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Another knee wrap thread.

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McMuffin_GainsIconAnother knee wrap thread.11-05-2015 @ 21:04 
Help me rescue my Insulina.
Member 5366, 1090 posts
Any recommendations on knee wraps for powerlifting competition?

First comp will be affiliated to BDFPA and specs say they can be no longer than 2m in length and 8cm in width.

Knee wraps mean I have to compete in the equipped category despite the fact I wont be using bench shirt or squat/dead suits. Not too bothered anyway as last year there was only one other competitor in my weight category eq or uneq.

Looking for the wraps with the best lifting advantage although don't particularly want to be taking them on and off in between sets.
b15ape1Icon...11-05-2015 @ 21:22 
British bum sex champ
Member 450, 1768 posts
SQ 315, BP 212.5, DL 290
817.5 kgs @ 137kgs Eq
Always used Inzer wraps for both training and comps,their very good!!

But believe me if you put them on properly youll be ripping them off between sets as your legs want to expode!!

Knee sleeves may be better Wink
KevC86Icon...11-05-2015 @ 21:27 
Member 5141, 4443 posts
SQ 300, BP 180, DL 350
830.0 kgs @ 130kgs UnEq
If you plan on having knee wraps loose enough to wear between lifts then just don't bother with them and compete in the uneq.
McMuffin_GainsIcon...11-05-2015 @ 21:34 
Help me rescue my Insulina.
Member 5366, 1090 posts
KevC86 said:If you plan on having knee wraps loose enough to wear between lifts then just don't bother with them and compete in the uneq.

I have been using some old maximuscle (lol) wraps I've has for an eternity. They provide slight advantage and I can bear to keep them on between sets. They don't however comply with rules and as it happens one f**ked up today mid lift and all the velcro tore off.

If it comes to it then I'll just use my SBD sleeves for lighter training and just wrap up for heavy sets.
McMuffin_GainsIcon...11-05-2015 @ 21:38 
Help me rescue my Insulina.
Member 5366, 1090 posts
Are there any feds which allow raw with wraps? what about raw with sleeves? It's bloody confusing.
b15ape1Icon...11-05-2015 @ 21:43 
British bum sex champ
Member 450, 1768 posts
SQ 315, BP 212.5, DL 290
817.5 kgs @ 137kgs Eq
GBPF allows raw with sleeves
LewisboardIcon...11-05-2015 @ 21:50 
Member 5721, 9 posts
SQ 325, BP 170, DL 307.5
802.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
BPO allows raw with wrap, most guys including myself use Titan gold standards, stiff as though always wanting to rip them off ASAP
PaulLewandowskiIcon...12-05-2015 @ 18:08 
Lou and Andy
Member 4795, 334 posts
SQ 250, BP 155, DL 260
665.0 kgs @ 98.9kgs UnEq
Titan signature golds & the GPC
McMuffin_GainsIcon...13-05-2015 @ 20:53 
Help me rescue my Insulina.
Member 5366, 1090 posts
Thanks for replys,

Just a thought, tried on some 2m stiff knee wraps today but they did not wrap anywhere near as many times as my old ones. How is it fair that they cap the length at 2m, meaning blokes with bigger legs don't get the same number of wraps and therefore the same amount of support as someone with small legs?
JonA81Icon...13-05-2015 @ 21:04 
Member 2216, 2243 posts
McMuffin_Gains said:Thanks for replys,

Just a thought, tried on some 2m stiff knee wraps today but they did not wrap anywhere near as many times as my old ones. How is it fair that they cap the length at 2m, meaning blokes with bigger legs don't get the same number of wraps and therefore the same amount of support as someone with small legs?

Arbitrary cap imposed in the 70s to prevent rule bending. I think one GB lifter wore 18 ft wraps at one of the first world's!

GPC allow 2.5m wraps AFAIK.
McMuffin_GainsIcon...13-05-2015 @ 21:55 
Help me rescue my Insulina.
Member 5366, 1090 posts
JonA81 said:
Arbitrary cap imposed in the 70s to prevent rule bending. I think one GB lifter wore 18 ft wraps at one of the first world's!
GPC allow 2.5m wraps AFAIK.

Haha, yes that's a little excessive!

Using the 2m wraps I can only really wrap between an inch either side of my knee. Will I be losing out at all from not having the wrapping extend up onto my quads? The whole knee joint is covered and it's tight as hell, feels like my legs in a vice. Roll-Eyes
JonA81Icon...13-05-2015 @ 22:43 
Member 2216, 2243 posts
I think a wraps width above the kneecap is fine as long as there is no gapping in between. Not sure that going much further up the quad will give anything extra.
JonA81Icon...13-05-2015 @ 22:48 
Member 2216, 2243 posts
McMuffin_GainsIcon...13-05-2015 @ 22:59 
Help me rescue my Insulina.
Member 5366, 1090 posts
JonA81 said:I think a wraps width above the kneecap is fine as long as there is no gapping in between. Not sure that going much further up the quad will give anything extra.

Cheers mate, will have a play about, I think I may be able to wrap from base of knee to a wraps width above and that would leave 2 full wraps to go over the knee itself and tuck in.
Robbo91Icon...13-05-2015 @ 23:27 
Doesn't like tall people very much.
Member 5708, 391 posts
SQ 260, BP 195, DL 275
730.0 kgs @ 137.5kgs UnEq
Titan RPMs might be worth a shot, they're desgined to get as many wraps as possible for bigger legged lifters. I got a pair of metal silvers but I have the same problem as you not being able to wrap enough, I get more out of the RPMs.


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