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Fitness Academy Novice Comp

Archived Competition - This competition has occured.
Date23/05/2015 10 AM
RegionSouth East
LocationFitness Academy Aylesbury
Submitted Byimabastard

Competition Information
2nd strongman competition at The Fitness Academy Aylesbury. Two categories Novice Under and Over 95kg.

Provisional events
Under 95Kg

1. Deadlift for reps 180kg 60secs
2. Over head medley 40kg monster dumbbell, 61kg pressing block, 70kg axle 80kg log
3. Fingals finger 3 reps fastest time 110kg
4. Farmers 15m x2 drop and turn 85kg perhand
5. Stones 90kg for reps over yoke

Over 95kg
1. Deadlift 200kg
2. Overhead 50kg dumb bell pressing block 61kg 80kg log 90kg axle
3. Hussafell stone for distance weight tbc
4. Farmers 15mx2 110kg high pick up
5. Stones 110kg

£25 to enter. Payment secures your spot . T-shirts, and medal/trophies for top3. Spectators £3

Forum Thread
None found - why not start one?

Members Who Attended
Competitors - 1MR
Spectators - None
Officials/Loaders - None
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