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AMH's training log. Goal, 800+ Raw @100kg.

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IrishMarcIcon...10-09-2015 @ 21:03 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
that 270 was redic!
AMH_PowerIcon...10-09-2015 @ 21:05 
we ride at dawn
Member 4363, 1442 posts
SQ 310, BP 250, DL 320
880.0 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
IrishMarc said:that 270 was redic!

It looks easier than it felt lol, Thanks mate; just need some of your rep capability and I'm on my way!
AMH_PowerIcon...11-09-2015 @ 19:04 
we ride at dawn
Member 4363, 1442 posts
SQ 310, BP 250, DL 320
880.0 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
Today Session:

Reverse band deadlift:
320 x 2
320 x 2
320 x 2
320 x 2
320 x 2
320 x 2

Thats all. Woke up and couldn't even put my socks on due to a sciatica flare up (not even related to lifting, just happens some times). Had to use reverse bands to make the weight as light as possible off the floor. Couldn't pull 220 from the floor with a flare up, so had to compensate loading.
OxmanIcon...11-09-2015 @ 19:15 
Likes tight rubber
Member 2981, 11067 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 192.5, DL 330
765.0 kgs @ 92.9kgs UnEq
Nice mate, isn't or rather wasn't 330kg your 1rm on reverse band deads?
AMH_PowerIcon...11-09-2015 @ 19:29 
we ride at dawn
Member 4363, 1442 posts
SQ 310, BP 250, DL 320
880.0 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
Oxman said:Nice mate, isn't or rather wasn't 330kg your 1rm on reverse band deads?

It sure was! The sciatic only bites after a certain angle of lean
OxmanIcon...11-09-2015 @ 19:32 
Likes tight rubber
Member 2981, 11067 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 192.5, DL 330
765.0 kgs @ 92.9kgs UnEq
AMH_Power said:
It sure was! The sciatic only bites after a certain angle of lean

Well thats a cracking workout then, 10kg under your best for doubles with that scaitica is impressive mate! I'm going to go for 330 x 3 next week and maybe a 350 x 1.
AMH_PowerIcon...12-09-2015 @ 17:46 
we ride at dawn
Member 4363, 1442 posts
SQ 310, BP 250, DL 320
880.0 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
Oxman said:
Well thats a cracking workout then, 10kg under your best for doubles with that scaitica is impressive mate! I'm going to go for 330 x 3 next week and maybe a 350 x 1.

Nice work mate. Looking forward to seeing this
AMH_PowerIcon...14-09-2015 @ 19:13 
we ride at dawn
Member 4363, 1442 posts
SQ 310, BP 250, DL 320
880.0 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
Todays Session:

Paused bench:
3 x bar
3 x 140
3 x 180 (misload! accidental 3RM lifetime pb)
3 x 170
3 x 170

Very wide grip bench:
140 x 5
140 x 5
140 x 5

Alternate Plyo Pushups
3x10 (5 per side alternating)

Carrying some fatigue from the last phase in training; as per design. Volume takes a bit of a dip and so do generic exercises in this phase, in favor of specific exercises and exercises to improve rate of force.

This phase will see each lift trained:

1 x Classic
1 x Variant focusing mechanical weakness
1 x Component focusing on component weakness
1 x Supplementary lift, designed to increase power (Plyo's mainly).

*Not all in the same session; it's staggered with other lifts (see my spreadsheet share in training section for more info)
AMH_PowerIcon...14-09-2015 @ 19:28 
we ride at dawn
Member 4363, 1442 posts
SQ 310, BP 250, DL 320
880.0 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq

The plyos.

I never realised my glutes, spine erectors and ass crack are all one in the same.
AMH_PowerIcon...15-09-2015 @ 20:46 
we ride at dawn
Member 4363, 1442 posts
SQ 310, BP 250, DL 320
880.0 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
Todays session:

3x240 (no sleeves) pb
3x250 (sleeves) pb
3x240 (no sleeves) pb

Reverse band dead:
320x3 - pb
340x3 - pb (270 bottom, 330ish lockout)

seated row:
3x5 RPE 9


Relatviely happy, I was ill this morning, breakfast came back up so today I felt a bit lifeless and core was f**ked prior to training. However, pb'd in both main movements for 3rm (both was slow and lacking commitment). Still feeling the effects of overreach, I predict next 2 weeks feel like s**t but progressively better, and 3rd week from now I will start to exhibit great power over my current self.
AMH_PowerIcon...15-09-2015 @ 21:09 
we ride at dawn
Member 4363, 1442 posts
SQ 310, BP 250, DL 320
880.0 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
OxmanIcon...15-09-2015 @ 21:26 
Likes tight rubber
Member 2981, 11067 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 192.5, DL 330
765.0 kgs @ 92.9kgs UnEq
Pb after pb! Those reverse band deads are flying!! So impressive mate!
AMH_PowerIcon...15-09-2015 @ 21:28 
we ride at dawn
Member 4363, 1442 posts
SQ 310, BP 250, DL 320
880.0 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
Oxman said:Pb after pb! Those reverse band deads are flying!! So impressive mate!

lol thanks mate. It looked like I couldn't be arsed with squats; not true...I was sick in my mouth on the descent of rep 1!
AMH_PowerIcon...17-09-2015 @ 20:59 
we ride at dawn
Member 4363, 1442 posts
SQ 310, BP 250, DL 320
880.0 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
Todays Session:

Component Weakness - Bench (Reverse Band):

3x230 (170 bottom, 210 lockout)
3x230 (170 bottom, 210 lockout)
3x230 (170 bottom, 210 lockout)

Mechanical Weakness - Bench (Close Grip Bench):

8x120 (All RPE9)

Supplement Weakness - Bench (Wide grip pullups; addresses shoulders coming upwards/towards ears)

AMH_PowerIcon...18-09-2015 @ 20:06 
we ride at dawn
Member 4363, 1442 posts
SQ 310, BP 250, DL 320
880.0 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
Todays Session:

Classic Deadlift:
3x240; pretty horrific, fatigue.

Component Squat (Explosive, reverse band)

3x260 (220 bottom, 260 lockout...easy enough)

Box Jumps:

20 singles

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