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BDFPA approved kit list

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RicoIconBDFPA approved kit list23-04-2013 @ 11:23 
Sugdens very own David Dimbleby
Member 1403, 3716 posts
SQ 220, BP 115, DL 260
595.0 kgs @ 97kgs UnEq
I have a meet coming up and I couldn't find a definitive approved kit list as per GBPF/IPF. I have some APT convict wrist wraps that I use all the time and would like to know now if I can use them or if I need to get some different ones.

glen_danburyIcon...23-04-2013 @ 13:10 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
from the little I know there isnt an 'approved' list as long as your gear conforms to the rule book specifications.

I have used cheap generic wraps etc and just had to make sure they were suitable
jreppIcon...23-04-2013 @ 13:27 
Member 299, 579 posts
SQ 250, BP 200, DL 282.5
732.5 kgs @ 109kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 23.04.2013 @ 13:27 PM by jrepp
Rico said:I have a meet coming up and I couldn't find a definitive approved kit list as per GBPF/IPF. I have some APT convict wrist wraps that I use all the time and would like to know now if I can use them or if I need to get some different ones.


I've used the same wraps with no problem in the bdfpa
RicoIcon...23-04-2013 @ 13:38 
Sugdens very own David Dimbleby
Member 1403, 3716 posts
SQ 220, BP 115, DL 260
595.0 kgs @ 97kgs UnEq
Excellent cheers lads.
glen_danburyIcon...23-04-2013 @ 13:40 
Member 735, 1193 posts
SQ 220, BP 135, DL 235
590.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Wrists. Wraps not exceeding 1m (3ft 3.8ins) in length and 8cm (3.15ins)
in width may be worn. Alternatively, wrist 'bands' not exceeding 10cm
(3.937ins) in width may be worn. A combination of the two is forbidden.
1. If wrist bands are 'wrap around' style, they may have a thumb loop
and Velcro patch for securing them. However, the thumb loop shall
not be over the thumb during the actual lift. The Velcro may not
totally surround the wrist.
2. A wrist wrap shall not extend beyond 10cm (3.937ins) above and 2cm
(0.8ins) below the centre

to make it easier for you rather than searching
IainKendrickIcon...23-04-2013 @ 17:02 
some nice relaxing jazz.
Member 77, 12599 posts
SQ 265, BP 165, DL 280
710.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
As above there is no approved list.

Just used kit as specifyed in regs and good to go.
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