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290kg dead lift. help needed

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stewartflett13Icon290kg dead lift. help needed22-04-2014 @ 13:36 
Member 3807, 302 posts
SQ 320, BP 160, DL 320
800.0 kgs @ 145kgs UnEq
This lift was really quite fast off the floor but when i got to just above my knee i didnt have the power in my glutes and hamstrings to finish the lift properly so i ended up hitching it. i probably should have set it down instead of hitch it really. i was thinking this through whilst watching the video and i think my problem comes from when i was dead lifting in Olympic shoes which i did for about 18 months, is it possible that deadlifting in oly shoes has caused muscular imbalance between my quads and GLutes/Hamstrings which in turn is causing this problem with locking out heavy weight like this or am i just talking complete s**t. any help would be awesome cheers Cool

hixxy1985Icon...22-04-2014 @ 14:44 
Member 994, 9594 posts
SQ 330, BP 250, DL 405
985.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
widen ur grip a ittle. U start with your arms infront of your legs they are meant to be at the side
unit94Icon...22-04-2014 @ 14:56 
what is everyone's fran time?
Member 3986, 10452 posts
SQ 340, BP 200, DL 400
940.0 kgs @ 129kgs Eq

similar problem
stewartflett13Icon...22-04-2014 @ 14:56 
Member 3807, 302 posts
SQ 320, BP 160, DL 320
800.0 kgs @ 145kgs UnEq
hixxy1985 said:widen ur grip a ittle. U start with your arms infront of your legs they are meant to be at the side

cheers Happy so would you say out to the metal rings then? i used to put them there but for some reason decided to take them in
LessThanLukeIcon...22-04-2014 @ 15:00 
his poor male ego must be crushed
Member 883, 6251 posts
SQ 290, BP 180, DL 420
890.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
The weight is just too heavy/you aren't strong enough to deadlift 290 properly yet.
ThingIcon...22-04-2014 @ 15:02 
a large fingered spastic that demolishes plant
Member 89, 31706 posts
SQ 260, BP 220, DL 290
770.0 kgs @ 142kgs UnEq
move them out a touch, GHR,s SLDL and Deficit SLDL.
if you have a revese hyper that would e a usful tool to to help strengthin the glute/hamstring area
stewartflett13Icon...22-04-2014 @ 15:12 
Member 3807, 302 posts
SQ 320, BP 160, DL 320
800.0 kgs @ 145kgs UnEq
Thing said:move them out a touch, GHR,s SLDL and Deficit SLDL.
if you have a revese hyper that would e a usful tool to to help strengthin the glute/hamstring area

yeah i was thinking i need to invest in a GHR or find some way to do them, i know a place where i can go use a reverse hyper what about barbell glute bridges?
JohnGymIcon...22-04-2014 @ 15:14 
Hamstrings feel activated.
Member 1107, 6964 posts
SQ 220, BP 152.5, DL 252.5
625.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
I think Luke nailed it.

I honestly believe you have the potential to be an absolute phenom but I fear you will be in snap city long before you get there.
stewartflett13Icon...22-04-2014 @ 15:38 
Member 3807, 302 posts
SQ 320, BP 160, DL 320
800.0 kgs @ 145kgs UnEq
JohnGym said:I think Luke nailed it.

I honestly believe you have the potential to be an absolute phenom but I fear you will be in snap city long before you get there.

the plan is now to go back work on my weak points and build up the reps on lower weights un till im hitting 280 comfortably. when i manage to bring my hamstrings, glutes and hips up in strength then that weight should go up a lot easier no more attempts at that again untill that happens
stewartflett13Icon...22-04-2014 @ 15:38 
Member 3807, 302 posts
SQ 320, BP 160, DL 320
800.0 kgs @ 145kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 22.04.2014 @ 15:42 PM by stewartflett13
mozIcon...22-04-2014 @ 17:09 
Feasting on humble pie.
Member 51, 1692 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 185, DL 272.5
685.0 kgs @ 90.4kgs UnEq
LessThanLuke said:The weight is just too heavy/you aren't strong enough to deadlift 290 properly yet.

no BS. The world needs more of you LessThanLuke. I think the dude knows that tho and is asking what will make him stronger to get the lift nice and clean?
LessThanLukeIcon...22-04-2014 @ 17:13 
his poor male ego must be crushed
Member 883, 6251 posts
SQ 290, BP 180, DL 420
890.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
moz said:
no BS. The world needs more of you LessThanLuke. I think the dude knows that tho and is asking what will make him stronger to get the lift nice and clean?

Tbat was my point. Most of the time it isn't an imbalance, you just need to get stronger all round. So yes he needs to get stronger glutes and hams, but he also needs to get stronger quads/back etc.

I could put 360 on the bar and get it to my knees then fail, it wouldn't mean I had an imbalance.
IainKendrickIcon...22-04-2014 @ 17:24 
some nice relaxing jazz.
Member 77, 12599 posts
SQ 265, BP 165, DL 280
710.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
As Luke said.

Ultimately your lockout is the weakest portion of the lift due to your tech and biomechanics. This is common with those that pull with a rounded back. You could rectify this somewhat but would need you to take a few steps back to work on tech.

The point about taking your grip out is a good one.

Just carry one trying to perfect tech and get stronger on the lift.
PaulSavageIcon...22-04-2014 @ 18:30 
Member 2775, 6927 posts
You are 17 and can deadlift near 300kg, so you will do crazy things almost no matter how you train, aslong as you don't get injured. Your doing the one thing that will for sure get you injured, why? There's less than no point in going anywhere near that weight.
walkerIcon...22-04-2014 @ 18:33 
Does not need Advice, knows everything.
Member 3505, 3510 posts
SQ 295, BP 182.5, DL 290
767.5 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
This has been covered a lot recently.

I could hitch the f**k, with straps esp, out of a lot more than I can lift clean but there is zero point and a big injury risk. You're very young, if you want to work to singles then do but just go up to what is comfortable that day.

Luke is bang on. There is no weakness to work on particularly, just the whole lift. You do seem to go for the hitch very quickly though, have patience and just keep pulling if you're going to stick at that technique. I was guilty of the same for my first year of deadlifting, I never even go to hitch now, I either grind it out or fail.

Very strong at 17, a lot more to come.


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