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600 total @ 75kg

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lrogers75Icon600 total @ 75kg01-03-2014 @ 22:30 
Chris Wong is looking strong
Member 5207, 371 posts
SQ 232.5, BP 130, DL 272.5
635.0 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq
Decided to stop lurking and join up, hoping to get more insight to other peoples training. currently competing in the BDFPA, 75kg cat. current maxes after a week of testing.

Squat 205kg
bench (paused) 125kg
deadlift 255kg
mil press 82.5kg
front squat 157.5kg

Aims set for the end of the year 220 squat 130 bench 260 deadlift. there alot closer than they were when i set the aims at the start of the year. Id also like to compete in the GBPF at some point too!!
LuuuuuukeyIcon...01-03-2014 @ 23:18 
Hill sprints are fun!
Member 731, 3253 posts
SQ 200, BP 127.5, DL 232.5
560.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Get involved in the GBPF! Would add to the already awesome standard and give me even more to aim for!!
garroldIcon...01-03-2014 @ 23:34 
Member 746, 723 posts
SQ 180, BP 120, DL 222.5
522.5 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq
Hello Luke. We lifted at the same comp a while ago. You've come on a bit since then, though! Good luck with the log. Should be an interesting read. Lots of decent lifters at your weight at the minute.
lrogers75Icon...01-03-2014 @ 23:41 
Chris Wong is looking strong
Member 5207, 371 posts
SQ 232.5, BP 130, DL 272.5
635.0 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq
garrold said:Hello Luke. We lifted at the same comp a while ago. You've come on a bit since then, though! Good luck with the log. Should be an interesting read. Lots of decent lifters at your weight at the minute.

i remember, that was my first comp, prob my favourite one too. hope your training is going well. will have to have a look through your log. you still competing in the BDFPA?
lrogers75Icon...01-03-2014 @ 23:43 
Chris Wong is looking strong
Member 5207, 371 posts
SQ 232.5, BP 130, DL 272.5
635.0 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq
Luuuuuukey said:Get involved in the GBPF! Would add to the already awesome standard and give me even more to aim for!!

I want to do the british for BDFPA first then will look to see what comes up. See if there is any qualifiers left for the classics. do you compete yourself?
garroldIcon...01-03-2014 @ 23:54 
Member 746, 723 posts
SQ 180, BP 120, DL 222.5
522.5 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq
lrogers75 said:
i remember, that was my first comp, prob my favourite one too. hope your training is going well. will have to have a look through your log. you still competing in the BDFPA?

Don't bother! My log hasn't been updated for ages. I don't lift any more (the spirit is willing, etc etc). My first comp is the one the one that sticks in my mind, too.

I've followed your progress since then, actually. You've potential to be world class, by the looks of things.
lrogers75Icon...02-03-2014 @ 00:29 
Chris Wong is looking strong
Member 5207, 371 posts
SQ 232.5, BP 130, DL 272.5
635.0 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq
garrold said:
Don't bother! My log hasn't been updated for ages. I don't lift any more (the spirit is willing, etc etc). My first comp is the one the one that sticks in my mind, too.
I've followed your progress since then, actually. You've potential to be world class, by the looks of things.

Thanks alot! long way to go like yoou said, there are alot of great 74/75kg lifters to try and emulate. sorry to hear about your lack of motivation etc
cooperpj01Icon...02-03-2014 @ 08:27 
ta-ra then
Member 564, 922 posts
SQ 220, BP 175, DL 285
680.0 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq
Hey mate, good to see another 74/75k lifter on here! Good luck with your training.
lrogers75Icon...03-03-2014 @ 18:00 
Chris Wong is looking strong
Member 5207, 371 posts
SQ 232.5, BP 130, DL 272.5
635.0 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq
cooperpj01 said:Hey mate, good to see another 74/75k lifter on here! Good luck with your training.

thanks paul. Your log has been a huge help to me, i have pretty much dropped all assistance work, feel so much better for it!

Hopefully compete against you sooner than later
SBradwell83Icon...03-03-2014 @ 18:08 
Member 3850, 516 posts
SQ 212.5, BP 157.5, DL 240
610.0 kgs @ 76kgs UnEq
Just wanna echo what Paul said good to have another 74kg guy logging on here. Good numbers buddy.
lrogers75Icon...03-03-2014 @ 18:10 
Chris Wong is looking strong
Member 5207, 371 posts
SQ 232.5, BP 130, DL 272.5
635.0 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq
SBradwell83 said:Just wanna echo what Paul said good to have another 74kg guy logging on here. Good numbers buddy.

Cheers scott. The place you train at looks a good set-up, where abouts is it?
SBradwell83Icon...03-03-2014 @ 20:56 
Member 3850, 516 posts
SQ 212.5, BP 157.5, DL 240
610.0 kgs @ 76kgs UnEq
lrogers75 said:
Cheers scott. The place you train at looks a good set-up, where abouts is it?

Train at 2 venues mate doncaster all rounders powerlifting club and doncaster dome leisure centre where I work both decent venues mate and local.
MehradIcon...03-03-2014 @ 21:29 
Member 3916, 209 posts
SQ 180, BP 95, DL 195
470.0 kgs @ 72kgs UnEq
Nice to see some more super strong 74/75 lifters! Looking forward to following your training!
lrogers75Icon...05-03-2014 @ 17:56 
Chris Wong is looking strong
Member 5207, 371 posts
SQ 232.5, BP 130, DL 272.5
635.0 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq
having a deload week, perform all exercises as a circuit, no belt etc. not really much to write about but i want to keep this thing updated...

db bench 35sx5x3
mil press

paused squat

In and out in 30 mins. Doing plenty of mobility drills as always to begin.

From monday it will be 4 weeks till the bdfpa brit champs, im going to run a high frequency prog, squatting 4 days, and will do deadlifts and defecit deads on seperate days. I have done 4 squats a week for a while now but want to deadlift on seperate days. Think it will work well across 6 days instead of 4, obviously lower volume per day.
lrogers75Icon...10-03-2014 @ 19:30 
Chris Wong is looking strong
Member 5207, 371 posts
SQ 232.5, BP 130, DL 272.5
635.0 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq
1 month out from BDFPA british championships. Starting high frequency work


Beltless squats
175x5 pb

Bench press

100x5x5 comfortable

pullups-shoulder width


Good start. Happy with squat, beltless work has come on hugely last 3 months-Just need it to crossover to my Belted squat!


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