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An old, fat fool starts a log. Hope no-one minds

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Wayne_CowdreyIcon...23-12-2024 @ 00:18 
Still got a little bit of strength
Member 400, 22367 posts
BodIcon...23-12-2024 @ 08:28 
Member 174, 1338 posts
Over the previous few days the pattern was a satisfactory four, an idiotic four and a simple green three today
Everything fell right into place with the usual openers today, which is always pleasing.

FatpeteIcon...23-12-2024 @ 09:08 
Hyper obese Pete
Member 70, 18407 posts
SQ 322.5, BP 205, DL 300
827.5 kgs @ 133kgs Eq
A brisk and happy three


Not a moments worry
FatpeteIcon...23-12-2024 @ 19:40 
Hyper obese Pete
Member 70, 18407 posts
SQ 322.5, BP 205, DL 300
827.5 kgs @ 133kgs Eq
Monday, 23rd December, start 15:00

Squat, sleeves and boots
20 x 5
20 x 5
20 x 5
50 x 5
60 x 5
70 x 5
80 x 5
90 x 5
100 x 5
100 x 5
100 x 5

The back is groaning a little and it's christmas soon, so better safe than sorry.
BodIcon...24-12-2024 @ 00:29 
Member 174, 1338 posts
Fatpete said:
Remarkable. Really remarkable.
I am now 840 behind

Thank you my fine friend and apologies for missing this initially.

A green but hideous five today. Not pleasant. I usually err towards caution but didn’t in this instance and I could have saved myself the anal castanets if I had been much smarter on the third and fourth guesses.

Wayne_CowdreyIcon...24-12-2024 @ 01:16 
Still got a little bit of strength
Member 400, 22367 posts

The run of 5s continues.
FatpeteIcon...24-12-2024 @ 09:40 
Hyper obese Pete
Member 70, 18407 posts
SQ 322.5, BP 205, DL 300
827.5 kgs @ 133kgs Eq
A rare and tortured two


Giddy at the prospect of a two I wrote down my options of potential starts and endings and suddenly, and sadly realized that there were two possibilities, each as likely as the other. I made rather a meal of that and wondered for far too long, eventually I plumped and happily plumped correctly.

I have occasionally watched "deal or no deal" and have screamed "just bloody get on with it" at the contestants as they have hummed and erred over when to chose the dog's birthday rather than their cat's weight in kilos when they actually have NO IDEA what the box contained.

And now this. Had I plumped after a second rather than dithered for a minute I would have been happier. But not much :-)
FatpeteIcon...24-12-2024 @ 09:41 
Hyper obese Pete
Member 70, 18407 posts
SQ 322.5, BP 205, DL 300
827.5 kgs @ 133kgs Eq
Bod said:
anal castanets

Splendid !
Wayne_CowdreyIcon...24-12-2024 @ 10:11 
Still got a little bit of strength
Member 400, 22367 posts
The phrase "tortured two" seems oxymoronic in Wordle Land.
FatpeteIcon...24-12-2024 @ 10:39 
Hyper obese Pete
Member 70, 18407 posts
SQ 322.5, BP 205, DL 300
827.5 kgs @ 133kgs Eq
Wayne_Cowdrey said:The phrase "tortured two" seems oxymoronic in Wordle Land.

It does, it was meant to be, because it was.

I wonder if tomorrow's word will be something festive or just another run of the mill word. I wonder if anyone will have the balls to try "holly" or somesuch as the first word. I won't. Not a chance
FatpeteIcon...24-12-2024 @ 21:26 
Hyper obese Pete
Member 70, 18407 posts
SQ 322.5, BP 205, DL 300
827.5 kgs @ 133kgs Eq
FatpeteIcon...24-12-2024 @ 21:27 
Hyper obese Pete
Member 70, 18407 posts
SQ 322.5, BP 205, DL 300
827.5 kgs @ 133kgs Eq
Bod, Bod, Bod,

Just in case you missed it, please see above for the answer to a question that you probably never even thought of asking.
Wayne_CowdreyIcon...25-12-2024 @ 07:42 
Still got a little bit of strength
Member 400, 22367 posts

Merry Christmas!
FatpeteIcon...25-12-2024 @ 08:53 
Hyper obese Pete
Member 70, 18407 posts
SQ 322.5, BP 205, DL 300
827.5 kgs @ 133kgs Eq
A methodical five


Merry Christmas everyone
Wayne_CowdreyIcon...26-12-2024 @ 00:09 
Still got a little bit of strength
Member 400, 22367 posts

I'd like to get back into 3/4 territory.

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