 290
657.5 kgs @ 94kgs UnEq
The weight is fine for a yoke hell it's 300 in the u80's this year if naturals do 300 at u80 then 280+ @90+ Have no excuses Tongue get it done fattys
Ben_FIcon...21-04-2015 @ 16:00 
vegetarian with a big deadlift - who would have thought...
Member 340, 13300 posts
SQ 315, BP 190, DL 350
855.0 kgs @ 110kgs UnEq
Thanks for the feedback guys. Will leave it as it is... maybe entries will pick up nearer the time. Cool
Ben_FIcon...22-04-2015 @ 18:14 
vegetarian with a big deadlift - who would have thought...
Member 340, 13300 posts
SQ 315, BP 190, DL 350
855.0 kgs @ 110kgs UnEq


Rich Taylor
Ben McMillan
Thomas Prince
Chris Smith


Chris Fitz


Jeffrey Blakey
Ben_FIcon...06-05-2015 @ 22:03 
vegetarian with a big deadlift - who would have thought...
Member 340, 13300 posts
SQ 315, BP 190, DL 350
855.0 kgs @ 110kgs UnEq


Rich Taylor
Ben McMillan
Thomas Prince
Chris Smith
Sean Smithson


Chris Fitz


Jeffrey Blakey

Closing date fro entries: May 24th
unit94Icon...06-05-2015 @ 22:39 
what is everyone's fran time?
Member 3986, 10452 posts
SQ 340, BP 200, DL 400
940.0 kgs @ 129kgs Eq
Where the hell is everyone!
deleted2_20210523Icon...07-05-2015 @ 05:35 
Member 2606, 11453 posts
SQ 170, BP 117.5, DL 215
502.5 kgs @ 91.6kgs UnEq
shortandmightyIcon...07-05-2015 @ 14:14 
Aiming for a 250 squat by the end of 2012
Member 1989, 3168 posts
SQ 240, BP 140, DL 270
650.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Apart from the obvious of which we do not speak, what is putting people off these comps. The Welsh is on the verge of being cancelled, this has 1 105 and 1 open, the Southern isn't exactly full and I have plenty of 90's but only 5 105's and 1 open yet there are almost 20 names down for the Scottish 105's and there were 18(I think maybe more) at ssm.
shortandmightyIcon...07-05-2015 @ 14:14 
Aiming for a 250 squat by the end of 2012
Member 1989, 3168 posts
SQ 240, BP 140, DL 270
650.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 07.05.2015 @ 14:15 PM by shortandmighty
Double post
BenvieIcon...07-05-2015 @ 16:47 
embarrasingly poor bench
Member 2684, 4043 posts
SQ 240, BP 135, DL 275
650.0 kgs @ 103kgs UnEq
shortandmighty said:Apart from the obvious of which we do not speak, what is putting people off these comps. The Welsh is on the verge of being cancelled, this has 1 105 and 1 open, the Southern isn't exactly full and I have plenty of 90's but only 5 105's and 1 open yet there are almost 20 names down for the Scottish 105's and there were 18(I think maybe more) at ssm.

28 at the open weight ssm qualifier dave. It is a rather sad indictment on the sport that there is so little interest in the only tested comps available.
JohnMarsdenIcon...07-05-2015 @ 19:42 
Champion of Under The Radar 105
Member 805, 5301 posts
SQ 325, BP 202.5, DL 335
862.5 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
Post Edited: 07.05.2015 @ 19:42 PM by JohnMarsden
Will send entry fee and membership off on15th when I get paid
Ben_FIcon...18-05-2015 @ 11:28 
vegetarian with a big deadlift - who would have thought...
Member 340, 13300 posts
SQ 315, BP 190, DL 350
855.0 kgs @ 110kgs UnEq
Final week to get your entries in.
unit94Icon...18-05-2015 @ 12:48 
what is everyone's fran time?
Member 3986, 10452 posts
SQ 340, BP 200, DL 400
940.0 kgs @ 129kgs Eq
I was training with a lad yesterday that said he was doing this u105, Im guesing he'll be sending stuff in this week


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