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cooperpj01Icon...12-04-2012 @ 22:13 
ta-ra then
Member 564, 922 posts
SQ 220, BP 175, DL 285
680.0 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq
drew said:Good luck at the worlds. I think 4'8" is been generous

Cheers pal, think I'll need it judging by the nominations!
cooperpj01Icon...14-04-2012 @ 12:32 
ta-ra then
Member 564, 922 posts
SQ 220, BP 175, DL 285
680.0 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq

60kg x 5
80kg x 5
100 kg x 5
125kg x 3
145kg x 2
165kg x 1
185kg x 1
200kg x 1

Squats went well today. 200kg was really deep and felt comfy. Will start adding bits to it now. 8 weeks till comp so good base to build on.

Last rep of each set paused.
60kg x 5
80kg x 5
100kg x 5
120kg x 3
Singles all paused
140kg x 1
150kg x 1
160kg x 1 well pleased with this. Felt good. Need to try and consolidate this now.
cooperpj01Icon...15-04-2012 @ 20:21 
ta-ra then
Member 564, 922 posts
SQ 220, BP 175, DL 285
680.0 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq

Front Squats
60kg x 5
80kg x 5
100kg x 5
120kg x 5

Tricep Extensions
50kg x 10 (x4)

Leg Press
200kg x 5
200kg x 5
200kg x 8
cooperpj01Icon...17-04-2012 @ 20:20 
ta-ra then
Member 564, 922 posts
SQ 220, BP 175, DL 285
680.0 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq

Comp in week and a half so just went up to singles. Aimed to go no higher than 260kg.
100kg x 5
140kg x 3
180kg x 2
220kg x 1
240kg x 1
260kg x 1 - Flew up & felt easier than the 240! Was tempted to stick more on but resisted and will save that for the comp.

Light Squats
60kg x 5
80kg x 5
100kg x 5
120kg x 5
140kg x 5

All paused on last rep
60kg x 5
100kg x 5
120kg x 5
140kg x 8 (no pause on last!)
vausieIcon...17-04-2012 @ 20:41 
in real life im massive like big fridge
Member 1317, 7144 posts
SQ 220, BP 147.5, DL 290
657.5 kgs @ 94kgs UnEq
great numbers mate
cooperpj01Icon...17-04-2012 @ 21:21 
ta-ra then
Member 564, 922 posts
SQ 220, BP 175, DL 285
680.0 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq
vausie said:great numbers mate

Cheers pal, It's going well at the moment. Just want to do a comp now!
vausieIcon...17-04-2012 @ 22:50 
in real life im massive like big fridge
Member 1317, 7144 posts
SQ 220, BP 147.5, DL 290
657.5 kgs @ 94kgs UnEq
cooperpj01 said:
Cheers pal, It's going well at the moment. Just want to do a comp now!

not long pal
vausieIcon...17-04-2012 @ 22:50 
in real life im massive like big fridge
Member 1317, 7144 posts
SQ 220, BP 147.5, DL 290
657.5 kgs @ 94kgs UnEq
cooperpj01 said:
Cheers pal, It's going well at the moment. Just want to do a comp now!

not long pal
cooperpj01Icon...21-04-2012 @ 18:01 
ta-ra then
Member 564, 922 posts
SQ 220, BP 175, DL 285
680.0 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq

Decided to Deadlift as well today as I'm competing next Sat and won't be able to do the usual Tuesday session.

60kg x 5
80kg x 5
100kg x 5
120kg x 3
140kg x 2
160kg x 1
180kg x 1
200kg x 1
180kg x 3
160kg x 5

Squat felt crap today. Everything felt extra heavy!

100kg x 5
140kg x 5
180kg x 5
220kg x 8

60kg x 5
80kg x 5
100kg x3
Singles all paused
120kg x 1
135kg x 1
145kg x 1
155kg x 1 felt absolutely brilliant & flew up. Decided to leave singles there as I want to go into next weekend feeling extra confident (didn't want to push my luck!). This weight has never felt that easy before.

I was so pleased with the bench that I decided to do some reps as soon as I got home from the gym.
120kg x5
140kg x 5
150kg x 4 (and a half!). Well chuffed with this. Honestly thought I'd get 5th rep out but I clipped the rack on 3rd & 4th reps. I have to go much narrower with my grip at home as the rack isn't wide enough (have to move in 2 fingers each side).

Video of 150kg set below. I cut vid abruptly during failed 5th rep as my misses was spotting me and she didn't want to be on camera LOL!
fctilidieIcon...21-04-2012 @ 18:04 
Grandad Goatse
Member 2494, 5035 posts
SQ 120, BP 110, DL 125
355.0 kgs @ 67kgs UnEq
Awesome session. Some crazy numbers every session you do.
cooperpj01Icon...21-04-2012 @ 18:06 
ta-ra then
Member 564, 922 posts
SQ 220, BP 175, DL 285
680.0 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq
fctilidie said:Awesome session. Some crazy numbers every session you do.

Cheers mate, things are going well at the moment.
GATESIcon...21-04-2012 @ 18:57 
What's your thoughts on one legged drills?
Member 1725, 4343 posts
SQ 250, BP 125, DL 272.5
647.5 kgs @ 111kgs UnEq
crazy benching as always mate
cooperpj01Icon...21-04-2012 @ 19:10 
ta-ra then
Member 564, 922 posts
SQ 220, BP 175, DL 285
680.0 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq
GATES said:crazy benching as always mate

Cheers pal. I've lost 1 & a half kg this week as well in prep for next week and bench is usually the first thing to drop so I'm really pleased. Probably best bench session I've ever had!
cooperpj01Icon...22-04-2012 @ 17:32 
ta-ra then
Member 564, 922 posts
SQ 220, BP 175, DL 285
680.0 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq

Just a few bits from today. Rest now till comp next Sat.

Tricep extensions
50kg x 10 x 4 sets

Leg Press
200kg x 8 x 4 sets
vausieIcon...22-04-2012 @ 19:08 
in real life im massive like big fridge
Member 1317, 7144 posts
SQ 220, BP 147.5, DL 290
657.5 kgs @ 94kgs UnEq
220 x 8 lol sick man

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