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Advice on Coan/Phillipi Deadlift routine

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PintIconAdvice on Coan/Phillipi Deadlift routine09-01-2012 @ 13:53 
Member 424, 532 posts
SQ 190, BP 145, DL 220
555.0 kgs @ 103kgs UnEq
just looking at this Coan/Phillipi Deadlift 10 week routine. For those who know it you will be aware that it starts with heavy double or single, followed by lighter triples for loads of sets then assistance work.

Questions are....
1) Does it work?
2) Should you warm up (ie do warm up sets) before the "first" set of heavy single/double
3) whats a reasonable percentage to add to a deadlift total in 10 weeks?

(I am hoping to use it to get from my current reduced deadlift total back to what I was pulling a few months ago before injury).

davycummingsIcon...09-01-2012 @ 13:57 
he's got betty davis eyes
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Post Edited: 09.01.2012 @ 13:57 PM by davycummings
1. Yes very well
2. Go through your normal warmup that you would to get to the weights in the first listed set
3. Will vary from person to person, I added 20kg with it, from 230-250 I think it was, but I felt I had a PB in me before it started. I know 2 others who have gained around 20kg as well.

How much are you lifting below the weight you want to get back to? If you have been lifting it before then getting back should be easier than getting there in the first place, so you can prob manage a bigger jump.
josh_ainsIcon...09-01-2012 @ 14:02 
Member 786, 2077 posts
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Post Edited: 11.01.2012 @ 23:06 PM by josh_ains
i also gained 15kg good form , boderline bad 20kg, but like above had a pb in me before I started the programme late april last year.

pay attention to the de-load weeks, your body will need it to peak properly.

set for 15kg as a good guidline.
chaosIcon...09-01-2012 @ 14:06 
An amazing human being
Member 2047, 17156 posts
SQ 262.5, BP 170, DL 300
732.5 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
I used it to get from 200 to 225k for a double (I might have been abel to pull more but stopped cos was having an op on my arm!).

I warmed up with a couple of sets of light deads (60k x 10) and then just went for the big pulls. For the SLDL I just gradually increased the weight each week and for the assistance I used weights that I could just about do 3 rounds with and have enough energy left to do another if I wanted.

I used the template that was posted on here somewhere - i'll try and find it
chaosIcon...09-01-2012 @ 14:09 
An amazing human being
Member 2047, 17156 posts
SQ 262.5, BP 170, DL 300
732.5 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
PintIcon...09-01-2012 @ 14:11 
Member 424, 532 posts
SQ 190, BP 145, DL 220
555.0 kgs @ 103kgs UnEq
Thanks all,
I am going to start this today and see what happens
I am going to try to get from my current 200kg to my previous pb of 220kg.
But now having read the above, I am thinking might try for a little improvement too?
this afternoons session will start off with 172.5 kg for double, then 8 sets of 3 reps at 137.5
followed by circuits

one more question - whats the difference between a "speed deadlift" and a normal deadlift (other than the speed obviously).....Confused
chaosIcon...09-01-2012 @ 14:16 
An amazing human being
Member 2047, 17156 posts
SQ 262.5, BP 170, DL 300
732.5 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
Pint said:Thanks all,

one more question - whats the difference between a "speed deadlift" and a normal deadlift (other than the speed obviously).....Confused

Getting it off the floor as fast as possible and locking hips out as quick as possible - well that's what i was told so that what I tried Grin
IainKendrickIcon...09-01-2012 @ 14:17 
some nice relaxing jazz.
Member 77, 12599 posts
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Pint said:one more question - whats the difference between a "speed deadlift" and a normal deadlift (other than the speed obviously).....Confused

There is none. It's just a deadlift done at a low % therefore you'll do the rep quickly.
PintIcon...09-01-2012 @ 14:22 
Member 424, 532 posts
SQ 190, BP 145, DL 220
555.0 kgs @ 103kgs UnEq
I get it now!! thanks!
Villa_SteIcon...09-01-2012 @ 16:30 
stingy with his letters
Member 496, 668 posts
SQ 210, BP 190, DL 230
630.0 kgs @ 111kgs UnEq
sounds interesting. sorry to be a pain in the arse but but could some1 explain how to do it in reps and sets. i always find the articles a bit confusing (dumb i know)
JCIcon...09-01-2012 @ 16:36 
technical retard
Member 172, 36827 posts
SQ 310, BP 205, DL 335
850.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
1) Does it work?

For some yes, for other no! It had positive gains for most I know who used it

2) Should you warm up (ie do warm up sets) before the "first" set of heavy single/double


3) whats a reasonable percentage to add to a deadlift total in 10 weeks?

for a 200KG puller, 5-10% would be a good goal i'd imagine
CarlIcon...09-01-2012 @ 16:40 
Loves rugby league ...
Member 13, 14460 posts
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i would go for a 10kg increase, as its better to underestimate your progression than to stretch yourself too far and not make all the prescribed reps
slimsimIcon...09-01-2012 @ 16:45 
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Post Edited: 09.01.2012 @ 16:55 PM by slimsim
Villa_Ste said:sounds interesting. sorry to be a pain in the arse but but could some1 explain how to do it in reps and sets. i always find the articles a bit confusing (dumb i know)

Hi Ste,

The following link will basically tell you exactly what % of your new 1rm weight you need to do week on week and the number of sets/reps. I always struggle trying to figure out exactly what articles mean, but this seems to lay it on a plate.

Hope it helps Happy

Duhhh: just seen Chaos had already posted the link!!Roll-Eyes
CuddlesIcon...09-01-2012 @ 16:48 
Member 2, 12511 posts
SQ 190, BP 150, DL 280
620.0 kgs @ 99kgs UnEq
I agree with the consensus here. Be consrvative and you will reap the rewards (and often gain more than you put into the spreadsheet). Be too aggressive with your aim and I doubt you will finish the routine.
RyanHIcon...09-01-2012 @ 16:54 
Big fish in a small pond
Member 1150, 2101 posts
Is the assistance what makes this routine important? and how can you have that much stuff setup and ready to go in that period of time?


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