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BoarIcon...27-02-2016 @ 17:56 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
I think almost all journals, and mabie even this site , are on their last legs sam , with the change in your training have you had any comments regarding size ?

i'll bet your shagging has improved tenfold.
dr_hazbunIcon...28-02-2016 @ 18:02 
tabbouleh and fattoush salads were very refreshing
Member 267, 8548 posts
SQ 220, BP 165, DL 250
635.0 kgs @ 90kgs Eq
Boar said:I think almost all journals, and mabie even this site , are on their last legs sam , with the change in your training have you had any comments regarding size ?

i'll bet your shagging has improved tenfold.

Everyone thinks I've been afflicted with some sort of horrible illness. I suppose I am 10 plus kgs lighter than I was which is an over 10% loss. My face and neck are noticeably thinner which is what people first notice I suppose.

Duracell bunny mate!
dr_hazbunIcon...09-05-2016 @ 22:22 
tabbouleh and fattoush salads were very refreshing
Member 267, 8548 posts
SQ 220, BP 165, DL 250
635.0 kgs @ 90kgs Eq
I've been posting here for 8 or so years now and feel I need to share the fact that I got a consultant job the other day.

I turn 36 next month and it's taken exactly half my living days in training and education to get to this point. Over the last 18 years, I've picked up 4 degrees, several postgraduate diplomas and membership of one royal college. I've had yearly appraisals for the last 12 years and trained and worked in 15 hospitals. I've packed my bags and moved 'house' 9 times.

Sugdenbarbell has certainly added some fun and entertainment to proceedings and for that, I am thankful.
CuddlesIcon...10-05-2016 @ 06:17 
Member 2, 12511 posts
SQ 190, BP 150, DL 280
620.0 kgs @ 99kgs UnEq
Congratulations mate! That's a fantastic achievement and by the sounds of it thoroughly deserved!
FatpeteIcon...10-05-2016 @ 07:09 
Hyper obese Pete
Member 70, 18407 posts
SQ 322.5, BP 205, DL 300
827.5 kgs @ 133kgs Eq
dr_hazbun said:
The main reason is that they hurt me.

The line between hurt and fun is so very fine, as anyone who has been tied to a headboard by someone young and pink and smooth and then ridden like a stolen motorbike can testify.

Glad you are no longer forcing your bodyweight up. That is never wise in my opinion.
FatpeteIcon...10-05-2016 @ 07:11 
Hyper obese Pete
Member 70, 18407 posts
SQ 322.5, BP 205, DL 300
827.5 kgs @ 133kgs Eq
dr_hazbun said:I've been posting here for 8 or so years now and feel I need to share the fact that I got a consultant job the other day.

Three cheers for the Doc !
Hip Hurrah
Hip, hip Hurrah
Hip, hip, hip Hurrah !

Well played Sir, my hat if off to you.
dr_hazbunIcon...11-05-2016 @ 08:17 
tabbouleh and fattoush salads were very refreshing
Member 267, 8548 posts
SQ 220, BP 165, DL 250
635.0 kgs @ 90kgs Eq
Thanks fellas.
Wayne_CowdreyIcon...11-05-2016 @ 09:03 
Still got a little bit of strength
Member 400, 22367 posts
Well done Doc Happy
danbaseleyIcon...11-05-2016 @ 09:10 
A member for 10 years and still no mouldy peanuts
Member 1252, 4582 posts
SQ 160, BP 120, DL 215
495.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
Well done on the job.

Is it Dr_Hazburn; or Mr_Hazburn now?
dr_hazbunIcon...11-05-2016 @ 17:03 
tabbouleh and fattoush salads were very refreshing
Member 267, 8548 posts
SQ 220, BP 165, DL 250
635.0 kgs @ 90kgs Eq
danbaseley said:Well done on the job.

Is it Dr_Hazburn; or Mr_Hazburn now?

Thanks mate.

Well, Drs can call themselves Mr or Miss when the pass their postgraduate exams (usually done 2/3 of the way through speciality training) and become inducted into one of the Royal Colleges that involve surgical specialities (Royal College of Surgeons, Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists etc etc). So, I was officially a Mr in 2012. In practice though, most people wait until they're in consultant posts before they drop the Dr title (some never do).
dr_hazbunIcon...01-06-2016 @ 17:12 
tabbouleh and fattoush salads were very refreshing
Member 267, 8548 posts
SQ 220, BP 165, DL 250
635.0 kgs @ 90kgs Eq
Post Edited: 01.06.2016 @ 17:12 PM by dr_hazbun
Been doing quite a bit of indoor training on the turbo.

Even did some tentative lifting today!

Front squat


BW quite consistently 12 stone 12
BoarIcon...01-06-2016 @ 17:19 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
do you have your turbo attached to anything ?

I am a fact and figures guy so trainerroad works wonders for me and really helps me focus and knock out some decent sessions , befor that I used a cadence sensor with my garmin and just used to try and maintain a certain speed ,all good fun !!


any news on your new garmin ?
dr_hazbunIcon...01-06-2016 @ 19:39 
tabbouleh and fattoush salads were very refreshing
Member 267, 8548 posts
SQ 220, BP 165, DL 250
635.0 kgs @ 90kgs Eq
Boar said:do you have your turbo attached to anything ?

I am a fact and figures guy so trainerroad works wonders for me and really helps me focus and knock out some decent sessions , befor that I used a cadence sensor with my garmin and just used to try and maintain a certain speed ,all good fun !!


any news on your new garmin ?

Not hooked to anything mate. I'm lazy that way but I'm sure it will enhance training massively.

I've passed the garmin details to the missus...birthday in 12 days!
FinchIcon...01-06-2016 @ 20:44 
Gonna outlive my opposition !!
Member 123, 4038 posts
SQ 202.5, BP 135.0, DL 232.5
570.0 kgs @ 117kgs UnEq
Congratulations on the job Sam, your work ethic has always impressed.

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