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An old, fat fool starts a log. Hope no-one minds

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FatpeteIcon...13-12-2024 @ 21:39 
Hyper obese Pete
Member 70, 18407 posts
SQ 322.5, BP 205, DL 300
827.5 kgs @ 133kgs Eq
Bod said:
I found this a real challenge today and thought I was stuffed at one point. Fortune certainly shone on me a bit.

Splendid, you deserve a bit of luck :-)
FatpeteIconRum goings on13-12-2024 @ 21:57 
Hyper obese Pete
Member 70, 18407 posts
SQ 322.5, BP 205, DL 300
827.5 kgs @ 133kgs Eq
Friday, 13th December, start 15:00

50 x 3
50 x 3
50 x 3
70 x 3
80 x 3
90 x 3
100 x 3*
110 x 3
120 x 3
130 x 3
140 x 3*
150 x 3*

For some weeks now, one of our younger members has become rather fascinated with the subject of male pattern baldness in general and mine in particular. He has declared his intention that should he ever be unfortunate enough to go bald he would buy and wear a syrup. He has expressed surprise that this is a road I have refused to tread.

Of course I have advised him that baldness is a blessing and not in the slightest bit unfortunate, and pointed out to him that he does not have to wait until kissed by the baldness gene to shave his head. I have also advised that syrups are only ever discussed with a jibe and a sneer.

Despite my big, fat, shiny head and my conviction of genuine sincerity he doubts me.

Today he entered the premises carrying a wig and asked me to wear it. As the opportunity to be foolish and to look a right t**t should never be passed over, I did. In the above list the asterisked sets were done with the wig and the none asterisked ones without. My "friends" assured me that :
1. It suited me
2. I look ten years younger
3. I should keep it

All the above are lies. I have eyes and there is a mirror at the club and I looked a right t**t, indeed I could say, a RIGHT t**t. Handsome Jeff has evidence, I will leave it to him whether or not he shares it, I am easy either way.

Tonight was a fun night and the deadlifts went rather well too.
WiganIcon...13-12-2024 @ 22:49 
a cynical old scrote
Member 68, 6911 posts
SQ 255, BP 132.5, DL 250
637.5 kgs @ 110kgs UnEq
No lies were told tonight.

Evidence of wig related deadlifts can be found on the club Instagram.
Wayne_CowdreyIcon...14-12-2024 @ 00:23 
Still got a little bit of strength
Member 400, 22367 posts
A yellow-less 4.
BodIcon...14-12-2024 @ 00:25 
Member 174, 1338 posts
An idiotic four.
Usual opener, an alternative second and then a third which was pure stupidity due to carelessness where I selected a word that could not be correct due to previous guesses proving otherwise. Omnishambles.

FatpeteIcon...14-12-2024 @ 08:51 
Hyper obese Pete
Member 70, 18407 posts
SQ 322.5, BP 205, DL 300
827.5 kgs @ 133kgs Eq
A relatively panic free five


The moment of truth came with the fourth guess, I assumed it would be either that or the correct solution and chose the wrong one. Had that assumption been wrong it would have been curtains. But it wasn't
FatpeteIcon...14-12-2024 @ 08:54 
Hyper obese Pete
Member 70, 18407 posts
SQ 322.5, BP 205, DL 300
827.5 kgs @ 133kgs Eq
Wigan said:No lies were told tonight.

A harsh word, but I could not think of another. I cannot hold that any of those things were true or anything like true. But there must be another, more suitable word, I shall search.
FatpeteIcon...15-12-2024 @ 08:47 
Hyper obese Pete
Member 70, 18407 posts
SQ 322.5, BP 205, DL 300
827.5 kgs @ 133kgs Eq
A slow, worrying and ultimately fortunate four


Not a great deal to go on, so pencil and paper were needed. Two likely endings and two or three possible starts to each ending. Very lucky to plump for the right one, it could have got really sticky had I plumped incorrectly.
Wayne_CowdreyIcon...15-12-2024 @ 09:07 
Still got a little bit of strength
Member 400, 22367 posts
A yellow-less 4.
Wayne_CowdreyIcon...16-12-2024 @ 00:14 
Still got a little bit of strength
Member 400, 22367 posts
BodIcon...16-12-2024 @ 00:21 
Member 174, 1338 posts
Three yesterday and five today.
Could have been a three, four or five today but after the good fortune I had earlier in the week, I can’t complain.

FatpeteIcon...16-12-2024 @ 06:38 
Hyper obese Pete
Member 70, 18407 posts
SQ 322.5, BP 205, DL 300
827.5 kgs @ 133kgs Eq
A fairly straightforward five


After the fourth there was only three options left and the factfinders had already eliminated two of those.
FatpeteIcon...16-12-2024 @ 18:54 
Hyper obese Pete
Member 70, 18407 posts
SQ 322.5, BP 205, DL 300
827.5 kgs @ 133kgs Eq
Monday, 16th December, start 13:30

Squat. sleeves and boots
20 x 5
20 x 5
20 x 5
40 x 5
50 x 5
60 x 5
70 x 5
80 x 5
90 x 5
100 x 5
110 x 5
120 x 5

Early start today as I had to schlep off to Rochdale for a new hatchback catch on the motor. Stopped for a burger at a service station on the way back and then straight to the club. Not many down tonight, the squats went well but the top set felt heavy.
Wayne_CowdreyIcon...17-12-2024 @ 01:08 
Still got a little bit of strength
Member 400, 22367 posts
FatpeteIcon...17-12-2024 @ 08:22 
Hyper obese Pete
Member 70, 18407 posts
SQ 322.5, BP 205, DL 300
827.5 kgs @ 133kgs Eq
A bothersome four


This appeared to be rather simpler than it actually was, it took rather longer than I would have imagined it would. Got there in the end though

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