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Advice on the best slingshot to buy

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GottyIconAdvice on the best slingshot to buy23-11-2014 @ 10:05 
Member 4298, 56 posts
SQ 320, BP 240, DL 302.5
862.5 kgs @ 118kgs Eq
Alright lads and lasses, I'm after some advice as to which is the best high performance slingshot to buy for me.
I am an experienced equipped lifter, 118kg bwt with a 240 equipped and 180 raw high arched bench and I'm trying to re-habilitate and protect an injured shoulder.
Which would suit best, mad dog slingshot, Titan super ram or Thor ballista?
PhillippeHalterIcon...23-11-2014 @ 10:10 
Are horror films healthy...?
Member 5449, 2203 posts
A 180kg bench press is massive!
unit94Icon...23-11-2014 @ 10:13 
what is everyone's fran time?
Member 3986, 10452 posts
SQ 340, BP 200, DL 400
940.0 kgs @ 129kgs Eq
PhillippeHalter said:A 180kg bench press is massive!

Not on here it's not lol
shanejerIcon...23-11-2014 @ 10:29 
Member 1307, 14110 posts
SQ 355, BP 240, DL 370
965.0 kgs @ 102kgs UnEq
The normal slingshot is good for rep work.

I have the black one but i use it for doubles and triples over my max. For rehab i'd suggest the red one.
PhillippeHalterIcon...23-11-2014 @ 10:31 
Are horror films healthy...?
Member 5449, 2203 posts
Are there any other uses to a slingshot?

A friend of mine uses it to cover his drains to stop large objects flowing into and blocking his pipes
milsyIcon...23-11-2014 @ 11:04 
Ne n coner a fuickex .ay ouse part we .be
Member 1425, 4647 posts
SQ 340, BP 227.5, DL 335
902.5 kgs @ 125kgs UnEq
Go with the black Maddog I had the ram for a while but didnt work as well
Funky_monkeyIcon...23-11-2014 @ 13:36 
403 forbidden message
Member 160, 5121 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 225
552.5 kgs @ 86kgs UnEq
Gotty said:Alright lads and lasses, I'm after some advice as to which is the best high performance slingshot to buy for me.
I am an experienced equipped lifter, 118kg bwt with a 240 equipped and 180 raw high arched bench and I'm trying to re-habilitate and protect an injured shoulder.
Which would suit best, mad dog slingshot, Titan super ram or Thor ballista?

Closer grip, elbows tucked. Maybe 2 board.
KevC86Icon...23-11-2014 @ 13:49 
Member 5141, 4329 posts
SQ 300, BP 180, DL 350
830.0 kgs @ 130kgs UnEq
unit94 said:
PhillippeHalter said:A 180kg bench press is massive!

Not on here it's not lol

I wish it was though! that's got to count for something.
GottyIcon...23-11-2014 @ 20:30 
Member 4298, 56 posts
SQ 320, BP 240, DL 302.5
862.5 kgs @ 118kgs Eq
Cheers fellas, so far the slingshot has it.
Shane you make a good point, it's hard to fight the urge to push for more and I really must put the rehab at the front of my mind, so go for the original. If all goes well I can always get the maddog.
BenvieIcon...23-11-2014 @ 23:23 
embarrasingly poor bench
Member 2684, 4043 posts
SQ 240, BP 135, DL 275
650.0 kgs @ 103kgs UnEq
If going for a single ply one I like the wild boar (yellow one) slightly better that the original. It has tapered arms and is slightly more springy. Not too much in it though and both are good.
GottyIcon...24-11-2014 @ 21:38 
Member 4298, 56 posts
SQ 320, BP 240, DL 302.5
862.5 kgs @ 118kgs Eq
Benvie said:If going for a single ply one I like the wild boar (yellow one) slightly better that the original. It has tapered arms and is slightly more springy. Not too much in it though and both are good.

Tapered arms, I guess that helps stop the arms from slipping down is that right?
I've seen this happen with the ram and thought that would make it less effective, is this a problem?
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